Eat Train Prosper

August Updates | ETP#82

August 23, 2022 Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein
August Updates | ETP#82
Eat Train Prosper
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Eat Train Prosper
August Updates | ETP#82
Aug 23, 2022
Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein

During this week’s episode, we cover details about our own personal nutrition and training-related periodizations. Diets are ending, outlooks for upcoming training programs, and what we are excited to explore with these. If you would like an inside look into what and why we are planning for ourselves this episode is for you. 

Thanks for listening

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

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IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

During this week’s episode, we cover details about our own personal nutrition and training-related periodizations. Diets are ending, outlooks for upcoming training programs, and what we are excited to explore with these. If you would like an inside look into what and why we are planning for ourselves this episode is for you. 

Thanks for listening

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media  ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker


yeah a what's up guys happy tuesday welcome back to another episode of eat train prosper today brian and myself are going to go through a little bit of an up dates episode we've




been having some off line conversation around different




things that are circulating in the i guess fitness instagram circles we have some updates




on some of our own




diet lifting and brian has some texas scan updates which are our results i should say which are always very interesting and then a little bit of a precursor next week we have milo or is it my love do you know


i think it's milo


milo okay


i don't know that




could be




wrong though


yea i have no idea so that's me spending time in other countries where they pronounce eyes drastically different




and now i don't know what to do when when it pops up so we believe mile wolf coming on the podcast he's a very very interesting human being who's doing some really cool research on lifting weights so we're going to have him next week to talk




about these things but before we have that brian kick us off with some updates my friend


yeah yeah so so milo is doing his ph d in




range of motion for hypertrophy which is pretty much like the thing that we've been the most obsessed with over the last year or so on this show talking about you know those lengthened partials and all that stuff so milo is going to be a great guy for us to bring on an be to discuss a lot of lot of that stuff that's been on our mind and ask him some some very interesting questions such as do we even do the short position at all and that's that's i think the larger issue of this whole thing is like are we potentially eventually going to reach a point where research can confide we say that hey there isn't this benefit that we think there is there isn't a distinct benefit to going short so just do everything long type thing and then obviously we're goin t try to poke holes in that and talk about some of the points that cast us cussed when we had him on to discuss a similar topic so one of the best things i think about bringing milo on is that he's much more on one side of the spectrum kind of like chester soak who we've brought up before where he's like very much on the side of hey all muscles respond to stretch meted hypertrophy training the length and position is the most important in fact there are benefits to training lengthen that even overlap with the short benefits and so we can dive into a little bit more of that because i have a couple a couple additional points on that as we get going in this episode but as far as things personally with me i left for a wedding in the tao area this past weekend and was there thursday to sunday um totally didn't train it all planned it that way basically in my messocycle i had finished week five really tough week a lot of lengthened partials reverse drop sets things like that and in my group i programmed de load week which was based a frequency de load where you basically are working out three sessions in a week instead of the normal five so essentially that will facility recovery it's my favorite way to kind of deal it when you're not changing anything afterwards so you basically are just going to get some recovery by training less a little bit less volume but the intensity doesn't really change too much you're still you're still doing a lot of the things that you were doing before this you know sudodeloadweek and then just because you've trained less and done slightly less volume you usually will come back and be able to get another three to four weeks of progression out of it instead of having to basically de load start back over rebuild back up and then it's like another five or six weeks before you're right back where you are again so this is one of my my kind of cool little tricky ways to to just keep progression going a little bit longer so it turns this messocycle from a five week into like a nine week mensocycle before you know a more proper deal od so for my program that's how i programmed it for people but for me i just basically took the time off i was like i'm going on vacation i'm not going to train at all and so didn't train thursday friday saturday or sunday i would say there is a mix of recovery that took place during that time and probably anti recu and what i mean by that is a few things let's let's talk about this so it was a wedding it was a fun cruise they like to party and have a good time and we were at this really really cool then you called it was called the chalet view lodge and it had everything on site that you could want like it had a nine whole pitchin put it had a couple of different bonfires it had lobby with a bunch of snacks but all the snacks were like you know chocolate covered raisins and pretzels and like protein bars and and stuff like that chips you know whatever doritos and uh and then there was a brewery on site but the brewery only served beer and pizza um and so there just wasn't like really any food to eat aside from what was supplied by the wedding party so there would be like these specific times where where we could eat it would be usually dinner like billy dinner was the only meal that was served and other than that you were kind of on your own to go figure out like what to eat well we didn't have a car we shuttled there from the airport so for us to try to leave this very secluded large area and go get food we had to like go grab other people and be like hey are you guys going out can we hop a ride or i mean there just there just wasn't a lot of option so i found myself in the morning basically having way protein shake that i brought or like a quest bar or something and then oftentimes we wouldn't even make it out for lunch and i would more or less just fast or drink beer and then dinner would come and dinner was mostly okay two of the three nights dinner was was fulfilling one of the two nights they brought in a food truck that served try tip so of course i was excited i was like yes truck try tip right wait in this long ass line get to the front and i'm like hey i need double or triple try tip whatever you're serving most people i want like three times that much and he looked and he's like what and i'm like no for real like i'm really hungry i need three times the amount of try tip right he didn't even give me double the amount of try tip i got one serving of try tip which was probably four ounces and m that was it like it didn't there was a side item that was like a macaroni salad but like one of my least favorite things is cold macaroni salad it's just awful um so i had four ounces of thy tip and then they brought out this massive dessert tray of like brownies and these like chocolate granola bars and and whatever and i was so hungry that i just ate about twelve of those because there was just no other food to eat so so like it was a mix of things like that where where i was underfed colorically or at least the quality of food but probably made up for it in the amount of alcohol consumed so i think i was around maintenance most of the time but it very ambiguous and not certainly not the healthiest scenario and and definitely not one that facilitates you know the type of recovery that i would have ob sly wanted if i was optimizing my journey but but these are i guess the type of things that that just kind of happened sometimes in life and you know i planned for it the best i could i brought away and quest bars and stuff but there's only so much way and quest bars that that one can eat so um sleep was also okay like you know a lot of people thought this it would be great because we were away from our kids which was the first time we've been away from them in five years so that was great we had this beautiful room overlooking the whole lodge area second floor is incredible so i got two nights of really good sleep and then the wedding night itself i was up until like four a m went to bed sort of got out of bed at seven but i don't actually think i slept three hours and and then went on my day so the last two days since that experience i've been sleeping like nine and a half hours at night and still waking up tired just trying to recover from that sleep debt that i was in so so we're here it's tuesday i worked out yesterday and i have some some interesting up dates obviously about my deck and some other things but since i've been talking for a long time let's jump over to and get




some updates on your side


yeah i was laughing i was obviously muted but that food situation is like is my nightmare and




like when obviously in you have clients and stuff who have different things like that and like you just those like those are just really hard i literally call those like the worst case scenarios where you're there's no food all day long and then it's just like a dinner of take it or leave it and you




have to take it and it's just like




you just end up eating three thousand calories of just very nonoptimal type stuff but you're starving and it's like those are really really rough i honestly don't know what i would do in that i'd probably like grab a neber to the grocery store or something like that




i don't










literally dude is like forty miles away or something


yeah yeah


there was




a general




store there was a general store maybe twenty minutes away so




i did i did hitch a ride to the general store but like the highest quality thing that you can get at this general store












beef jerky or like you know lean quizzin frozen




dinners that you could microwave or something like that so




i just said said screw and i was like you




know what i don't i don't even want that so it was




quest bars in a way for me for the most part


yeah that's rough




um so on line i have some really cool things i had a revelation on saturday so let me i guess i should back up on friday we went down to a part of bally called luwatu some friends that we had made the last time we were here that we just by chance ran into on the side of the road a couple of months ago hey we're opening a cross fit jim down in new luatan'like cool and we were just talking then they invited us to like the grand opening this was a fan like a phenomenally built gym it's like a like a loon style vibes kind of gym but like in bolly you know few minutes away from the beach like beautiful facility really really cool um sent down there and they were having like a big partner walton was like okay like i'm i'm not going to not participate in this like jenny and i were on a team with two other people in like immediately so i took my first like cross fit class first cross fit wadin over three years and i immediately remembered why i didn't want to do that this train like that any more ter words it was it was i don't know it was long it was probably like thirty thirty five minutes but it was like teams




of four you know but i mean i was absolutely devastated at the end of it




like dizzy and just like




i was like i just want to go to sleep i really just want to go




to sleep um




dan what it was it was like a a nation of lifting in cardio i was first and the first thing was like the scared and i told myself i'm going to go like eighty percent and just etswadyyou know have fun whatever and like the second that timer went off it was like i




just couldn't help myself and the next thing i know i'm like twenty




five seconds in and i am going balls




out and i catch myself and i'm like what




the fuck are you doing like you know this is going to end




but i just it was like that




old competitive like spirit it was immediately there again and i'm like looking at the other teams and




i'm like we we have out in front of that team and it just consumed me




and then after i was like i feel




fucking terrible like i literally




just want to lay down and then what could it be any funnier is that lie immediately after the workout and like very traditional cross fit style everyone's like express martini is at the bar and they're just




handing them out and everyone's drinking




and i'm like there couldn't




lie there couldn't be anything worse than you could




put in your body right








after that like straight glucose like spoonfuls of sugar would be orders of magnitude better than this


yeah ah you your cortisol is just like




high on both sides of the equation


yeah and like you're just crushing your recovery by putting alcohol and




it was fascinating to me um so that was really really cool very sweet gym but then what it did was it there's not enough food for me very similar there was like snacks




and stuff and then we went out to dinner i got a huge surr huge yeah sur loin which was fantastic but still when you're gone for




five hours like i just can't make up that in the nights you know and the next day i was just super tired feeling like kind of run down but i really wanted to get my second leg training session in for




the day like you know what




i felt like really low energy like i'm just going to go to the gym and see what happens because i kind of know this this thing happens like i can have like a stomach ache a headache and i'm like i'm just going to go to the gym and see what happens on my regularly scheduled training days and i warm up i get moving in about like twenty twenty minutes in realized like i feel perfectly fine i don't know if it's like the qartizall thing that kind of spikes and then that suppresses these other things but it will hit




me and i'm like i feel perfectly fucking fine right now and an hour ago i felt like dog ship and was like i can't go to the gym because i have zero energy and now it's like a routine day and i'm




progressing my lifts




which is like fascinating




to me so on saturday i go and it's my hardest day of the week it's a lower body session leg press like extension seated leg curls and like reverse reverse deficit lunges in the smith machine for glues




and i've been like eying a hundred hundred and eighty kilos on the leg press for my final set of ten and i added like another seven kilo seven and a half kilos and still added i added weight and match reps from from the previous week even though i felt like ship and then i proceeded




my prior week on the leg extension and on the leg curl and it's like it's been very very wild to me because i'm now full three months into my calory deficit um weight low energy was low but i'm like it would just kind of hit me like if i could like will it almost




like if i if




i go in with this attitude i'm going to like you know best my wraps like your body will kind take over you really just do but then okay afterwards like you get like a good forty minutes of that like a gonelin push and then you're like deflated as funk again but it was just really really i open to me of like what you can be capable of when a lot of the signals are telling you like hey don't go but you you can be capable of still producing pretty quality training sessions which i feel like i shouldn't even really have said that because the last thing i want to do is when people are people's bodies are giving them a little like hey you need rest do not go saying like yeah fuck it go i lived but




i just didn't want to miss that was like my the session i care about most of the week second




most i should say but i really didn't want to not get it in for the week was the reason




i did go


this fits perfectly in line with what we've kind of been alluding to over the last number of episodes regarding the mental need to de load verse the physical need to de load and how you know you can just keep progressing and as long as you're mentally willing to go there and




oftentimes you know this need to de load or slow down a result of the mental game and not necessarily that you're like physically unable to continue progressing so this is a perfect example of that


yeah yeah it really isn't i'm feeling it a little bit more like in the coming days then i long story short i did getting full blown sick on sunday




so i think that was a little bit potentially why i felt so crab because i was getting sick but yeah it's been interesting like how you really can push but i'm feeling it this week for sure like neizer they feel not as great as they normally otherwise would i had like really spicy elbow yesterday doing some triceps stuff so i'm at that point where i can i can feel that i'm going to start increasing




calories and re feeding this week as well


well i had my first session back training yesterday as well and it was legs since my four or five days off and like i said earlier when i do these frequency de loads i don't you know back track any effort or intensity as i would in like a proper de load where you kind of start back at it like an intro week and then kind of build they're so i jump right back into the fire feeling great you know four or five days off and nine and a half hours of sleep the night before and had a great session so even despite now that that really bad night of sleep i referenced and all the weird nutrition stuff where i think i averaged a hundred and fifty grams approaching a day each day over the last four or five days yesterday was a great session i i matched or pared basically all of my leg extension leg curl stuff hit a for this cycle an art p r with a two second pause at the bottom three sixty five or six so that's a new way i'm implementing the r d ls with the two second pause at the bottom just as a way to keep me accountable and keep loads a little bit low and so that is like i guess i guess you call that a p r because my actual par didn't have a two second pause at the bottom so that was super cool and then i went on to pendulum and this is the thing i really to talk about because for so long maybe even now at this point a year and a half or two i've been unable to successfully band a pendulum the way that casts recommends banding it which is that your band would have slack or be loose when you're at the top of the rep so as your joints are stacked and you're just kind of standing there there should be no band tension at all and then as you get down to the bottom of the rep the band obviously expands a little bit but not so much that it kind of like sling shots you out at the bottom and takes away tension from the most critical point and so always what i've been doing with my bands as i've been taking the band and kind of wrapping it one one one loop in each hand around the bottom and then connecting those to the arm um and in that way it was hard for me to even get the band on to them arm so there was already so much tension on it at that stacked position and i don't know why i never thought of this before but just yesterday it hit me and i was like well instead of looping the band around one in each hand what if i just looped the band around and then tied it through itself so it was just the one loop coming up attaching to the arm and that may or may not have made sense to the audience but but basically what i achieved in doing so was a band that had slack when my joints are stacked and then picked up a little bit of tension at the very bottom and this definitely made it harder so because the way i was banding it before was semi sling shot ing me out of the bottom the hardest point of the lift was always i mean you don't really have a short position in the pendulum but it would be like above parallel would be the point where where the lift was hardest slightly above parallel and then with this bay set up the hardest point was just below parallel which is kind of where you expected to be because in like a real pendulum it's so bottom heavy that the hardest point should theoretically at dead bottom um but because of the leverages that your body has and the fact that we tend to explode out of the bottom instead of just gently press out of the bottom usually even in a regular pendulum the failure point will be just below parallel and so when you have this band set up just right the failure point should also be just below par l or kind of right at parallel and so i did that finally and i'm really aped about it and it was definitely harder than the way i was doing it before in a different way like there's thing like getting out of the bottom and then getting stuck midway as with my old set up but with the new set up it was like you just have to fight through the bottom and then you kind of know you're going to make it to the top type thing um and so i lost a rep on every set which is actually okay like it's kind of a cool new base line for me to start building from but i think last week i went like seven six six and this week i went six six six and i had to know six seven but i had to drop the weight for the further final set so so yeah i lost a wrap on on like two or three of the sets but it felt super super money and and i'm a huge fan of that


ah that's awesome yeah i haven't there's definitely like a skill and a science as well to banding things i watch some people and things and like random jims and stuff and i'm like that's not going to work the way i think it's going to work




but i'm going to keep my mouth shut because nobody




asked sort of thing


right right right


but there's definitely like levels do it in terms of creating the changing the resistance profile to where you want to for sure


what else is going on in your world


um so i kind of talked that i'm ending my diet this week i just how my diets generally end is like i just don't really care to get any leaner you know and this one has been really really interesting because it was much very much more so of a training mediated body composition improvement as opposed to colorically like calories have been in twenty seven hundred is maybe a little bit lower i don't i can't remember so for the listeners who have to be like how does an not know how many calories he's eating the fucking nutrition coach i just work off the macro's right for myself and like alex was doing my target and stuff and like i was just following the mac was like i couldn't tell you how much calories they were but i know originally it was like twenty eight something and then we went to like twenty seven




but the body composition improvements have been like notable




over over the week so it's been pretty cool to see like re camping at very similar body weight because once i returned calories like back towards as they slowly reverse to maintenance and dire fill out muscle like june and that pulls water and stuff like be up one to three pounds and that's going to be pretty much right where we started but i'm going to look like drastically different well so that's pretty cool it is cool to see it's just slower right in and for a lot of people that very slow progress isn't really worth it for for a lot of people but it




was kind of cool for me to see especially because like i really just don't like seeing the scale get into the one eighties and




if we would have started pulling them down you know it definitely would have and for me i just feel like i start looking like i kind of don't lift at that point and




the benefits of having like




really sick abs do not outweigh the negative self perception




of like i've been lifting weights for twenty years and this is what i look like this is disheartening sort of thing




so yeah i'm excited for that to to wrap up because my favorite periodization is coming where everything just gets better like the little nagging injuries from your joints because you've been training hard in the deficits start to go away you fill out your physique improves you have more food freedom and flexibility get to put in a little bit more targeted fats back in my diet which are help with that joint inflammation stuff because so many of the fats i put in are mono and polly and saturated anti inflammatory fats it's like everything just gets better




which i'm really really excited about and then what kind of leads me into my next point is what i am going to do is




i'm a big fan




of kind of like playing devil's advocate and i know we're going to talk about this a little bit but i've been really enjoying this chris beardsley book um and what i'm going to do is write um a program and follow it based on like the take aways from the from book so so far there hasn't been very much hard recommendations but i've been high lighting like big sections of like kind of a has i've had




then things and for any listeners out there like i would recommend the book it is about three years old at this point but it's a dense read but i think this is kind of leading to what we're going to talk about here in a little bit there's so many varying perspectives i should say our opinions on a lot of the similar data um m however for like us and consumers per se when things get like boiled down to lake sixty second instagram snip it or something like that like you lose so much of that context that's what facilitated that you know thirty second opinion and through reading the book he really is able to cover like all these different aspects it present the information in a very like academic way it's not like a you know people write like a diet book and it's really just like an opinionated thing um




it's not like that it reads much more like a textbook kind of but in order to really grasp these concepts i feel like that's ultimately what's necessary or things get dumped down to the point where they love the context and then we get these




good verses bad or no thanks


what are some of the big things that you feel like are in that book that are drastically different than may be the way you've been training for the last year


some of the big things were like so we have like the three mechanisms of hypertrophy right mechanical tension metabolic stress and muscle damage what chris is basically seeing in the book is muscle damage any hypertrop any hypertrific any hypertrofect benefit from both muscle damage and metabolic stress are literally just by products of mechanical




tension so in the teresting thing with the muscle damage is muscle damage the muscle protein synthesis that occurs post muscle damaging workout




the mino acids that are you know kind of put back together




go to repairing the damaged muscle instead of to creating you know adding new sarcomers in the length or increasing the diameter of the existing muscle fibers so when you're like super super sore crushed posed to work out like your body is only rebuilding the muscle you previously had and just damaged not adding




new muscle because you're wasting those resources on what you just damaged so really like damaging workoutsare paraphrasing here like less effective




than the non as damaging workouts because you're




not like spending those resources to repair the damage you can spend those resources to increase the size of the existing fibers




so that was like a big one there and then


one second i wonder


yeah yeah sorry


just just on that on that




idea i wonder if that potentially can lead to a subconscious under dosing of mechanical tension




if you're you know potentially looking to avoid damage and you're like i don't want to get sore then maybe you're not actually creating it enough mechanical tension to create progress so there's got to be like a super fine line slashed gray area in there where you want to create enough mechanical son that there is a small amount of muscle damage as a by product or like if you think the idea is really to like tread that line and get to the point where you're creating




maximum amount of mechanical tension that you can without causing any muscle damage


it's it would be incredibly subjective and hard to discern that from you know a human and a gym sort of thing but i'm taking it more so i was like i know personally i was one of those people who were like if i'm not sore post training it means like i didn't go hard enough or do enough




volume sort




of thing but we know that like certain movements are more you know muscle damaging than others think about and r d l versus a




even a seated hamstring curl sort of thing




so we know things that are training the muscles at longer lengths can be more damaging just by nature of how the resistance curve and stuff is on them




so and i think it's too with




people who change modalities or there's novelty like i have a client right now who's we're starting a calory deficit ere we are in a calory deficit and he's moving from power lifting to hypertrophy training because our goal is really just to build a really




sweet physique now and he's like really crushed by these workouts and i was like hey we need to pull back volume here because your your legs are crushed for four days like that's actually worse than what we want pull volume




down and then as you as the novelty of these new work outs kind of were all and you're adapting properly we can work volume up but we don't want to just bury you because we're




going to deficit so we know there's not going to be an adequate abundance of resources to fit ilitate the recovery here in the name of the game in a depisode is maintaining the muscle mass you have so in that context like in an excess of muscle damage is like kind of shooting yourself in the foot






no for sure it's definitely




just an ambiguous thing for somebody trying to implement this stuff though


yeah it's it's going to be a gray area where you're it's ike a sweet spot to find kind




of i would imagine


yeah and in regards to your client you're like a hundred percent right like if you it's something like isretell would




say but if you can get those easy gains with lower volume and further from failure than save more volume and closer to failure or when you need it you know use it as a progression mechanism or whatever




cool anything else that stands




out as far as things when you're writing a program that would resemble what you're reading in the book versus the way you've been tryin in the last year


what i will do with this program is it's going to be lower volume higher intensity i'll probably only do two working sets for everything and take those two working sets to the house




for sure




because like like let's say like right now i'll have like four sets but i know i'm like well this first set of twelve like push it that hard or i'm never going to make you know my fourth my fourth set which is a set of ten like i'm goin to be sucking destroyed if i push this twelve too hard so




it's and that's something that i know is it's that like that statement right there is incredibly common oh wow i have four sets here i can't come out of the gate you know balls to the wall and set one on set four i'm going to have to drop load by like twenty percent and it might call




for a set of ten i'm only be




able to do like six is gonna be fucking demolished you know




so instead what i mean that's very very common like that i just said for you know your lifters so what i'm going to do two sets i'm going to work with like three to four minutes three to five minutes rest depending so increase that rest because i'm only taking two sets and those two sets are going to be like really i'm going to swing for the fences on them and




and make sure they are both like one r r but because i'll warm up well and i'm not doing as much unnecessary feeder sets like for example on the hack squat today finally hit my my ten raps at hundred and sixty five kilos my final set finally had two sets and i just warm up with like feeders of six and then like a four going into it




i bet today i could probably do could have probably done another ten kilos for a




set of ten because




i'm not you know doing these things to like a five r r to hit my four sets sort of thing


m no totally dude what you're saying at least




that initial statement about the number of sets being closer




to failure orstuf like that that is how i trained like i literally you're talking to me about like saying the lower rep ranges which i know is another thing




that that chris beardsley and paul are both very very big on is that hey the five to eight rep ranges where you should be because anything




above that you know there's the fatigue component and anything below that you're not getting the hyportrophic stimulus but that's what




i do like i'm between five and eight on all compounds in between six and ten on all isolations and i take really long rest periods and i do who sets for everything and it's weird how i've kind of naturally gravitated toward that and now i'm intrigued because that is at this point my bias and now you have this book that you're reading that seems to validate my bias so um so i might have to check that out






it's a good read it's like i said it for someone who's been lifting weights like twenty years i never actually learned like the bear bones of how it works and it's been really cool but again it's dense and i feel pretty




dumb and i'll reread sections and like i have




to be on like i have to keep my




brain in it or it's way over my head and after re read




it again for sure


my last question on this before i want to talk about my deck of stuff




is uh you said you're going to rite a program and follow it that's based on this model so where does that fit in you're coaching with alex


so that will wrap up kind of as we're leaving bolly um




just because i know like we're going




to have two months is back in the states it's going to be a lot of travel and it's just hard i wouldn't be able to be consistent with coaching and i'm not one of those people who like to like submit shittycheckins or oh yeah i didn't i couldn't follow it this week so yeah i ll coincide with a lot of that


very nice sweet well i guess the topic desure is is my dexter results my very first deck that i've ever had in my entire life




and the big review for anyone that it doesn't know yet is that i weighed in at a hundred and ninety three pounds and fourteen point six percent body fat which doesn't surprise me like i thought i was going to be between thirteen and fifteen and that is literally smack dab right in the middle a couple of cool other things that that tells us is that when i hit the bottom my diet around a hundred and eighty two pounds that i was most likely right around nine or ten percent body fat which is also right about what we expected because then we assumed that i would need to get to stage in the low one seventies and if you just do all this math backwards i would essentially be four point six percent body fat at a hundred and seventy four pounds if we're to lose only body fat and so that's the caveat that i think is important because if going down to four point




six percent body fat i'm probably going to lose a little bit of muscle along the way too so i think that's




why alberto with his expert eye when he looked at me at one eighty five he was like yeah one seventy he's like you might see one sixty nine one day but like you'll eat up into the show you'll one seventy on show day or whatever so i think like his expert eye just kind of caught that perfectly and in his assessment but i'm like totally cool with it like obviously i would have loved if it came back at one ninety three




at like ten percent or something ad then i'm like yeah see i can go to stage at one seventy nine or something um but like in reality that's just that's just not the way it goes so so yeah it's as i expected what do you think aaron


ah well i know for the texas are really really rough because people especially in the in the ab in mid section people hold their body fat like proportions differently so for example that same power lifting client i was just talking about when you are squatting a lot of heavy as weight and you can dead lift a lot of heavy as weight you get a pretty jacked core you know




and in his checking photos his absurd they're there they're large they're pronounced and he's probably sitting at sixteen percent body fat you know like his absit sixteen percent body fat are way better than mine are and i have like veins in mind and ship but they're pretty just flat bcuseijust




don't fucking train them




so it can be really really challenging and i think that's you know for you specifically because like your shoulders and back are always like really really lean same thing with your abs but then i remember saying that like it was like lower body like ham strings






well that's as




we expected as well right so that's what i'm saying like none of this surprised me so when we they have the ganoid and the android








broken out and ganoid would be the hips and gluts more or less




and then




android would be the stomach is that right


yes correct


yeah so my android fat was if my total body fat is for fourteen point six the region around my stomach was ten percent body fat and the region around my hips and gluts was seventeen percent body fat um so then they use the android region which is your your mid section to assess your vat which is you ah


visceral adipose tissue


boom visceral




fat this is the really bad stuff the stuff that nobody wants because it causes all of the metabolic disorders and stuff like that so so my vat is super super it was i have point six seven




pounds of fat that are that are visceral fat and that's ninety nine percent ile basically ninety eight something like that i really really good but hold a lot around the hips and ass which is as we expected as well because when bert saw me he was like yeah your upper body is ready basically at one eighty two or whatever and then i still had ten poutains to go and it was mostly going to be a result of that region of my body so the decks really just in that case again validated things that i kind of already knew


yeah it's it's interesting i would love for us to one day kind of dig in more around that because it's just it's less common is what i should say to see that kind of disparity
























it's not like you don't train your legs or something like that if you were just like dude that never trained his legs and includes like then it wouldn't be as surprising to me as what i'm




getting at


you you mentioned something when we were talking about this that it could be you're like maybe we should look into like this hormonially like why are you holding this fat there and i hadn't thought of that at all just honestly one hundred percent of someone would have asked me i would have just been like yeah genetically like that's just where i hold fat um and and on the other side of the equation genetically or hormonally whichever way you want argue it it's way healthier for you to hold that fat down there than it would be to be holding that fat in the mid section where it's visceral so so like if it is hormonial and there is some way that that this could shift say even if i did want it to shift where i would hold body fat differently what would be the things that one might look for


the thing that comes to mind is your ratio of estrogen to testostron um because typically we see in the female fat the fen always messes up the female fat pattern storage is much more gynoid than android right




think about like i mean




we and all think of that woman who's like there lean through her through her as and then has like huge you know glut and




this sort of thing from a from a distribution and then matt or sorry men are generally the complete opposite right will have really lean legs or skinny legs and then someone will have like a gut




in you know like skinny fat is like the definition there um so it's just that distribution is generally more common it's more what you will see on average but i know from like i mean i've seen your labs and stuff over like the last two years brian but the ratio of the two is something that is um newer to me that people are talking about and




