Eat Train Prosper
Eat Train Prosper
January 2023 Instagram Q&A | ETP#102
Today we have the first episode of our Instagram Q&A series for 2023. We cover a number of different topics ranging from low calorie sauces for dieting, to spotting poorly designed training programs, and what the best reasoning would be for a DB chest fly vs a seated machine fly. Next week we will cover Part 2!
Instagram Questions:
- What are good upper body exercises on the Smith machine?
- Are Single Leg Extensions a good option for Hypertrophy?
- Thoughts on Programming horizontal pulls before vertical pulls in a FULL UPPER DAY?
- Realizing that volume is so individual, what is a good starting point of volume for a new client? (Reps/Exercises/Frequency)
- What are pros and cons of different progression schemes for hypertrophy? How to choose the right one for you?
- When are Aaron and Jenny publishing the fitfluencers guide to surviving Bali?
- What’s your fave low cal condiment? And favorite hot sauce?
- Key points to think about when programming / Red flags when looking at someone’s program?
- Update on NYE resolution of “eating more weed”
- Is there by any good reason why to use a DB fly instead of a fly machine?
- What should we do if we experience elbow pain when pushing?
- How to fix scapular winging / uneven shoulder?
- How do you rate the straddle lift for glute training at home? Hard to load heavy, and legs look wide?
- Why do I pee fast 3-4x during training? I train for 2 hours and drink 2-3 liters during.
- Best tips to approach RIR and training coming out of a deload? Why not go to 0-1 RIR the week after deload?
- Do you prioritize seasonal foods?
- How do you approach gym anxiety (Re: leg day hours prior; worried about waiting for machines in the crowded gym?)
- How do you pump yourself up for the gym?
- Is there any merit to increasing cals for a period to raise BMR?
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IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker
what's up guys happy tuesday welcome back to another episode
[aaron_straker]:of train prosper today is our january twenty twenty three instagra q and a episode i have to start adding the years to these because this is now i think the third time we have
[aaron_straker]:done the january instagram q and a so for proper archiving purposes we to start up dating the context of our labels as always before we jump into the questions brian hit us off with some updates please
[bryan_boorstein]:man we have so many questions today that i can't even find my updates on here there we go okay so up dates yeah was vivi's birthday yesterday she turned three which is wild because she was born um i guess in an early two thousand twenty so yeah that also means it's been three years since all this covid stuff happened which is just wild to kind of sit back and reflect on but i guess all updates kind of follow a similar theme here which again kind of takes on this framework of overall health and the idea of health span over life versus just life span and so my dad has high blood pressure i do not i have pretty ignore old blood pressure like with one twenty over eighty being normal i have some days where it's lower and some days where it's a little higher but never more than you know five or six in either direction but i decided that it would be interesting just from a data standpoint to buy a blood pressure cuff off amazon and it was like thirty seven dollars and so i've been doing it now for a little over a week every morning and every night between six and seven a m and six and seven m just to kind of get a sense of where my blood pressure is and also most importantly what i'm most curious about is how it's affected both acutely and longer turn by dietary and exercise interventions and so when i started doing it i was just coming off a pretty bad weekend of eating and it was it was slightly high which i thought was interesting had a really really great week of eating last week where i had tons of five tons of fruits and vegetables not as much or very little sugar and aside from you know what's natural and fruits and then over the course of the week i watched my blood pressure decrease and at the end of the week on friday or saturday it was down at like one ten over seventy five or something like that which is which is pretty low and then i had this this weekend for vivis birthday of coming for a full circle again she wanted a vanilla cake with vanilla icing so i made a fun fatty cake at home and i hadn't had any sugar for a week anyways like i got stoned you know at a bunch the cake couple is later woke up and my blood pressure is starting to creep up again so this morning now like three days two or three days after i had the cake it was one twenty two over eighty five which is one of the higher numbers that i've seen from that thing and so i find it just really interesting you know the acute effect of these things where there wasn't really much of an acute effect at all like my blood didn't really absorb the show i seemed to have a response to that in the first six hours twelve hours twenty four hours but two or three days later it seems to be affected by it noticed a similar thing with alcohol where initially i had to drink and my blood pressure was super low afterwards and then over the next like two or three days after that it kind of started to climb again so i find that really interesting just looking at like health and life but also looking at like people that don't care about health or or health span and just kind of eat whatever don't really exercise things like that and how this stuff must accumulate accumulatively over time and just progressively get worse and worse and and and then i started thing about exercise and i haven't like acutely checked exercise i mean i know that with one of the unique things about exercises that in the moment of the exercise it makes your blood markers look awful like your blood pressure goes up to like two hundred over one twenty and like in in any capsule someone would look at exercise and be like oh my god that's awful for your health but then over the course of time it has that that reversal effect on your blood pressure which decreases it and so this then all feeds into this kind of obsession that i have now with zone to cardio and these different kind of cardiomodalities that i've talked about over the course of a number of episodes and so zone too has been something that i've been doing now like i would say a minimum of twice a week but i'm really shooting from more like three to four times a week when i can and as we've discussed you know i just kind of find it really miserable monotonous for the most part because you're not just like walking i love because i can really zone out and people that are really good at zoe two they can do the same thing they can zone out kind of like when i'm walking and just kind of ignore it and just just do it but for me being relatively fledgeling into this venture into zone to cardio they'll find dick quite cumbersome and exhausting an i feel like even though it's supposed to be in the absence of lack date meaning that you're not supposed to progressively feel more fatigue as you go through it it's supposed to be just like this steady consistent effort where it doesn't actually get worse i'm struggling with that boundary a little bit and so it does you venture up into like oh no there's some lack date coming through like this is starting to suck okay i need to dial back my effort a little bit type thing but i'm considering buying a piece of equipment that will allow me to do that at home because right now i'm paying drop in fees to go to a gym since i don't have a gym membership and it's been like zero degrees out here last couple of days um so yeah just toiling with the idea of whether i want to get like an assault bike type thing or a rower i'm kind of leaning toward a rower though it's a little less space efficient um and then also i've considered incline walking because walking doesn't get me into zone to even walking fast doesn't get me into zone tube i think an incline walk would so anyway kind of toiling with those and then the final piece of the update is that when bees program starts again on two thirteen with a new hypertrophy cycle because we're finishing of the strength cycle right now i'm going to include some general recommendations for cardio vascular fitness into my program since it's something i'm doing i think that it should be included in there and people following my program can either do it or i do it as as they probably haven't been but i'm going to include it so it will probably have three zone two sessions a week maybe two somewhere two to three zone two sessions and then probably one more like vio to max priming session which will either be like short intervals with longer rest periods or some weeks it might be what they call a vio to max output sequence basically i don't know what the ice totally batch that but basically it's it's four minutes on four minutes off four minutes on four minutes off for four to six rounds so somewhere between thirty two and four eight minutes of four minutes on four minutes off and the four minutes should be challenging for the four minute period but sustainable within each four minute period if that makes sense so anyways those are those are my updates and i will continuing up dating these same things as we go aaron it's up with you dude
