Eat Train Prosper

April Instagram Q&A | ETP#153

Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein

Once again it is time for our (mostly) monthly Instagram Q&A episode. This week we have 25 questions that we answer. These episodes are always a favorite of ours to record so a big thank you to all the listeners who submitted questions.

0:00 - Life/Episode updates
11:27 - If moving to hypertrophy / machine focused can that negatively affect other activity areas such as hiking, biking, etc?
13:51 - With all the volume studies lately and so much per session volume, are we ready to throw junk volume out?...
17:26 - When returning to an exercise after months away, does NOT starting at the same weight/reps as prior indicate that no progress has been made?
20:18 - How long to stick with a movement? Until plateau?
23:53 - Does Creatine really show benefits maintaining LBM while cutting or is it all marketing hype?
25:04 - Are alternating limb movements underrated?...
30:04 - Can you elaborate on the Omega 3 index being tied to longevity? (Framingham Heart Study)
34:41 - Updates on your Tongkat experiment?
36:06 - As an intermediate, can you still add muscle eating at maintenance or is a bulk required at some point? ...
42:28 - Is it ok to rotate movements...
44:20 - Cardio destroys muscle?
47:04 - Tips for improvements in digestion?
48:08 - Top fallacies/lessons you learned about starting a business?
(see Episode 142 at 1:16:00 mark (question on business lessons/growth))
49:31 - If you were going to rewrite the T-nation article on strength standards for beginner to advanced...
53:10 - If you can’t secure yourself down for movements like pulldowns/rows in a home gym or DIY at a Globo gym...
54:09 - How to know when to give another macro increase in a growth phase?
55:39 - Do you think metabolic adaptation occurs faster with a larger deficit?
57:02 - At what point does all the optimization stuff get in the way of just being tough?....
1:01:39 - Daily Supplements for a natty (see Episode 148)
1:01:56 - It feels like Rhonda Patrick is gaining a lot of steam in the space. Thoughts? 
1:05:31 - Better to have a second home in San Diego or Costa Rica? 
1:07:53 - Hurt my back and could only train arms 4x/week. Now how do I train to keep the gains?
1:09:59 - Would it be ideal to train 7x a week given no recovery issues? 

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IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker