Eat Train Prosper

August Instagram Q&A | ETP#84

September 06, 2022 Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein
August Instagram Q&A | ETP#84
Eat Train Prosper
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Eat Train Prosper
August Instagram Q&A | ETP#84
Sep 06, 2022
Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein

The (mostly) monthly Instagram Q&A episode is here for August. We had a lot of fun running through these questions and were really able to provide quality contextual feedback and solutions to the following questions.

  1. Have you tried the lengthened drop sets as their own set? i.e. taking a full rest before the set? 
  2. 5 weeks post cut, 12 lbs up, but can't lose weight on lowest calories of cut. Metabolic adaptation tips? 
  3. If you could do the training career all over again, with the current knowledge, how would you do it? 
  4. You seem to always do leg extensions before compound leg movements. Isn’t this significantly limiting mechanical tension on your big compounds?
  5. Do you ever program movements that aren’t 10/10 for hypertrophy, like lateral lunges and loaded carries?
  6. Is there a correlation between a larger surplus and larger muscle gain? Similar to the larger deficit, larger fat loss?
  7. Template for weight loss/surplus phases? (i.e. 3 mth, 6 mth)
  8. Back tweak, at a conference, got covid, 3 weeks off the gym. How and what do we start with?
  9. How do you approach nutrition when the science changes?
  10. How important is food quality for health?

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media  ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

The (mostly) monthly Instagram Q&A episode is here for August. We had a lot of fun running through these questions and were really able to provide quality contextual feedback and solutions to the following questions.

  1. Have you tried the lengthened drop sets as their own set? i.e. taking a full rest before the set? 
  2. 5 weeks post cut, 12 lbs up, but can't lose weight on lowest calories of cut. Metabolic adaptation tips? 
  3. If you could do the training career all over again, with the current knowledge, how would you do it? 
  4. You seem to always do leg extensions before compound leg movements. Isn’t this significantly limiting mechanical tension on your big compounds?
  5. Do you ever program movements that aren’t 10/10 for hypertrophy, like lateral lunges and loaded carries?
  6. Is there a correlation between a larger surplus and larger muscle gain? Similar to the larger deficit, larger fat loss?
  7. Template for weight loss/surplus phases? (i.e. 3 mth, 6 mth)
  8. Back tweak, at a conference, got covid, 3 weeks off the gym. How and what do we start with?
  9. How do you approach nutrition when the science changes?
  10. How important is food quality for health?

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media  ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker


what's up guys happy tuesday welcome




back to another episode of eat train prosper today brian and myself are conducting our i don't want to all it semi monthly but i also can't say monthly




are more often than not




monthly but not quite




fully monthly instagram




q and a episode where we put up some story boxes on our




instagram stories and then followers will submit some pretty good questions and we always try taylor them towards things that we can actually provide context in nuance on that is so popular on adrian prosper that is today's episode but we have some really cool updates from brian that i'm excited to hear about because these are all news for me as well and then i honestly don't have the greatest up dates this week but i will




provide them once we get to it brian kick us off please


yeah yeah for sure we got great questions today so one of our questions was actually super specific to my training and some of the lengthened work that i've been doing so i'm actually going to save my full training update and include it in the answer to the first question um i think that will probably be the most time efficient way to do this so then i'll jump into to my next update which is something i alluded to on my story the other day or yesterday rather i guess i put up my sleep and then my my h r v reading underneath and my h r v was two forty five and i got a ton of comments from people like at least fifteen comments people being like wow that's like the highest r v reading i've ever seen like that's insane what's going on um and i i kind of hinted at there's something different my life that i'm doing different and how much this is contributing to these ridiculously high h r v readings i don't really know i'll also say as a caveat that the r v readings are not like drastically higher than they were i mean they're always high for me in the morning and that's where i'm getting these these high h v readings from so what i do is i wake up in the morning and i close my eyes and i focus my breathing and i do this one minute breathe thing that's part of the apple watch um so accuracy again is definitely in question but it's my nd of one i'm consistent i breathed the same way each time et cetera et cetera so in the past the last year is and pretty consistently between one eighty and two twenty in the mornings so looking at this two forty five number it doesn't feel like as much of an outlier as it would be if my morning readings were eighty or a hundred or or something like that um but the main thing i'm doing so so for those that don't know i turned forty last week and another thing i've been doing over the last year that you guys following the podcast are aware of is i've been focusing on nasal breathing activities i've been talking about initially like last year i talked about how i started doing walks where i was just focusing on breathing through my nose when i was walking i didn't realize that i was constantly huffing and puffing through my mouth pretty much all the time and so i started doing that a number of months ago which has been great and it got easier adaptations happened really quickly when i turned forty i actually had listened to a podcast with the guy james nester i believe his name is who wrote the book breathe and he threw out some stats that i actually haven't even looked up because i kind of don't really care like they were profound enough when i heard them from him that i was like what is the downside of actually trying to implement some of these things that he's discussing so some of the things he said was that sixty percent of p predominantly i would assume males breath through their mouth at night while they sleep and don't realize it and and i can't believe how high that number is i mean sixty percent seems like an absurdly high number but then i kind of talked to my friends within my friend group here in colorado and andtexted a few others and it seemed around sixty percent of them as far as they knew huffedan puffed through their mouth when they breathed at night their significant other would confirm it some didn't realize they were doing it then they asked their significant other so it seemed to have lined up with th what is saying um and then he stated some stats that mouth breathing specifically at night he was way more concerned with it at night than during the day because of the way that it can impact your ability to get into deep sleep and he said some stats that mouth breathing at night was linked to both mental disorders later in life as well as cardiovascular disorders so at c like it would be affecting you psychologically and physiologically over the course of time um and all related to kind of this inability to get into a deep sleep and then you guys have heard me on the podcasts talk a lot in the past about how i wake up two to three times at night every night i always go p all these things and he was like in the podcast he said one of the main signs of somebody that breathing through their mouth while they sleep is that they tend to wake up two to three times at night and think they need to go p m which of course you know spoke very very deeply to me so the solution according to m james nestor was to begin mouth taping at night and i of course had heard of this and had an inkling that i was like i said breathing through my mouth at night but never really thought much about it so on my fortieth birthday happy birthday to me i decided to start mouth taping and the first couple of nights er challenging i woke up more often than i did prior to mouth taping and um it was a little frustrating like i had some poor sleep but somehow despite waking up multiple multiple times throughout the night i was waking up actually feeling more rejuvenated because i wasn't breathing through my mouth i assume and then about day three or four after instituting this mouth taping that's when my h r v readings really started i rocketing and it wasn't just my a m reading i started noticing my readings while i was sleeping also increasing drastically so while my readings while i was sleeping would be between fifty and one ten in the past now i was seeing readings between a hundred and two hundred while i was sleeping just unconscious readings you know as i'm sleeping so so far it seems like this is an extremely positive thing for me and i've also instituted on top of my nasal walks which i've been doing my nasal breathing walks i've been doing every second or third bike ride that i do is a nasal breathing only bike ride and one thing about that that i was really impressed with is that i was actually able to sustain the high one thirties low one forties heart rate while breathing through my nose and i really didn't think that that was possible because my wall that i do my heart rate is between like ninety and one ten so when i was able to get on my bike and at first it was like you know teens and then one twenties and i was like wow i'm still like doing okay i can handle this and i pushed it and i hit a few minutes in the low one forties where i was still breathing clearly through my nose so as far as personal development goes i kind of like these little physical challenge based goals and so for me this this fits in a perfect alignment with that and is something that i'm really enjoying working towards as i enter my forties