[aaron_straker]:yeah yeah so i'm going to jump into mine i have been and i think we talked about this it is
[aaron_straker]:something that i have recently been definitely adding more with clients in the last like four months iss coincidentally
[aaron_straker]:or i guess i could say conversely i am opting for a lot more of like the hit style stuff just from a pure time management standpoint something that i will always try and do relate things back to practicality with with myself and like
[aaron_straker]:if i had in my program like
[aaron_straker]:three days of like forty five minutes of cardio like
[aaron_straker]:and i'm not like
[aaron_straker]:dieting or something like that i'm not going to do it i just know i wouldn't
[aaron_straker]:um but right if i have like okay we're doing
[aaron_straker]:eight rounds of hit like
[aaron_straker]:i can get to the gym i warm up and i'm in and out and like twenty twenty two minutes like that's listic and i have been i can not say i've been enjoying it at all it has been
[aaron_straker]:just got wrenching
[aaron_straker]:i feel horrendous performing it it feels so bad but i do like the challenge right then and just in pursuit of health
[aaron_straker]:like like we've talked about and i think you know we could
[aaron_straker]:shelf this conversation for another episode in enough itself but i would even feel as confident saying that in an optimal pursuit or shouldn't even call it an optimal pursuit in pursuit of pushing like the extremes the limits of like you know natural hypertrophy the amount of muscle mass that your body can carry or can hold on to i would say in those pursuits that begins to be a negative from a health standpoint the amount of food you have to push like i'm getting to that point now where i'm like it was twenty minutes before the podcast and i was like
[aaron_straker]:i need to get another meal in because i can't eat it at ten fifteen p m when we're wrapped up and like i did not want it whatsoever but it was you know three hundred grams sweep ato's hundred fifty grams of beef two hundred grams of vegetables and just like i want that i want that muscle mass i want the scale to go up and that's just like a trade off of feeding myself when i obviously do not want it
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah that's interesting
[bryan_boorstein]:i mean there's definitely a
[bryan_boorstein]:an effect of food on on long term health too i mean
[bryan_boorstein]:as we've discussed like just putting your body on your organs and your digestive track through an excess of calories over time etcetera etcetera so so yeah a hundred percent like if you're going to do cardio you have to eat more food and then there's definitely a bit of an effect there too
[aaron_straker]:definitely okay i'll keep
[aaron_straker]:it i'll keep it short here because we have a bunch of questions i have my first weekly average two hundred plus pounds in almost two years i'm very very
[aaron_straker]:happy about that we'll see how far we push it i can't remember if i talked about it last week or not but i had the number we're aiming for like basically two o four to two o eight um for a re evaluate period and see how fat i am sort of thing before
[bryan_boorstein]:uh uh yeah
[aaron_straker]:progressing and then what i'm most
[aaron_straker]:excited about this happened
[aaron_straker]:back in september when i was wrapping up my final training session here
[aaron_straker]:i hit like a like a little kind of minny milestone that i was pumped about four plates per side on the hack squat
[aaron_straker]:for a set of ten um i was really really pumped about that i been working towards it like all summer and on monday
[bryan_boorstein]:i remember yeah
[aaron_straker]:yeah on monday i was able to match that except in this training cycle hack squad is second in the rotation and i have like narly sets of like extension with like drop sets and rest pause
[aaron_straker]:sets before
[aaron_straker]:it so going into the hacksotlike my
[aaron_straker]:legs are already
[aaron_straker]:like i can feel the pump in them already and then i
[aaron_straker]:go in and i was really really pumped about that
[bryan_boorstein]:that's awesome dude that's legit i mean so how do you feel about putting the leg extension first because that's something i love as well as putting
[bryan_boorstein]:that short overload isolation movement before the head hit her length and movement
[aaron_straker]:i do like it the differences in this training program the training style is like a lot of intensity techniques so with that like i'm carrying fatigue going in you know like okay i have one top set i have a back off
[aaron_straker]:set and then i have a
[aaron_straker]:like two mio reb sequences after that like you know so three four sets four many sets i should say like taken to failure and that's okay sweet i'm done with that and now let's go hack sort of thing um the upside is i don't have to warm up nearly as hard and i do like that so i basically did like
[aaron_straker]:okay empty hack squat six reps one plate per side six raps two plates perside six raps i go to three plates per side for four raps and then i go right into my you know give it as many as i can at four plates per side sort of thing so i do like that not having to warm up as much
[bryan_boorstein]:and your knees probably feel a little bit nicer than going directly into that heavy loaded compound
[aaron_straker]:yeah yeah but one thing i would say is but before any leg day my warm up is on a bike so
[aaron_straker]:either like a you know spin bike or like the air dine and i wil go until i get at least a little bit of like lactic build up in the quads like
[aaron_straker]:i want blood flow in there good before i start um
[aaron_straker]:yeah that's it for me maybe i'll have cooler things next week but i'm really
[aaron_straker]:pumped about that hack up date
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah that's very cool very cool because i feel like that was also after you went through like a strength phase where you were doing like sets of five or six on there and then you just kept kind of upping the reps thereafter and it was like a number weeks working towards that goal of ten and then to be
[bryan_boorstein]:able to hit that
[bryan_boorstein]:now without training that machine consistently and having lascensions virst is super cool
[aaron_straker]:yeah i'm really pumped about it and see how i'll just how far i can progress it over the next over many weeks
[bryan_boorstein]:very cool um sweet well let's jump into instagram questions we have twenty nine of them
[bryan_boorstein]:and so we're going to try and get through them pretty quickly not dwell on any of them too long and then we have a few that i think should be ally really short answers so let's just jump into it the first one it looks like aaron's already prepared for so i'll kick it over to you what are good upper body exercises on the smith machine
[aaron_straker]:so i tried to keep it to ones that i actually use it like i had in here i do have one that i have like inverted rose and i mean like that's using the smith machine but you're not using the utility of the smith machine you can do that know any worry
[aaron_straker]:of a barbel but i've been over row that's probably my favorite upper body movement in smith machine i have here any degree of horizontal pressing right so flat you know press and in in press a low in client press and then to to round that out like an overhead press know like a military press style one as well the inverted rose which i which i noted the j m press which is like kind of like the the most highly regarded compound esk movement for a try cept you know using some subjective labeling there i would say that is probably best formed in a in a smith machine because of the you already established movement pathway
[aaron_straker]:movement movement
[aaron_straker]:path and
[aaron_straker]:then the last one i have is
[aaron_straker]:like a wide grip high pool so kind of like a snatch grip high pool that i will sometimes perform in this smith machine when i would do those
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah um i don't have much to add beyond what you said i do have a couple of caveats for for one this is actually a question that's come up a lot in our paragon facebook because we have a number of members that are at a planet fitness where they don't have bar bells they only have smith machines and dumb bells and so we're in a strength cycle right now and so it's not really a big d i think in hypertrophy phases for people to use a smith machine for pretty much any movement but i think in a strength phase it may be becomes a little bit more of a nuance answer here so like this is an upper body question so i'm goin i'm not going to deviate too far but like things like a dead lift that you're lifting if you're trying to do like heavy sets of one to five raps i'm not so sure i'm a huge fan of doing dead lift in the smith machine given how you're locked into that that vertical path similarly though i'm not a huge fan of it for bench presses for that same reason because the bench press is meant to have like that sort of s curve where it comes down and then comes back up again and so i'm not as huge a fan of that because it takes away that natural pressing line but i do like it as you said for like overhead presses and wide grip high poles and and things like that i think bent over rows are great as well and i think that and r d l's can be good because you do want to keep the bar a little bit more straight up and down and you can facilitate that through the hips moving horizontally and not have to worry as much about what happening with the bar in the torso so yeah i think there's some uses for it for sure i think that for hypertrophy phases it's fine i just think there's definitely some limitations when it comes to strength phases for sure
[aaron_straker]:definitely moving
[bryan_boorstein]:next question yeah go ahead
[aaron_straker]:moving on to number two are single leg extensions a good option for hypertrophy
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah so i mean like any single leg movement i think they're fine if you want to spend double the amount of time to get the same benefit then then yeah that would be the way i'd say it i mean in general i think you know if you're going to choose a single limb movement i think there should be a reas and that you're choosing the single limb movement instead of the bilateral one because it does take more time more energy even if it's not more time like if you're resting less between sets you could argue it does take more energy you have to work to failure twice to get the same benefit as working to failure once so to speak so yeah i mean they're fine it's just like why why would you choose that instead of the bilateral one like when you're doing a split squat it's obvious you're like i'm doing this specifically because a single leg movement and it provides these benefits or a one arm lap pull down it's like i'm doing that because i can adduct my arm and get more stretch in my lap i don't see similar benefits to doing a single leg leg extension
[aaron_straker]:i will just add here that there's sometimes i will rotate it in um if very
[aaron_straker]:exercise options and equipment another
[aaron_straker]:time where i have used it in
[aaron_straker]:personally this is something that i find i can get a better kind of mo contraction doing it single leg because i can line
[aaron_straker]:things up a little bit better like what one that i find is like when i'm doing a single egg i kind of really pivot myself to the side
[aaron_straker]:a little bit
[aaron_straker]:so that that leg and everything is like directly in line whereas when i have both legs in front of me like it just doesn't line up as good as i can with a single leg but i am or in actual practicality the difference is probably just now a little bit marginal but i feel like it also helps me to i'll find like one of mine kind of overpowers the other a little bit just more focus on two legs versus one
[aaron_straker]:but admitted like you said it's a lot of extra time extra effort you know going through that to failure again sort of thing but it is something that i will maybe rotating like it's per year a cycle
[aaron_straker]:of doing single like
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i did it when i was recovering from p r p because i wanted to be able to assess both legs
[bryan_boorstein]:independent of the other and so i found that super helpful then as well all right cool thoughts on programming horizontal pulls before vertical pulls in a full upper body day
[aaron_straker]:i don't see any real utility for or against here and that's just
[aaron_straker]:you know my personal standpoint
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i kind of agree i mean yeah yeah yes i think it's fine i'm not even going to expand on that ease were we have twenty nine questions
[bryan_boorstein]:to get to i think it's it's it's totally fine i see no reason for it to good or bad and
[bryan_boorstein]:i think it really just depends on on you what you want to do and i would probably recommend
[bryan_boorstein]:switching that at some point over the course of the training year
[aaron_straker]:definitely okay let's on brian we will kick over to you realizing
[aaron_straker]:that volume is so individual what is a good starting point of volume for a new client
[bryan_boorstein]:reps exercises and frequency in parenthesis um yeah this s quite a good question and so what i usually do with a new client is first ask them what has worked for them in the past and that's usually the starting point that i go with and so if this person was on a relatively moderately volume program somewhere between six and eighteen sets say i usually will say hey that seems like if that's working for you then that's probably a decent place to start i will usually veer towards the lower end of that so that we can then build two volume from there if we so desire whereas i think the opposite of accidentally starting too high and having to take volume away can have some kind of psychological defeating properties for the client um so so yeah i think starting slightly lower than what was working for them is not a bad approach but like say i had a new client come in and they were like i don't if i want to tell you what volume i was doing prior i just want to like learn your ways or something like that i would honestly probably start them somewhere between seven and ten sets per mussel group for the most part and assess from there so you know when i when i do chickens with clients we have a form with subjective feedback on it that they fill out like ten or twelve questions on it and so i'll ask them about how sore they're getting in subsequent days how long that soreness lasts how debilitating it is etcetera i will ask them about how much disruption they're feeling in their intended target muscle during the session i'll ask them how they feel post session so the idea of you know i just train legs and now i have to either walk up and down the stairs like hey how does that feel walking up and down the stairs after training legs like if it's a walk in the park then you probably need to do more or work harder so i mean through a lot of these subjects of measures you can kind of get a sense of whether the work that you're doing is is sufficient but then at the end of the day of course it's progress that trumps all and so like people have the obsession with volume but if if someone's making good progress at six sets per week i don't see a reason to have them do twelve sets per week so i think there's definitely a kind of minimum effective dose that can give you most of the benefits that the maximal effective dose can get you and so then it becomes a conversation with the client about time and commitment and you know what they really want to get out of this and like if you can get like we've reference the show in field meta from two thousand seventeen the same meta that says ten to twenty sets is the optimal amount well the group that did five to nine sets got eighty four per cent of the benefit the group that did ten to twenty sets and so now you have an opportunity cost to ask yourself like hey if i can get eighty five percent of the benefit in the short term not even to mention the long term because i very much believe that over the course of ten and twelve years training if you're doing five to eight sets or doing ten to twenty sets i think you're probably going to get to the same place at the end anyways it's just a matter of how quickly you get there so it really just becomes a question of opportunity costs but finding that optimal dose start lower give yourself room to build up build give yourself room to build effort into it and assess with subjective variables
[aaron_straker]:that is exactly what i was going to say like start
[aaron_straker]:low assess
[aaron_straker]:effort first verify that effort
[aaron_straker]:is adequate
[aaron_straker]:and assess from there and and i think every time that i've had a client who come in and they're like hey you know i like high volume or they send me what they're doing because and the only reason i know this is because i am like a recovering high volume person like i call bullshit and i'm like send me demos of like these three exercises
[aaron_straker]:because they'll say they're doing like fifteen
[aaron_straker]:sets of chest and i'm like one day and then they train chest again and another like three days and i'm like no you're sucking not
[bryan_boorstein]:h oh
[aaron_straker]:no you're fucking not and like send me
[aaron_straker]:a video and i'm like okay these are like five six r r sets you know
[aaron_straker]:so yeah start low assess effort and then go up from there sort of thing
[aaron_straker]:this next one i
[bryan_boorstein]:the next
[aaron_straker]:kick over to you this one will you ll be better suited for this one what are the pros and cons of different progression schemes for hypertrophy how to choose the right one for you
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah the first thing i think of when i hear this question is going back to the evidence baceniolism episode we did two episodes ago where i talked specifically about the individual data associated with progressing load versus progressing with reps and ultimately you know for hypertrophy they found a very slight increase in progressing with reps compared to to load for hypertrophy alternatively they found load to be better for strength no surprise there but then the within the individual data points we did see some people progress better in hypertrophy with load and other people um progress better in strength with wraps so it is very individual and i think ultimately you know finding the like there is no wrong way i guess would be the way of saying it like as long as you are trying to progress in some manner i don't real know that you can even say pros and cons like i guess the pros and cons would be associated with the type of movement you're doing and so like my argument would be maybe doing like really big compound movements for sets of fifteen plus reps is maybe not like the best use of your energy and your time um but at the same time that exact study that i referenced above found that when you or no zac josh was interpreting the study and basically came to this assumption that when you're doing a big compound movement for higher reps meaning lighter loads you can better recruit the target muscle than you can at heavier weights because there are these kind of many compensations that occur that that your body doesn't even you're not even really intending on doing so i don't really think there's anything like pro and con wrong good bad like hit on top of a rep range add weight work back up or just micro load i like i'm biased but i love creating small wins every week and aaron's kind of the opposite aron is okay just like not progressing for a number of weeks and then you know four weeks later he adds a wrap and he's like yes i added a rap so for me i'm much more like maybe it's more a d d with it or whatever but i like knowing each week that i did something to improve on the last week and so that's why for me psychologically i like either micro loading where i know that i'm adding one to two pounds a week to something just to know that i'm improving or the way that i know tend to program in general is this idea of increasing effort week to week which includes adding partials and then lengthen sets and this whole mechanism of forcing progression that may not actually be progression right so what i mean by that is if i did ten reps on a bent over row and then the next week i did ten reps plus three partials it could be argued that didn't actually progress because i still only made ten raps but i did more than i did last week and so in my mind that feels like a wind to me and so i don't think there's necessarily a wrong or a right way of going about this like my way is not better than aarons and his way is not better than my and at the end of the day you know i probably am only adding one rep every four weeks as well it's just i'm taking a slightly different route to get to my one rap than aaron is
[aaron_straker]:yeah i mean i think to try and answer the question
[aaron_straker]:a little bit the i'll speak on three really simple ones right we have a linear load right adding weight each week the of that is you get that dope amine hit of like oh wow i added five pounds over what i did last week the can is once you move out of like the intermediate early intermediate stage like that that runaway gets really fucking short really fucking fast and it also gets really frustrating really fast because you're like why can't i add you know i did three hundred and ten pounds why can't i add three fifteen and the reality is is like you started at two ninety you
[aaron_straker]:probably could have started at three o five the first two weeks weren't really progressions because you started too low and then you make out relatively quickly um the micro loading that brian mentioned i think is fantastic it's a bit of a psychological win brian please correct me if i'm wrong but isn't it something like once like with like two to three per cent of a load like we have as a human you know proprisception we have like it's imperceivable
[aaron_straker]:the difference like a hundred pounds
[bryan_boorstein]:i think it's
[aaron_straker]:versus like a hundred and two pounds or something
[bryan_boorstein]:i think it's under one percent
[aaron_straker]:okay okay so with with the micro loading like
[aaron_straker]:it may feel
[aaron_straker]:no different you know even though it's pound heavier maybe one point five pounds heavier or something like that so that one has has prose there the cans are most jims don't have you know change plates you got to carry your own around which isn't that big of a deal and then the other the last one that i would say my favorite you know method of progression is increasing reps until reaching the top end of a rep range and then increasing load so you're you know you're your progression model is both
[aaron_straker]:and then eventually
[aaron_straker]:wait that one i feel like is a little bit kind of truer in keeping earnest okay i'm trying really really hard i got seven you know next week i'm going to try really really hard if i can get eight awesome you know we're making progress it's just slower in terms of looking at things from an absolute standpoint
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah the one caveat i would say to that
[bryan_boorstein]:double progression method is i have seen with
[bryan_boorstein]:clients and with myself plenty of times where it can go weeks and weeks and weeks and me or
[bryan_boorstein]:them we just cannot add a rep like a pull up a weighted pull
[bryan_boorstein]:up is a great example of this like i can be at seventy
[bryan_boorstein]:pounds and just it's like five five five every week is five it's five it's five and i just
[bryan_boorstein]:can't get six raps at seventy pounds but if i put seventy three
[bryan_boorstein]:pounds on there i can
[bryan_boorstein]:still get five five
[bryan_boorstein]:five you know so so i think that that sometimes
[bryan_boorstein]:it's movement dependent and sometimes you need to pull the lever of load and sometimes
[bryan_boorstein]:you can pull the lever of reps but it maybe depends on the movement at some level too
[aaron_straker]:that's a very very good point that one for certain movements that are like a pull up right very short very very short overload where it's the hardest there
[aaron_straker]:with yeah very very great point
[bryan_boorstein]:all right
[bryan_boorstein]:i have two questions popping your way here when are aaron and jenny publishing the fitfluencers guide to surviving bolly yeah
[aaron_straker]:we will never
[aaron_straker]:i will say like
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah m
[aaron_straker]:i'm trying
[aaron_straker]:to think now it's coming up on four years since the first time we came here i think if i came here for the first time like now i wouldn't stay like we are um it's changed a lot for sure it's no longer a bit of like a it's a gem to me
[aaron_straker]:and jenny and a lot of us here but it's like it's no secret you know people are real locating here for sure prices are significantly higher traffic is ankers compared to what it used to be so i would still recommend it coming but i would recommend getting off the beaten path a little bit you can always pick me an instagram with with some kind of questions and stuff but i wouldn't say surviving surviving here is very easy you just have to accept that there are some things that are different from like how in build qualities and keeping animals and stuff outside of your house like there's regularly
[aaron_straker]:like ants
[aaron_straker]:around and in
[aaron_straker]:things like that and echoes on the walls and like
[aaron_straker]:just the nat or of what it is but it is a good spot i'm happy to be here for the year that we are here year at least i should say
[bryan_boorstein]:just froze on me i think you're done now yeah okay cool so yeah it sounds similar to to my experience living in coast erica back in two thousand eighteen as well okay what is your favorite low co condiment and favorite hot sauce
[aaron_straker]:yeah so i have three on the low calory condiment so like a spicy mustard which is a brand new one for me right so since aaron was like five years old up into literally like
[aaron_straker]:four months ago hated mustard
[aaron_straker]:and then i was having some chicken
[aaron_straker]:at this cafe spot and this chicken
[aaron_straker]:tasted amazing and i asked the guy i was like hey what is on this chicken and he was like mustard and my jaw hit
[aaron_straker]:the ground
[aaron_straker]:was like i haven't telling myself for life thirty years that i
[aaron_straker]:don't like mustard and apparently i like mustard so spicy mustard for sure t'sli'it's zero calories it's literally effectively zero which is pretty wild g hughes barbecue sauce g hughes is like a brand they make a lot of like low calory sugar free type stuff so the note i have here thirty grams
[aaron_straker]:of the barbecue sauce is only two grams of car very very low calory primal kitchen makes some good sauces and stuff as well my favorite
[aaron_straker]:being their spicy catch up that has zero sugar in it which is actually quite cool in that has only two grams per fifteen carps the primal
[aaron_straker]:kitchen spicy catchup will make you question why regular catchup has so much bullshit in it because it tastes
[aaron_straker]:like exactly the fucking same and it has super clean
[aaron_straker]:nice ingredients it will really
[aaron_straker]:make you kind of question things there those are definitely my my kind of top three favorites and then for hot sauce my favorite's always been cholula i do miss it when i'm outside the states and i have to settle for saracha over here which i do like i just prefer my eggs to have you know mexican hot sauce asian hot sauce
[bryan_boorstein]:i do not use low cow condiments and i also don't like spicy food
[bryan_boorstein]:so i went
[bryan_boorstein]:when i'm dieting i just don't use condiments
[bryan_boorstein]:and when i am
[bryan_boorstein]:not dieting i use honey
[bryan_boorstein]:mustard ranch and barbecue sauce with all the things in them
[bryan_boorstein]:and that is my story
[aaron_straker]:when brian's
[aaron_straker]:when brian's clients asked me
[aaron_straker]:like brian
[aaron_straker]:i'm dieting i
[aaron_straker]:just how do i deal with
[aaron_straker]:the chicken and the meat i don't like the taste
[aaron_straker]:but i just like deal with it
[bryan_boorstein]:right like you're fucking dieting
[aaron_straker]:we just
[aaron_straker]:deal up
[bryan_boorstein]:not supposed to be fun god
[aaron_straker]:cool let's kick this one over
[aaron_straker]:to you key points to think about when programming or red flags when looking at someone else's program
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah this i feel like there could be like a thousand answers to this question man there's like it's just hypertrophy is so forgiving and there's so many roads to rome that i actually find myself these days not being as judgemental of programs and kind of being a little bit more accept ting and being like hey you know a lot of different things work so like unless it's just atrocious and there's like really a number of things that stand out like man like i don't even hold such a high opinion f like these super nuance pio mechanic movements any more like if i looked at a program that didn't have any bio mechanically correct movements in them and it was just like wide grip pull downs and hack squats and like whatever like i would probably think that's fine i guess like i would definitely okay actually know this is this is i actually have a really good example here so a guy a guy sent me a clip jason kalipa's body building program that he writes for n c fit and and i looked at it and i was literally just like oh my god it was like it was all super sets and it was all like descending rep scheme type stuff would be like thirty twenty ten of gloupebridges and banded push downs that was one of the one of the sequences another one was like what was it uh like dumb bell front squats combined with ben over rose or something like that and so all of these things are either like thirty twenty ten or they're like you know as many rounds as possible in six minutes and so to me i look at something like that and i'm like okay red flag because there's no statements at all about how close we're working to failure there's no fine print about how hard you should be working on each one whether there's warm upsets included whether the thirty twenty ten is just the same weight for all sets um all of it's done for time and we know if there's one thing that is very confident in the research these days it's pretty much that longer rest periods are better than shorter rest periods for hypertrophy and so yeah i mean looking at a program like that that is so far from the principles of what make hypertrophy hypertrophy and then to call it like a body building program i mean what what i told the guys i'm like look this is this is body building for somebody that still is obsessed with cross fit this is like if you're a cross fitter and you want to say your body build like you might be interested in something like this but this is very far from an effective program for hypertrepe um so that would be like a big one for me but like as long as the program for the most part has like sufficient rest periods has somewhere between six and eighteen sets per body part per week and uses movements that aren't dynamic so you're not doing like olympic lifting and calling it a body building program or you're not making an entire program of like jump squats kettle bell swings like it's really hard for me to look at a program and say that's just like a ship program unless it's kind of those really big things that stand out to me
[aaron_straker]:yea those are good points the kind of two that that came to my mind were
[aaron_straker]:is it unrealistic right where it's like okay we're going to
[aaron_straker]:do like set of a hundred on the
[aaron_straker]:bench press and
[aaron_straker]:then we're going to super set that with trice dips and then
[aaron_straker]:some other like bench movement
[aaron_straker]:like if it requires you to hold down like five pieces
[aaron_straker]:of equipment at time which like there's no way you can unless you have an entire you know a corporate gym or are sorry not corporate
[aaron_straker]:like globo gym to yourself that's one where i'm like okay this is completely unrealistic because
[aaron_straker]:you're not goinnactually follow it right you're gonna have to make massive
[aaron_straker]:modifications the second one is if there is no good explanation of why there are certain movements in it the kind of crux of this is when you have okay we have like four sets of hack squat and then we have like four sets of the v squat and then two sets of barbel back squat we have
[aaron_straker]:three different exercises using a bilateral like squat pattern movement why
[bryan_boorstein]:right yeah
[aaron_straker]:that is one um another example would be like okay we have inclined barbell bench press and then we have like flies and then we have like incline dumbbell bench press we already did an incline bench press like why
[aaron_straker]:we have it in
[aaron_straker]:their twice sort of thing i'm talking about like in the same session um
[aaron_straker]:those are ones where your
[aaron_straker]:people are just looking at machines in the gym and stacking them into a program sort of thing so superfluous movement patterns repeated on the same day sort of thing
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i think that that goes into the idea of junk volume it's like once you've already hit a movement pattern with a decent line of press for that movement you know using the incline like there's just no reason do it with dumb bells like put that on a different day et cetera et cetera so yeah really good points there too next one is kind of a tongue and cheat question for me but up date on my new year's resolution to eat more wee and so for those that missed the new year's episode one of my things was i was going to stop smoking weed and only eat it so i'm not necessarily trying to eat more weed i'm just trying to eat we um and it's been going great it's now january thirty first and it's been thirty one days i haven't smoked weed so yeah it's been cool i think the best thing so far about it has been that it makes me have to really think about whether i want to be high or not because when i smoke it it's like less than an hour and i'm back to being normal again but when i eat it it's like got a four to six hour experience had you so do you want that and so it's been nice like i have to think about it and it also means that i'm i'm usually not going to bed super high which has been i think really nice for my sleep at least my my sleeping h r v has been improved in this last month and so i don't kno if that's because of the cardio that i'm doing like the more zone to stuff or if it potentially has to do with going to bed not high so anyway all positive so far all right next question is is there by any is is there any good reason to use a dumb bell fly instead of a fly machine
[bryan_boorstein]:and yes i think for sure they're there potentially is
[bryan_boorstein]:most fly machines or cable cross over type things are going to be overloaded short and a dumb bell fly is overloaded lengthened and so yeah i think that there is plenty of reason to use a dumb bell fly any thoughts to add to that one aron
[aaron_straker]:no i mean that is the reason personally i just don't like the dumb bell fly i just don't like the how it makes my joints shoulders kind of feel it kind of sketches me out
[aaron_straker]:that is like the objectively correct answer that you provided yeah
[bryan_boorstein]:what should we
[bryan_boorstein]:do if
[bryan_boorstein]:we experience elbow pain when pushing so this would be tennis elbow on the back side golfer's elbow would be more on the inside so that would be more of like a bicep curl pain
[bryan_boorstein]:so when pressing i think it's
[bryan_boorstein]:a tennis elbow on the outside of the elbow any thoughts on that errand have you dealt with that before
[aaron_straker]:m i have but never when it would bother me with pressing more trycepand
[aaron_straker]:by cep stuff um i mean honestly i would just one look up look up a protocol for tennis elbow right that's that's a beauty of the internet a lot of these re have
[aaron_straker]:protocols in the research behind them is literally out there on the internet i would look that up i would
[aaron_straker]:probably start working around it with pressing movements that do not bother it or maybe angles that did not bother it so probably moving away from fixed pattern things like a bar bell pressing and maybe moving
[aaron_straker]:into like cable
[aaron_straker]:pressing that sort of thing where you have a little bit more
[aaron_straker]:free ring of articulation that could reduce the umtriggering of that pain but that's where i would start
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i actually just had what one client that has been dealing with this and so i sent him a really long voice mail on what's app the other day and and basically told him the protocol that kind of worked for me when i went through that a number of years ago and the first thing to do was switch everything to cables like without a doubt switching everything to cables is something that helped and also has been just a long standing stay within my program like i pretty much try to do almost all of my pressing movements and specifically set movements with cables now but the other thing that really helped me and this is a bit fringe but back in the cross fit days we used something called voudou floss which was created by kelly stir and it's like kind of it's like a b f r band almost that you can wrap really tight as a distraction around your joint and so the protocol that we would use when we had elbow pain a cross fit was to wrap it just above the elbow and then do a series of elbowflexions so you would be kind of do some curls with it on and then you would do some like try set push up with it on and then you would kind of hang from a bar some rings and kind of like twist your torso around a little bit and then finish with some more elbowflexions all with the band on and it was awful like it would make it feel like your elbow is literally going to pop out of the joint but once you would take it off i don't know if it was just like the psychological piece of oh my god i thought my elbow was going to pop out of the joint and now it doesn't feel that way but it very much helped at least acutely in the moment to the point where i could train pain free and then you know after training would call down and the northmans would go away and stuff that it would come back again but at least it provided a distraction before training so i could get a good quality training session in and it definitely didn't feel worse afterwards
[aaron_straker]:yeah i remember that stuff man those days were
[aaron_straker]:it was insane like how much i needed to use that like there was there was period in my life where i was flossing my knees like multiple times day i haven't
[aaron_straker]:touched it i don't even i don't know if i have any i haven't probably touched on like four
[aaron_straker]:years o my nees feel great
[bryan_boorstein]:h yeah
[aaron_straker]:yeah remember the first
[bryan_boorstein]:you train
[aaron_straker]:the first time it was for one of my knees like you did it on me in the north north the cast street gym and like it was absolutely horrid it was so
[aaron_straker]:much worse than i was expecting oh
[bryan_boorstein]:uh no yeah it's it is really awful but i do think it helps so
[bryan_boorstein]:the next question is how to fix scapular
[bryan_boorstein]:winging on and shoulder and i don't even want to address this i think that this goes beyond my scope i think you need to go see a p t or something get some imaging work done i don't really have much to say on that
[aaron_straker]:the only
[aaron_straker]:thing i will say on that is when you do find out report back because i do not believe i have scapular winging but i want have one hundred one of my shoulders is uneven if you ever see a picture of me holding barbell my elbows are nowhere near in the same position so m yeah if you find out report back
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i have the same thing yeah that's one of the reasons i moved away from bar bells because every time i would do it it would be two inches off whether it's you know one side closer to my face one side further or one side down one side up it just never felt good to me after two thousand fifteen so um how do you rate the strate lift for glut training at home hard to load vee and legs look wide you have any thoughts on that
[aaron_straker]:i don't know what the strattlelift is to be completely honest
[bryan_boorstein]:okay so i don't think it's a great glut training lift in fact i generally programme it more for adductors when i program
[bryan_boorstein]:it so i'm not sure if this person is a pair on
[bryan_boorstein]:client or not but i do tend to program this movement in our dumb bell only programs and i usually tend to program
[bryan_boorstein]:in our dumb
[bryan_boorstein]:bell only programs usually in place of a glut movement so that might be where the confusion comes
[bryan_boorstein]:in but it's more because i understand that i can't just have you do single leg dum bell hip thrusts all the time because
[bryan_boorstein]:it's just not heavy enough like i can't have you do by lateral hip thrusts with dumb bell because it's just not heavy enough for eighty ninety
[bryan_boorstein]:per cent of the people um and it's very uncomfortable to also load a dumb bell on your hips and so the way i look at this lift is that you're getting some glue stimulus from doing it but i think it's more of an adductor movement pattern and ultimately it's just a way to add some additional lower body human that isn't necessarily going to be specific to your quads your hams your gluts or wherever it's more of kind of like a decently overall well rounded movement that you can do at home and get some benefit from um and so i tend to program it may be once a cycle in the dumb bell only programs at paragon
[bryan_boorstein]:but i'm definitely not doing it for gluts specifically
[aaron_straker]:for some reason i was like reading it like okay strata lift
[aaron_straker]:im and maybe it's one of those weird like dead lifts where one foot's like in front of the bar and the other foot like behind the bar
[aaron_straker]:when you when you started and i was like okay i'm a moron i know exactly what this is so
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah we call it the sumo range
[bryan_boorstein]:of motion squat
[bryan_boorstein]:in paragon
[bryan_boorstein]:which i think is may be a more common name for it
[aaron_straker]:perfect name there
[bryan_boorstein]:but other people say strata lift
[bryan_boorstein]:the next question i don't have anything that i think it was answered by himself he said why do i p three to four times during training i train for two hours and drink two to three ers and so aaron and i kind of look at each other and we're like well that's probably why you're being three or four times like
[bryan_boorstein]:two three leaders a lot of water
[aaron_straker]:especially for like a two hour period
[aaron_straker]:like i probably
[aaron_straker]:i'm probably at the gym for seventy five minutes p kind of right as i get there and then i'm kind of weird and i'll just hold it till i'm done don't ask me why i just want to be done but yeah i would say i mean to three leaders is considerable
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah yeah
[bryan_boorstein]:i agree okay next question you want to hit this one over
[aaron_straker]:best tips to approach r r in training coming out of a de load why not go to zero to one r
[aaron_straker]:r r
[aaron_straker]:the week after de load
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah so i think the answer here is that you know if you're de loading you're doing it to flush fatigue and possibly resensitize a little bit and if you are doing a load week which is way further away from failure than you essentially can get a stimulus just doing a little bit more than what you did the prior week and so um if you were to go to zero to one r i r the week after de load it's likely that you will get really really sore because you kind of had that like resensitivization week lower effort not really grinding super hard um and then even if you know you you say hey well i'm not going to get sore maybe i follow a really low volume program something like that uh my my statement would just be that you just don't need to so where are you going to go from there i think would be the next question to ask because like okay you went zero to one r r the week right after de load do you plan on just training the next six weeks at zero to one i are because i'll use an anecdote here when i was younger i didn't understand the need to ramp up effort at all and i kind of trained like that too i just basically wet to failure on everything all the time and what would happen is that i would hit a wall by week two or three of a cycle and then i would spend the next two or three weeks just beating it gainst that wall not making progress and all of the people i was reading at the time this would be like late nineties early two thousands were talking about how you want to give yourself one way to build momentum for the cycle and as you know this uh go getter eighteen to twenty one year old i just was like no i want the most stimulus as quickly as possibe all the time i don't want to play this long game and so i would do everything to failure and i would hit a wall and get stuck and progress would stop and then i would have to either switch programs which is kind of just like a heat code to think you're making progress without actually making progress so anyways i think that you know if if you want to consistently assess progress over time then giving yourself a bit of runway to build some momentum is probably a prudent move
[aaron_straker]:yeah i agree and the only thing i will add is i don't necessarily think you need to go from like the okay week one is you know five r r for three but at least i would say it to in the beginning and being honest
[bryan_boorstein]:and the way that i program it to if this person is aware as you know i i approach the short overload movements different than the lengthened ones and so i don't think it's like the worst in the world if you were to go like one to two are on a short
[bryan_boorstein]:overload movement right out of de load like the fatigue is super low et cetera i mean even if you were to go to failure on like a lateral raiser a bicep curl i don't think that that's really that big of a deal i would think it more like the length and compound movements something where you would maybe want to ramp up a little bit slower um aron do you prioritize seasonal foods
[aaron_straker]:i mean i would say probably one of my all time favorite times of the year or when those strawberries
[aaron_straker]:are just so perfectly ripe that they taste like candy prioritize
[aaron_straker]:that feeling very high in my memories and things i look forward to in the future um aside from that kind of joke not really i mean like winter squashes
[aaron_straker]:when they come around the my favorite being the delacotta
[aaron_straker]:squash in the fall time when things are
[aaron_straker]:available but with you know modern farming practices and stuff you can pretty much have things available at any point i don't overly do any prioridization
[aaron_straker]:seasonal foods
[aaron_straker]:really what about you brian
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i don't either i was actually
[bryan_boorstein]:laughing about it when i read this question because literally just yesterday right before reading this question i went to the grocery store and all that they had bags and bags of delicious looking red cherries and my first thought was what the fuck are red cherries doing in the middle of january and so of course they're from like you know south america or something like that but my household is obsessed with cherries and the kids have been begging for them since summer like every week it's like can you cherries and i'm like they're not in the season we can't get them so i got to the story yesterday and i bought three bags of red cherries and and we ate an entire bag and a half literally in one sitting between me and the two kids so so very much not seasonal but but yeah i love i love a good summer fruit for sure
[aaron_straker]:real quick before we jump
[aaron_straker]:into this next one brian how are you on time i know this one will probably
[bryan_boorstein]:i mean
[aaron_straker]:bleed over
[bryan_boorstein]:i have to leave normal by seven fifteen so we have twelve questions left it looks like um do we want to hit like a couple more and then we can finish the last ones up to start next episode
[aaron_straker]:let's do that let's see how many we can get through here i'll kick
[aaron_straker]:this this
[aaron_straker]:next one over to you how do you
[aaron_straker]:approach gym anxiety so the background being here leg day hours prior worried about waiting for machin s in the crowded gym
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah i think there's two ways you can think about anxiety here there's the anxiety of like oh my god i have this really hard leg day and i'm already thinking about how painful it's going to be to try and hit those four plates side for ten raps on the hack squad to use arens example um and then there's also the anxiety of well what if i have to wait twenty minutes for that hack squad and then i'm just like sitting there building an ty as i'm waiting for this machine or maybe the anxiety is literally just the waiting for the machine and so i think there's a few different ways to answer that based on what the actual clarification is there as far as the anxiety about having a hard set that you have to do on leg day i kind of like that there's like a sense of me that's kind of like you know that anxiety and those butterflies in there kind of get me amped up a little bit and get me excited for that experience that experience is kind of why i go to the gym is to push beyond boundaries and exceed my own expectation type thing so i think that that anxiety is kind of feeling in a way um as far as waiting for crowded machines in a gym yeah dude that sucks i mean that gives me anxiety to that's actually probably my least favorite part of going to visit san diego as we're doing for this six weeks trip coming up is knowing that i have to go to a commercial gym where i can't just go at the pace that i want to go and so the way that i usually handle this is as soon as i walk into the gym before i do anything i walked to the machine that i want and i will place my gym bag next to it and then ask the person how many sets they have left and basically claim that spot as next up so whether they have one set two sets four sets it doesn't really matter to me i'm going to set my bag down i'm going to claim i'm next and then i'm going to go and i'm gonna go to the bathroom i'm gonna go fill my water bottle up make my protein ake um up date instagram whenever warm up whatever whatever i need to do that isn't that machine that's what i'm going to do after i claim next um and so that for me at least provides me with something to do then just sit there waiting for the machine so i think that that is helpful you can always ask to work in with people depending on their strength level like it's difficult on like squad obviously if one person is doing four plates and the other person is doing one plate or something like that but there's no reason you also couldn't go and do a antagonist movement while you're waiting as well so like if you say hack squat is the thing you're doing there's no reason you couldn't go start with leg curls um because leg girls will have no negative impact on the hack squat and may in fact have a pat ositive impact you know by warming up the hamstring pushing some blood flow in there giving you something more cushiony to kind of move off of through the range of motion so i think there's a number of ways you can kind of deal with that i empathize though i'm not a really huge fan of waiting for machines either
[aaron_straker]:yeah i agree however something
[aaron_straker]:that i think
[aaron_straker]:i think this is one of the things of spending time
[aaron_straker]:outside of the united states
[aaron_straker]:like here people just work in with everyone like the say like hey how many sets do you
[aaron_straker]:have left if it's like one like you're okay cool i'll wait anything more it's like just work in like obviously like brian said if it's a hack squat or something plate loaded you're maybe a small female and the dude on it's like a three hundred pound body builder probably not going
[aaron_straker]:to be worth it but anything that's like selectorized or pin loaded where
[aaron_straker]:it's very easy to change the weight like just work in if people it's it's one of the things where i
[aaron_straker]:don't don't get me wrong i am the first person like social anxiety even in the gym which is like literally my domain i still get super
[aaron_straker]:anxiety in
[aaron_straker]:the gym but like you're literally going to stay they're like ten feet away and watch them of like a seven minute period they're going to be using the machine
[aaron_straker]:for maybe like forty five seconds and there's a
[aaron_straker]:whole ship ton of wasted time like
[aaron_straker]:people are generally pretty
[aaron_straker]:nice the people that say no you can't work in with them like they're just fucking dish bags and horrible people anyway
[aaron_straker]:so like whatever their life is going to
[aaron_straker]:turn out however it will because of them choosing to be that way but that is kind of what it is there then the last thing on the on the leg day sort of thing like i get what brian said like kind of i get anxious about it but it a good nervous anxious i just love that feeling of like i'm going to beat it what i was able to last week like i just love progress you know and i
[aaron_straker]:i want to say i love the feeling afterwards were like my heart is beating out of my chest
[aaron_straker]:and i feel like i'm gonna vomit
[aaron_straker]:and stuff but i feel so accomplished in that moment um that i love it but it only does show up for like leg day like r d l's or any kind of hip hinging heavy and like a squat pattern that's it i don't get angs i do you like i got a aareptomoy like you know dum bell chess press today like i don't give a shit really but the leg dat for sure so i do still get that every single week
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah kind of related question maybe the next one up is how do you pump yourself up for the gym
[aaron_straker]:i've never needed to the only times where i have not been excited to go to the gym in the last twenty years of my life or when my body was so broken that i didn't need to be going in the fur please are when stress is so high that i don't really need to be going in the first place and i need to remove things from my life and like chill and sleep
[aaron_straker]:a lot sort of thing
[bryan_boorstein]:yeah yeah i think when you're
[bryan_boorstein]:a regular gym goer and it's just part of your life style it's part of your habit you don't need to pump yourself up because it's just what you do it's literally like brushing your teeth or going to the bathroom in the morning or something like that related to this as well i actual i've talked about this before but i i like the approach of almost trying to remain a little bit more paris sympathetic when you go to the gym instead of trying to ump yourself up so i purposefully listen to kind of more mellow music which i still find can be invigorating and i know aron doesn't fully agree with me on this one but i do listen to more mellow music and i do try to not my self up per se like before a big set i don't sit there and like hyper ventilate and go like oh come on do is like like those those are like my things like i don't do those things i just try to stay like much more inside my head and just kind of like focus on the job that needs to be done and it's really just like hey business is usual type thing so i think that there's define merit in that approach
[aaron_straker]:i do agree with that
[aaron_straker]:to the one thing i will say is i reserve
[aaron_straker]:like the sympathetic
[aaron_straker]:and purposefully inducing the sympathetic for only lower body training
[aaron_straker]:it's like a tool it's like a kind of like a you know it's like whatever a man and game like you have your boost button if you just press the boost button every day like it doesn't fucking work anymore but when you need it on certain things like it's there
[aaron_straker]:and that's what i will do there's like certain play lists that i will only allow myself to send two on like days in those sorts of things but yeah
[aaron_straker]:i just i just enjoy it really
[aaron_straker]:um do you an me to take this next on bryan
[bryan_boorstein]:is there any merit to increasing calories for a period to raise your b m r
[aaron_straker]:i mean potentially if you have a tendencies of under consuming
[aaron_straker]:or being a little bit fearful of eating more food
[aaron_straker]:because you think you're going to get fat or something like
[aaron_straker]:that i would say there is merit into
[aaron_straker]:i would say hiring a coach
[aaron_straker]:to guide you through that to increase calories
[aaron_straker]:b m r will increase pretty much as an adaptation to the increased energy environment i don't think
[aaron_straker]:that there is going to be any kind of long standing i guess like permanent positive
[aaron_straker]:adaptations to the b m
[aaron_straker]:r like your b m r to a degree is going to be dynamic relative to the feeding environment you are
[aaron_straker]:providing it like i said if if you have been historically kind of someone that underfeeds yourself or kind of undereats especially out of concerns spending months increasing calories doing it slowly intelligently you know to to help work back some of those fears and working with someone can be very very very beneficial for just getting over those fears and you may get some positive hormonal and metabolic adaptations from a higher food environment
[bryan_boorstein]:isn't it the case like most studies show that if you are the same weight and eating the same calories that your b m r is going to be the same like if you're one eighty now
[bryan_boorstein]:and you're eating twenty five hundred calories then if you go up to two hundred and you're eating thirty five hundred calais but then you come back down to one eighty and you're eating twenty
[bryan_boorstein]:five hundred calories again your b m r is basically going to be the same at one eight as it was before
[aaron_straker]:i would imagine that the research does say that i don't can't you know necessarily think off the top of my head of reading any um that being said i do think if there a very hands on nuance to approach there might be a way to kind of wiggle outside of that a little bit but reporting that at a population level i don't
[aaron_straker]:think we'll ha be done
[bryan_boorstein]:a good point okay cool well i think we should cut it there the next question i actually it sounds simple it's when
[bryan_boorstein]:doing cardio should i do it by minutes or calories burned and so i actually want to talk about that a little bit more detail and i think that will be a good one to start next week
[aaron_straker]:let's do that so as always guys thank you for listening
[aaron_straker]:we will be back next week with park
[aaron_straker]:two with technically
[aaron_straker]:february instagram q and a
[aaron_straker]:rope it into january so
[aaron_straker]:as always thank you for listening brian and i will catch
[aaron_straker]:you next week
[bryan_boorstein]:yah h