question for you




have you and i don't have an apple watch so i don't know the how much data and metrics are available to you have you noticed anything in distribution of deep sleep light sweep sleep rem sleep et cetera with since the mouth taping over like the last




five or six days or so


yeah so the apple watch doesn't go that deep i think that if i wanted that information i would need to get like a or ring or something like that so all i'm getting from the apple watch is how much actual sleep i'm getting compared to how much time i'm getting in bed so you get that ratio of bed time to sleep time and then i also get a reading kind of a graph of when i wake up in the night so each time i wake up there's like a little line that kind of separates my my sleep pattern and if i actually am awake for more than i don't know how long it is but then that line becomes like a up and you really really don't want the gaps because every time i would you know be up for twenty minutes tossing and turning because i'm hot in the past that would be a gap and and i haven't really had too many of those gaps which is good i'm still waking up i'm now only ten days or eleven days into this thing so i don't have a ton of data yet but but it does seem to be true ending in the in the right direction


very cool i may try that tonight my sleep has been quite poor the past like two weeks or so however i do think a large part of that is capen mediated and then i've




caught myself in a bit of a vicious cycle like for nights of sleep we've had some late podcasts and then i have like early mentor hall on wednesday sort of thing so a little bit of bit of circumstance but to the point now where like last night was probably like the culmination last night was by far the worst night of sleep i've had in recent memory




so bad that i woke up was like up and like you know what it's probably like four thirty five in the morning it's still dark out i'm just going to get up and start my day but it was like two fifteen a m


oh no


and one of my rules is like i never




look at my watch you know or the clock if i'm like up in the middle it because i don't want to know but that's why i was like i'm up like i've been trying to sleep it's not working i'm just going to get up and start in my day and it was like two fifteen and i was like well fuck


no that's the




worst that is the abvosely where ave totally been there




um well if you decide to mouth tape the it's it's a micro poor tape because you want it to be breathable you don't want it to be like a duck tape type thing where it's literally like closing off your entire mouth the general rule of thumb is that by going like with your mouth you should be able to kind of break the tape off if you need to um so so that's for me that was one of the main reasons i delayed starting it and fortieth birthday worked so fortuitously because i ordered this you know like a week prior four days prior whatever and then amazon got it to me so i don't know you can get it at like a c v




s or a wall greens or i don't know hat they have in bolli but but you probably don't want to go with like a tape




or some sort of like hostage situation tape you know


yeah it might be one of those things i start when we returned to the states in a couple of weeks


yeah yeah um cool and then i have one more actually have a




few updates but another just quick one is i did my r m r reading which you and i kind of discussed off line a little bit or online i guess um but my r m r is resting metabolic rate which i always thou it was a synonym for b m r basil metabolic rate but i'm potentially thinking it's not at this point that so b m r would be like if you're basically just in your bed sleeping for twenty four hours an arm it would be if you are resting but not active for twenty four hours so you like being the fact that you're sitting is is more colorically expensive than if you're lying type thing so i believe what i did was a r m r test because i'm sitting there i'm awake i was four hours into my day um they did q us to you know no stress leading up to it no activity for twenty four hours i are things like that but i was still despite all of that quite surprised that my r m r number came back at twenty four thirty four um m but then kind of working backwards on the calculations it didn't really surprise me because based on my projected neat and daily activity i think that my maintenance is in the low three thousands and so that would that would kind of calculate correctly with that but that was far that was cool and a unique experience i guess i just i'd be curious to see how far it drops when i'm dieting because this was in a fed state like i walked in there you know my body weights in the low one nineties have been out of my deficit two months now but i'm sure one of the points i made on my story was that that's crazy my mar is twenty four hundred because when i'm dieting there are periods of time where i'm eating twenty four hundred calories or less on top of fifteen thousand steps and five days a week weight lifting and i'm still not losing weight so that is wild to me how much that must drop when you're when you're in a caloric deficit


i wouldn't put too much true weight into an r r reading i




think the margin of air is large there




potentially um so i would say like




if it's what i would kind of use it as is like are you above or at what would be expected of you great um if you're considerably under have you been part of have you been facilitating an environment that would be conducive to that have you been underfeeding yourself for a long period of time those sorts of things m yeah i wouldn't put too too much weight into those sorts of things for you know the listeners out there


yep um cool and then my last update real quick is just that actually man i can't even talk about one thing because this episode is going to come out on the sixth right


let's check


yeah yeah


what's what's


it's going




to come out




on the
















actually one thing there's one thing i can't talk about yet but the other thing i can talk about




is that paragon is going to be starting eight team weeks specialization on nine twelve so that's going to consist of frforour physique programs that's going to consist of six weeks with a focus on gluts and back six weeks where the focus is on quads and shoulders and then six weeks where the focus is on ham strings and arms and so we decided to run these cycles like this because over the course of eighteen weeks you're going to get a period of time where you're specializing on each muscle group we know maintenance volume is extremely low so once you've spent six weeks building and focusing prioritizing one area you can then drop that area back down in volume prioritize a different area and continue ing for from there it's definitely possible and the feedback i've gotten from some people that i've talked to this about is you know how are you going to build anything in six weeks like most specialization cycles are kind of long term focuses where you're ending nine months working on a muscle group kind of like i did for my hamstrings um but you know at the end of the day this is a um there's an enjoyment driven factor of training to and the fact that over the course of eighteen weeks each muscle group is going to get a priority period it really is just a different way of training eighteen weeks of straight hypertrophy where everything might be equal you're just of going to screw some of that volume and intensity in one direction for six weeks before it switches back to another six weeks and i think this is going to be a super fun way to train in the first time we've really done any like this okay


yeah it's very cool i think one thing that that you brought up what's really good is like




the enjoyment factor specifically




within like how paragon a business is structured in the in the kind of what's the word i'm looking for subscription model s basicalwhat i'm




looking at like you have to give people training that they enjoy and look forward to in sort of thing instead of being like hey everyone guess what nine months ham strings or everything




else on maintenance for him right like if you did




something like that i would imagine there would be a consider we'll drop




off in subscriptions um so there is a part of like you have to understand your customer basin and keep them engaged in stuff as well and i think you guys definitely do a very good job of






bob we're just trying to walk that line between optimality and enjoyment so




very cool yeah what is going on in the world of erin


oh so i mean the thing that we realize today was




three weeks left in bali




i have here in my notes parentheses faketer because we are




only going to be back in the united states for about two months before coming right back




um so at that point it's kind




of fun




because there's like a list of things we need to do when we're back in the states a little bit of travel i'll get to see my family haven't seen my family in a couple of years um so that will be fun so trying to cram some things in at the end always things you know time comes




up moves really quickly but things will be very




fun and hectic there sure and




then we just wrapped up a couple of days on a nearby island where i




decided i'm not tracking any of my food right i kind of have known this from enough times doing this i'm going to come up short on food it is what it is when i'm with other people eating a traditional breakfast lunch dinner structure the day that i did work out i had like a quick kind of post work out thing but i came back two and a half pounds down which i expected and i've really just it's always a fun and high light to the power of perdization and that the habits of tracking your food provides in like when you know




what you're looking for when you have like a basic meal composition structure a feeding framework go under the days of like going on vacation being like i'm back come back up twelve pounds like what happened you know what when








when those things sort of happened so




it's always just fun to see those things kind of work out grant it's not what i was really looking for because when i came back i was in the one eighties and i was like i




just not like seeing that i just picked up calories this week anyway now that i'm back and dropping my volume of training moving into training to two working sets for most of my lifts and really going at beating the log book and really really pushing those two sets i started that last week with some i was kind of like a little bit of in between stage testing some things and this week is like the first week i'm really committing to it and i buried myself my first lower body




session i was so nauseous




and like i got after my last set of the haka i've had full blown fran lung like








that feeling comes back and i'm like why it's not even like it's not cold




out whatsoever in i was just i was




like in a world of just just feeling sick literally feeling noxious and stuffing like i literally have to go push like bent knee um dum bell red ls now




to like very close proximity and failure fortunately what going to do with those is i'm just going to keep them in well i'll basically run out of time here there's only two more dumb bell weights that i can progress through and then i topped it out so then i'll change it back to like a bar beller something


how heavy do they go


well i did the fifty five i think they go to sixty kilos which is like one


one thirty two


one thirty




two okay






this decision to drop to two working sets and work harder collaborative with alex or


so a little bit so i wrapped up with alex the week before last i think and he gave me a little bit of like




kind of future casting of like hey this is what i would recommend moving things into a little bit and i'm reducing i'm reducing my targets because kind of what we were doing before we're like sets of twelve and sets of ten so now i'm kind of going to use like fewer sets increased proximity to failure that like seven to nine ten rep range and really




really pushing that one thing i'm really really pumped about is i finally hit um ten reps on a hundred and seventy kilos on the hack squat and when we had the first block i did with alex was our nero phase that was




my top set for five reps when we first




were there so i've doubled reps at that weight and then the last sorry i shouldn't say my top set my for i can't remember but all i know is like after that entire six weeks nurowblock i got hundred and eighty kilos on the hack squat for five rebs was the most and that that was like a grindyfive um and i did one seventy for ten today and that was




like a one i are so i'm hoping by the time i have like basically three more weeks here i want to have one eighty at like eight to nine reps




which is like




very sick progress






dude that's very cool




love that um and i also just wanted to point out how you had those three days of zero tract is that the first time you've done that




in how long do you think


yeah the first time this year


okay okay




for some reason i figured you were like log it every day make sure it's tracked like i have like a ten year streak thing going or something along those lines


no i like when i have a coach right when i'm paying someone for coaching it will because i'm like i don't want to submit chitty chickens you know and




if i'm like hey i don't you know i can give you subjective feedback stuff which is obviously has its place in in coaching i'm just much




more firm in kind of where i will stand when i have like there's someone else on my team in pursuit of my goals let's put it that




way and i knew like i'm not going to be training that much i might get my one training day in um i can't real fall too far from that when i follow my feeding framework basically


well it's just so interesting how how you're like yeah i knew




i'd come back down you know wait because you're going to undereat if you don't if you don't track and i just think that that's that economy is so funny and how dependent that is on personality type and um because because i know me and the majority of people i know are going to come back heavier when when they're not tracking




so it's it's like you said a great




test it kind of your habits and and just the way that you live




that that they would be the opposite you know








cool anything else before we jump




in here


i don't think so let's dive in


all right cool so like i said in the beginning the first question is such that i'm going to answer it and also give my training up date here so the question is have you tried length and drops it as their own set i e taking a full rest before doing the set um and when would you use that method instead of a reverse drop set and so the quick answer to this question which i'll then expand on but the quick answer is that i tend to use the length in sets yes as this guy said with full rest but i do this as a progression throughout the course of a mesocycle so about a week ago i put a post on my main feed that was like progression model for hypertrophy or my preferred progression model for hypertrophy something like that and one of the ways i listed was you know as you're going through and attacking these short overload movements that you know week one might be one to two r i r then you're one or zero are then week three or four you start kind of moving into what would be partials so you would go to failure on a on a movement and then do some length and partials and then a progression from there would be the reverse drop set so that would be the example of you now maybe now we're in week five of the mesocycle and we've already done to failure we've already done partials and now we're into reverse drop sets so that would be taking a set to relatively close to failure resting ten or fifteen seconds adding twenty per cent weight and then doing partials with a heavier weight so this guy is saying would you would you then do those heavier partials but not as like a ten to fifteen second rest and directly into it but maybe you would take like a full two to three minute rest and then just load up a bunch of weight and do length and partials and that is exactly what i do that is now a week six progression for me so something along the lines of reverse drop set being in week five and then maybe in week six i just do length and partials and the reason that this fits so well into my training up date is because i'm actually in week eight the end of week eight of my messocycle right now and i took a frequency de load in mid august so after five weeks i believe it was i took one week frequency de load where i basically worked out three times over the course of the week instead of five times and and then came back and kind of just continued progressing words so now i'm in what is week three of my cycle after the frequency de load not an official de load just a kind of way to flush some fatigue out and so the last two weeks i've actually been doing these fully lengthened sets um as part of my training and the one i really want to focus on there's two actually that i want to discuss today one is my hip extension and so i have kind of reference this alluded to this over the course of the last six to twelve months maybe six months but back in february i started implementing the very beginnings of these lengthened sets and so what i did is i would take my hundred pound dumb bells for my hip extension and i would do as many full reps as i could and then just kind of let the range emotion follow if at that time i was only getting one full rap and then i would you know go up for the second rap and it wouldn't get high enough it would just a partial rep and then reps would fall off from there and i stated at that time in february that man i was really hoping to be able to get five reps in a matter of time at the end of the messocycle maybe or whatever that is yea and just yesterday for the first time i managed five full raps with the hundred pound dumb bells and this so basically going from one full rep to five reps in six months huge progress as far as i'm concerned at this stage and then i was reflecting on some of the progress i made on my leg extension and actually made a post so this would now be the most recent post on my main feed as of august thirtieth and the post is basically about a hidden benefit and under discussed benefit of these length in sets and i think that the coolest thing about this is that it exposes you to these heavier weights so one great example i used on on my post was my leg extensions and how i showed a video eighteen months ago of me basically doing one eight for ten and the tenth rep was you know one r r close to zero it was it was a tough to lock out rep at one eight and and just yesterday i did two hundred and thirty five pounds for eight reps so that's a fifty five pound increase over eighteen months for two less reps sounds pretty significant and on top of that it's not like it was a new movement in my program it was something i've been using for a year like i bought that machine at the beginning of covid so i'd had it for a long time i've been using it progressing on it and it was until the last year when i really started instituting these lengthened sets whether in the form of reverse drop set or partials or doing its own lengthened set where i really started becoming comfortable with these heavier loads so at first it was man i was just doing partials with two thirty five like i even remember putting two thirty five on there and not even being able to get a full rap and then now i'm doing my full set eight repisite to thirty five and then i'm doing my partionals at two eighty um so it's it's just wild to see how exposure to these heavier weights can create i think a physiological adaptation but also a confidence psychologically going into your set that hey i've felt this weight before this isn't something that is so astronomical that i couldn't imagine actually lifting you know it's like i just did it for partials a few months prior and eventually this kind of progressed into the ability to manifest into full sets so um so yes i do use these length in sets and i think that they have extremely great benefit to training in general and as far as it relates to my training updates what else do i have to say here that's pretty much the majority of it i'm going to be taking a full proper de load here the week of september twelfth which is the week that i get p r p injection in my knee and so i have at this point basically a little less than two weeks left in my what will be a ten week messocycle and it's been super productive i have like i think that this model that i've discovered and laid out on my instagram feet is something that i'm a huge huge fan of it really really well for me and i've had a lot of people hit me up on dame or elsewhere that have kind of relayed similar sentiments so i feel like i've kind of stumbled onto something neque here and it's uh i remember even a year ago referencing and saying like man i'd really hope in the future someone asked a question about what do we hope to leave the industry with or something like that and i was like it would be so cool come up with your own progression model or way of creating intensity or something along those lines you know how scott stevenson did muscle rounds and borgfogerley did mio reps and like man it would be really cool to leave the industry with something like this and i think i'm very much the infantile stages of it i don't think that this is something that i'm about to write a book on and be like this is the method you know but but i do think that it is it is something unique that's been working for me and something that i'm excited to continue exploring able to kind of relay to other people along the way


yeah i want to say that was in early




march when we had because




i remember that episode and i didn't actually tell you this but i'm due to write a new program for myself and i'm going to carry over a lot of my movements and really kind of solidify what i was just just just playing talking about here but the idea that i had was i'm going to take what you said in that post and build out my weeks from that








i was goin








you once i did it in stuff but here we are




alive with great opportunity for that


yeah but i'm super amp that's really cool well we'll have to you know continue to discuss it and analyze it in further detail




as the show goes on




alright cool i'm gonna bounce this next question over to you five weeks post cut twelve pounds up but can't lose weight on the lowest cows of the cup




um and i think that's a question in its own but then they said metabolic adaptation tips




um so i think you can answer that however you feel best


okay here we go




so when i get questions like this




right and this is something i use with my clients i want a proved model there is a reas and why i can't say all any more because i have a client who started like last week who's not using chronometer but an overwhelming majority of my clients used chronometer




and i have them log their foods in a certain way




and eat an overwhelming majority of their diet consisting of a certain feeding framework and meal composition structure one because i know it works right here i have some of my own and now this isn't me trying to be a daker call you out or anything like that i'm just questioning some of these things right five weeks post cut your twelve pounds up that's over two pounds per week increase unless




you drastically increased calories to know way above maintenance which would would be necessary here i'm just i'm questioning if whether you're tracking things accurately because this is the most common situation that occurs now that being said there is more information coming out with people with like weight loss resistance and things like that if you want to find someone who put out puts out pretty decent information on this one of my previous coaches jason theobald on instagram he is scoobyprep underscore i f b b pro there's really common cases that i know of people that i know who i've referred to him who have very poor we're mona profiles who have sling shot on a lot of weight while doing everything correctly i'm using air quotes here those are less common cases but they do definitely exist what i would say get tested right go to life extension or your doctor if they will order it for you run fhiveroid panel run sex hormones get your limpids and other thing maybe a four point quartosall test if your energy levels are really you know poor or something like that if you think something is really up and you are doing your due diligence and your tracking in these sorts of things where there's smoke there's usually fire sort of thing get the tests and you will know um that being said at a surface level i would say cross your teas dot your eyes double check your tracking methods switch to a switch to chronometer basically and start logging eighty five ninety percent whole quality nutrient dense food sources before going down these no more expensive rabbit holes per se


yeah that's that's pretty well said i i don't have much to add but twelve pounds up in five weeks is a lot i mean


a lot


i have been i have been going to beds stuffed many a night and eating about as much food as a human can fit in their body and i am now nine weeks post cut and up like seven or eight pounds so it is it is not easy to gain two pounds a week like you have to really really be putting a lot of food down so my first thought was that there just is probably something slightly off in the tracking meco i'm here


which is very very common very very common um




and it takes confidence right or conviction are enough reps of seeing it to really start you know i don't wan to say calling people out but saying like you know i get it as a coach right i have a have a client who's like over two twenty who's telling me his logs are coming in at seventeen hundred calories




per day and i'm like i have to call them out and like dude these




these logs are nowhere near accurate they're nowhere




near accurate because i know if you were eating seventeen hundred pounds per day weight would be falling off and it's not




so i know




you're eating significantly more so just like i said across your tees thought your eyes simplify your food sources which help with crossing your teeth and doing your eyes before digging deeper


yep do you want to start with this next one




take it over to you


yeah let's let's start this one if you could do the training career all over again with the current knowledge how would you do it this one is really really hard for me because kind of where we are now right we are hobby ist body builders per se i think i got about as lucky as i could have with my initial integration into lifting weights and and you know single ply power lifting for american football sort of thing my initial thing that comes to mind as i wish i would have liked detoured my five years spent cross fit training that being said those five years you know literally gave me everything in my life so in earnest it was a very very worth while detour obviously brian it gave me this relationship with you it gave us a train prosper it gave me my girl friend jenny gave me and ryan who introduced me to the world of nutrition coaching like that time spent there gave me everything so from a training career it may have not been you know the best spend of for you know hypertrophy and physique however there's other you know what's the word i'm looking for like um sentimental value that no orders of magnitude outweighs that i would say i wish over like the past three ish years i wouldn't have moved so far away of not trying to get stronger because i think i have spun my wheels a little bit in losing




the benefit of getting stronger over time does have on hypertrophy


interesting yeah




so you basically took that in the same direction that i was going to which was that it's really hard to do these sliding doors experiments in your mind because one can and any variable could mean that we're not where we are today and and that's the thing that i wouldn't want to sacrifice like i would want to go through all of those trials and tribulations and mistakes that i made along the way because it got me here so in some ways that's like wow like cool i've achieved where i want to be because i wouldn't change where i am alternatively you could look at it and be like man if i would have done these things different maybe i would be training chris bumstead and like you know who knows like there's these other worlds out there but but highly unlikely so i would say kind of echoing what you said you know craw it gave me step into the fitness industry during a period of time where it was really really hard to get into the fitness industry so like i vividly remember two thousand six two thousand seven come out of college and really wanting to work in training because that's what my major was and that's where my passion lied and looking at the jobs that were available at the time you know assistant strength coach of the de to university or something like that making thirty two thousand dollars a year and the upward mobility potentially ten years from now putting you at a hundred if you're the head strength coach of a d one school or something along those lines you know and i remember getting really depressed about that and thinking like how can i do what i want to do but also make enough money to have fun with my friends go on trips eventually support a family things like that and cross it came along at this time that provided an opportunity to actually make money in an industry that was notoriously difficult to make money in so i would say if anything were to change what i would probably change would be like the last two years of cross fit i probably would have started my meander out of cross fit a little bit earlier because the um m this miniscustair that i have in my knee that i'm getting this p r p injection for that happened in the last two years of cross fit i was doing a snatch when i was completely over trained and really did something nary to my hip flexor like i heard hip flexor take like a nice little pop and that messed me up for a couple of weeks so like little things like that all happened at the end of my cross had experience and while those injuries are still there like they're still prevalent they don't really bother me much any more i would obviously love to not have those injuries as i go later into life but professionally it was what it needed to be like i had to go through that to establish myself in the industry and and you know the evidence based sphere of training it was in its infantile stages in like the early two thousand teens if that's what you call it two tens what do you even call that




so aaron shaking




his head like i don't know the two thousand teams so so i don't even know that if i had left cross fit much earlier that i would have fallen to the same sphere that i am now like it could have been something else at that time i might have been back stuck in tee nation or like who knows where i would have ended up if i didn't come out of cross it when i did i wud ave cross fit so all things said i think that we're exactly where we should be


yeah i love how you phrase that one i feel like we could take that into a larger episode especially the term of the career there




i feel like we could provide a pretty solid insight on that end for people who are maybe coming out of college considering do they go to college you know i feel like we could do a pretty good justification episode on that so we'll




market and




maybe revisit it later




um m cool this one i will kick over to you you always seem


yeah let's








number four yeah okay cool


okay yeah you




always seem to do leg extensions before




compound leg movements isn't this significantly limiting mechanical








on your big compounds


and then he put in in quotations p s i get that you're going short to lengthened because that's like ultimately the main reason i was i'm doing it is for that reason going short lengthened or maybe not the main reason but definitely a part a part of the reason to answer the part about mechanical tension i'm a bit skeptical of this i kind of stand on the side of the muscle is a dumb piece of meat and it only knows tension mechanical tension is the word in there that i think refers to how much weight you're actually lifting versus tension just being what the muscle feels um so yes if i were to do pendulum squats first before my leg extensions i potentially would be able to use more weight on my pendulum than i do when i've done leg extensions first but for what my quads know my quads are extreme we fatigued from the leg extension and then they go into the pendulum squat and they hit the same level of fatigue with less weight than they would have had i not done the leg extensions first and so in my mind what i'm accomplishing here is a equal amount of tension on the quads with less systemic fatigue because i'm not having to use as much weight on the big compound movement so that is the justification that i use for that i am currently in the process of considering a slight change to the way that i do this or implement it and so currently what i'm doing is i'm doing all of my leg extension work including partials and reverse drop sets and whatever is included in my leg extensions and then i'm going to my pendulum after that what i'm considering is doing one set of leg extensions before pendulum and it's only a full range of motion set so there's no partials there's no access lengthened work or anything like that it's just to the desired r i r for me art set full range emotion reps then i go and do my pendulum and then after i do my pendulum i come back to the leg extension and i do my lengthened partials or my reverse drop sets or whatever kind of the of the progression calls for and so i'm not going to change it up this mess because i need that consistent data that i've been tracking over the last eight weeks but i think that that's going to be the one big change that i institute as far as a personal experiment when i go into my next mess and so that will apply also to leg girls so it will be like one set of leg girls to concentric full range emotion reps and then ard and then go back to my leg curls for my my more lengthened work so that's going to be the change for this next messobut answer the question on tension or mechanical tension i really think that it comes down to the fatigue that that muscle experience is locally and not necessarily specific to i'm using twenty or thirty pounds less than i would be had i not done the other movement first


yeah i think i will only add a very small bit to this i think you can the same amount of tension you know with at the end of the day there are the two caviots that i think too that you briefly mentioned that i think we should just drive home a little bit more are the central fit that comes with you using heavier loads to accumulate that tension for example what i talked about earlier in the day right with my training right now i'm doing my length and compounds first they barry me i'm noxious doing them i think if i did them second post i would obviously have a significantly reduced load i put tend lee could avoid some of that no feeling of just being demolished after and where does this fit into your life like me i come home from i'll tell you exactly what i do you guys are probably going to suck




and laugh at me i come home from training i eat my biggest meal to day i sit on the couch for twenty minutes and watch an episode of nartowichis what i




do every day after the chap if you like need to




shower quick and go back to work or something like that you may not like that nausea feeling completely demolished be terrible for your productivity and that sort of thing so i feel like there's other aspects that come into play here there can help influence which direction you take that


and then i'll also




say for what it's worth that i get a better mind muscle connection with both my quads and my hamstrings when i do the isolation movement first to all right cool we have a quick question here asking if i ever program movements that are not a ten out of ten for hypertrophy like lateral lunges or loaded carries and stuff like that and now i mean yet in my general programs i do because like at paragon we open this episode talking about the enjoyment factor and how important that is for like a subscription general group program so yes we do do lateral lunges as a exercise occasionally we do occasionally do loaded carries as part of conditioning or core sequence like maybe it's loaded carry super seated with decline weighted sit ups and then do that for a couple rounds or something along those lines so so i do program them for like mass program s for individuals that are looking to optimize hypertrophy i just don't think hey have a place the fatigue cost is super high and that would be my main problem with them is you're just not getting enough acute stimulus for how much fatigue is caused by that movement anything to add all right cool i'll toss this one over to you is there a correlation between a larger surplus and larger muscle gain similar to larger deficit larger fat loss


ah there is but there isn't up to




a certain threshold




you are maximizing your hypertrofic signal but the interesting thing in how this question is work it is you say similar




to larger deficit




larger fat loss but the like hypertrophy and larger muscle is a by product of calory surplus it is not the primary objective of the calory surplus the primary




objective is to store no energy increasing body mass is body fat same way that the primary objective of the calory deficit is fat loss so hypertrophy and muscle gain is a by product of this plus it is not the objective of the surplus so to kind of bring this back this is a fat this is like a thought fallacy and thought we have a maximal rate of hypertrophy can be obtained whether you have a i don't want to put weather let's say a five percent surplus maximizes that hypertrophy signal a fifteen percent surplus only means that you're just going to get fatter faster




people confuse that very very often and very poorly but then what happens on the back end of that is now you just have more dieting to do with no additional hypertrophy from pushing things too fast


yeah i agree i think that it is pretty much a fallacy and i would even say that like that that correlation that she's referencing here doesn't actually exist like like you said i mean you can max it's hypertrophy with a hundred or two hundred calory surplus the problem is that that's so ambiguous whether you're actually in a surplus that most people go for five hundred calories just to insure that they're not in a deficit by accident oh


yeah exactly


next question temple for weight loss surplus phases




i you know weight




loss for three months surplus for six months or something along those lines


yes i have this exact thing




it is called the striker nutrition company muscle gain




and fat loss models also




being completely




transparent i did not insert this question in here so that i could pitch my product some one asked this and it just


it was one




of my questions






that i have something literally built for this




i'm not gonna built it for myself to illustrate things clients and then as i built it i was like people need this right the people asked me for it is exactly how it started so we should actually get that in the into the show notes stuff




but you can find




it if you go my website striker nutrition co dot com it's in my linking bio you can find it on my instagram um the product comes with both surplus and weight fat loss




it's built out of the box for twelve months non progress weeks are built into it it will give you a high rate of loss high rate of sorry high rate of loss low rate of loss high rate of gain rate of gain it is basically what i call like i use bowling as the analogy it's like the bumper lanes for bowling




for your muscle gain and fat loss


o cool we have a bunch of good questions coming up we actually still have ten or eleven questions




left and only like fifteen minutes so i think maybe we just kind of work through them and then we can start off the next epos by finishing up on the questions maybe


yeah i think we can do that


all right cool this one quick quick and i think will be got a back week at a then been at a conference then got covid basically this person has been off the gym for three weeks how do i back back in again is mostly the question here and i think the answer is slowly um you start with a de load week you start you know six raps from failure on everything you keep volume super low you realize that that three weeks off is a huge resensitization phase so whatever was giving you the good fields and the amount of stimulus that you need before all this happened




you now probably need a third of that so you can just start back with one set of everything to five or six reps from failure depending on how that goes and how your body responds then i would just increas at the next week to maybe two sets it three or four reps from failure see how your body responds to that and within a matter of two or three weeks i would expect you to kind of be back off and running and good to go from there


yeah the only things i would add are make sure electro light balance in fluids and stuff are all in place first and all that stuff especially after the note about c nineteen it affects different people




differently i got an incredible ab cramp my first




like two sessions back in the gym where




i thought i tore my abdominal wall ave another friend who's been like super fatigued having a hard time turning to the gym because he's just like dragging ass in the gym so just go into it with a grain of salt with that and don't jump out of the gate too hard because you don't want to just set yourself back even further


next another quick one what's a good h r v score what's a worry some one mine is in the mid forties




i am definitely not qualified to answer this question i will just say that when you see my




craze outlier scores of




two forty five or two twenty or whatever it is in the morning that is a purposeful meditative state that i put myself in to to facilitate the most optima score when you look at my random scores throughout the day like literally as i'm working as i'm walking around as i'm picking the kids up from school and stuff like that man i had three yesterday that went twenty five twenty twenty six and so though those are pretty low for me i'm not often in the like low to mid twenties during these random ones but like that happens i think my random scores are probably right around the the forty to eighty range anyways so i think h r v is certainly ambiguous it's it's it's also something that from what i understand you want to just try and improve against yourself you don't want to try and compare against someone else so if you're in the mid forties now great let's try to get to the mid fifties in the next month or two through whatever you need to do with breathing and lifestyle changes and stress management and things like that so there's not like an r v score that's going to put you in the grave early or anything like that it's just something that you can use as i ation to continually improve upon


yeah i would like for mine i'm a regular like fifties to low eighties type of person i've read things before it best not to compare your numbers to someone else is but the variation between some of your base lines and then an improvement over time is the goal there but admittedly it's not something that i just pay that much attention to i think if you are interested in endurance sport it can have a little bit more of a direct correlation but again not strength of mind


yea cool question twelve how do you approach nutrition when the science constantly changes


this one is interesting um




so something for me and i guess this is a great time to talk about and this this may end up taking up a little bit of time we're in a position now we're like let's say like a state in the industry where evidence based is retty pretty big pretty prominent you have a lot of coaches now like sharing evidence based you know research putting it putting posts out about it putting stories out about it i think it is often over people jump the gun on things a little early um and personally what i do with my own client hell and my business unless i'm only really paying attention at this point to me analysis comprehensive reviews and basically compilations of studies that all have found consistent evidence for things if it's in vitro study i'm not paying attention to it if it's a rodent study i'm not paying attention to it unless it is done in humans in a sub set of the population that i work with am i really paying attention to it like we have the like the classic example is like a supplement right that raised testosterone by like seventeen per cent and people like oh my god seven ten per cent but then it's in like post menopausl women who don't are un resistance trained like for funk sake but




unless you like read through the tion criteria and stuff like that for the for the participants like you wouldn't know that so like take a lot of it with a grain of salt another thing is i have always kind of looked to with my you know positioning i guess in the space people come to me who like want to improve the nutrition and getting really good shape i will lean on








who are the best at getting in good shape is bit of like body building crowd right some of its complete b s and you know pro science sort of thing but a lot of it also they were just really ahead of research so i




can't really




think of many times where there's been things where i've been like holy ship i am completely wrong about this because i'm generally kind of skeptical


m yeah


have like a skeptical approach for that reason m but i mean




like one thing i like if we're straight up wrong like you just it's okay to be wrong because at least now you have the right answer and you can do a better job than you were doing before i don't think there should ever be you know ego attached to that like when i'm wrong i'll say like yeah i'm wrong i also will say like yeah i don't know or i don't that's not in my wheelhouse and i'm not going to speculate on it because i'm probably going to be wrong in that so i would say like one that depends where i try never and recommend to never find yourself in like a diet camp anyway and i feel like that where a lot of the things were like the science changes where people find themselves in like the i only do you know like vegan type stuff are only do like quito type stuff there's going to be best or optimal okay situations for a lot of these as tools and i've always put myself in more of the pragmatic




position and when i do get you know people who reach out in the car and i want to work with you but just so you know i'm like quito and like yeah i'm grateful that you want to work with me but i'm




not going to take you on




because i'm just i'm just not going to do it because it's not a game that i can win so that's you know how i approach it it really i would say in the four years that i've been doing this full time i really can't think of a time that comes to mind where it's like completely flipped when i've been like holy fun this changes everything sort of thing anything




from you on that one brian


no that's really well said i'll just add that there are certain things that




we know like protein needs to be about eighty percent of body weight on the lower end or seventy five per cent or whatever it is so take the things that we know that don't change and and just make sure you you're doing those and that at least handles




most of the big rocks like i think we know enough at this point




to be like hey you you need a caloric plus and protein to gain muscle and you need a caloric deficit and protein to lose fat not muscle so yeah just focus on the things that we do know and then experiment with the other things that make sense along the way


yep very well said


um this one here how important is food quality for health let's say you don't eat only bad meals but okay meals like wraps with m or a bit of junk food here and there and only one super good meal per day




talk about like the most ambiguous gray like a super good meal is this but




an okay meal is this






a reason like i




typed this out i high lighted some of the words




and stuff so the very




first so the first question




is how important is food quality for health it is absorbinantly important right




we all like i can think of one of my best friends in the world right he is doesn't lift for all intents and purposes for someone who is not in the gym he's shredded his health is not good




so it's incredibly important and if you really want to know go get labs right go get your get your sex hormones tested go get your lipids done right get a c m p tested right it's very very accessible what i thought was really interesting in this question is it's how it's phrased with subjective labels let's say you don't only bad right so completely subjective label bad but okay meals like wraps with ham ham is neither good nor bad it's all really comes down to opportunity cost of things right or a bit of junk food




so to me it sounds




like this person is trying to




justify their life style choices




in framing a question that makes it you know hey is what i'm doing okay maybe it is




right how do you define okay if you feel good if you are happy with your body composition if you are health markers are in a good enough spot and you're not on you know any doctor scribe medications or in you know risk factor for becoming are becoming dependent on some of them and if you are happy with everything i think you are perfectly fine could you benefit from moving to maybe two super good meals per day probably but there's also the potential that it becomes opportunity cost on really high palatability really high palatabilities that right tasty




foods that you are missing out on using air quotes so to answer the first part of the question how important is food quality for health it is incredibly important is it going to change you for better or for worse maybe it does maybe it doesn't the only way to find out is to experiment and get some lapse


ah i like the way you said that i feel like for aesthetics for your physique food quality doesn't matter the maros probably matter mostly and then there could be some small enhancements down the line of better meal quality but but for the most part i think you know as long as you're you're getting the macro you need your physique is going to look fine that doesn't mean that your internal health is fine um so i mean yeah aron said i don't really have much




to add to that i think you framed it up quite well


the last thing




i will add on the back of what you said brian is on paper the macro's matter right the food quality like technically doesn't matter for physique it matters is in how hard it is to adhere to these things because of things like hunger satiety bowl movements right gutroght different things like that that's where food quality becomes like an indirect impacting factor of your macrslike you could you could eat two hundred and twenty grams of protein per day of just like drinking shakes but you're probably going to end up with some down stream cascades of that decision over time same thing like you don't you may not need fiber you know you can have like seven six seven grams of fiber to hit your carbs for the day




but your poop might start will likely start to get rock hard and hard to pass and things like that so it's indirect versus direct to think about it




as that


it can also be liquidy like i mean it could constipation works both ways to it could be hard




and firm and hard to pass or it could be basically








the complete opposite




and that's also representation of constipation so




cool well we have like seven questions left i feel like we should put these off for for next week at the beginnin of the episode


we'll do that and we'll it's a perfect perfect way so that we can make sure we get through all well


sounds good


yeah so i guess we are going to end part one of the instagram q and a here




and then when we come back next week we will have kind of part halfway part two like one




one point five really and then we'll lead into




the next episode so as always guys thank you for listening brian and i will talk to you next week



Episode intro/life updates
Lengthened drop sets as their own set versus a reverse drop set
The difference between short and long position exercises
Why switching to chronometer and logging 85-90% whole quality nutrient dense food
Aaron’s training career could have focused on power lifting for American football
Bryan would be at T- Nation if he stayed in Crossfit any longer
Tension or mechanical tension comes down to muscle fatigue and not necessarily specific
Bryan’s h r v score is 145 or 220 in the morning - a purposeful meditative state that he’s in to facilitate the most optima score
In comparison, Aaron’s h r v score is 50s - low 80s
When approaching nutrition as science changes - focus on we you know and then experiment with the other things that make sense along the way
As long as you're you're getting the macro you need your physique is going to look fine that doesn't mean that your internal health is fine