being completely honest i was introduced to this through like people that i follow and stuff that are more over you're like um non tested federations of body builders and stuff




because when you're testosteron is off the charts when you're on gear and it's you know over two thousand three thousand or whatever will commonly see these people's owestrogen that are super high right way above like forty i believe which is like the range for the standard reference range for men but that is where i was introduced into this like no




it's it's way over but it's also because testostrone is in the three thousands instead of the like




four five six hundred as opposed for you know normal non




exogenous test ostrom mail


interesting i'll have




to look back at my blood work and see what that ratio is but i really like i see this very commonly among like elite level body builders where they're like yep i'm there but you know lots and hams they still have another like ten pounds to go like nunez says that and brian miner says




that and steve hall and like all these guys that i follow are all basically just like yep gluts and hams the last thing to go type thing so yeah that's that's




interesting and i wonder if that's a factor of what happens




to your testastron as you get deeper into these contest stages too


probably yeah i would because i know it's obviously




although i would imagine that hormones in general of the sex hormones that would be effected would be effected across the board in terms




of their negative adaptations


yeah so i guess the other things that are interesting about the decks and results are that i have three percent higher body fat and one pound less muscle on my left leg than i do compared to my right leg um so my right leg was fifteen percent body fat and my left leg was eighteen per cent body fat um and i had like i said one extra pound of muscle on my right leg as well so i like that one kind of




made my mind explode because you know we all do this thing where we look at ourselves sometimes in the shower or the mirror




whatever and i always look at my left ham string and i'm like why is my left hand string so much better than my right and yet my left leg is the one that has more fat on and less muscle so it's just it just blows my mind and i don't quite




understand how that's the case but i do have one possible theory and it involves what i mentioned last episode regarding the meniscus tear on my left knee from you know number six years ago or whatever so i just spoke to my athapetic surgeon yesterday regarding next steps of the whole thing and i think i mentioned that i had also a small tear in my quad








say that




on the show yah um so on the call i was kind of telling him that




the since i stopped since my planner fash my planner facial injury on my right foot his this point gotten to a point where i can walk normal now i'm not limping anymore magically my left knee feels like ninety nine per cent better so i was like now that i'm not compensating any more by using that left leg it seems as if this miniscus




injury isn't really bothering me a ton of or and so his recommendation was not to touch the miniscus




until it's actually bothering me because he said the




chances of it of what they're going




to do being positive verse being negative or having no effect he said are about fifty fifty um and so unless it's bothering me he's like i don't think we even go in and mess with it at all so then i kind of asked about the quad thing and so the imagery








it was just a quad minor quad tar but it didn't specific state what part of the quad so in my mind i'm thinking




well the pain where it exists if i were to identify like a region where there is a little bit of pain is certainly in the bottom of my vmolikeright kind o where attaches to the medial part of the knee and so i asked him where the tar was and he goes yep inner lower you know medial portion of the quad and i was like okay so the bottom of the v m o and he was like yeah exactly so i pretty much like nailed that one on the only time that i feel that is like in deep ne flexion at the bottom of a squad or if you're going down to do like the kelly staretlikesitt ing the squat chair type thing i feel




pulling over there that i didn't use feel and so what we're going to do is go in and shoot that quad that lower v m up with p r p and then




he said that because of where it's proximity is in relation to the miniscus he thinks he can get a little p r p into that minisus area as well um so potentially i




could avoid the surgery completely for the miniscas and then the p r p recovery is still not like i can't go back to squatting the next day he basically


it's like


said you




know well he said you know if a week where you can't do any leg work at all um and then the next week you can do knee extension but you can't squat and then




by week three you can begin to grad ally introduce light weight like body weight squats and things like that so it's still a number of a couple of weeks off of like proper leg training i would say he said




about four weeks before i'm actually like back to doing training the way i was doing it beforehand




but either way the point of that story




to update you guys was also to say that this may have something to do with that disparity and fat and muscle tissue in my left leg is that if i really have this damage there where my quad is torn that's essentially muscle that's missing m and then the miniscus thing could be causing




some some issue around the knee as well there so so i don't experience any weakness in my left leg like and in some ways the left leg actually is stronger but i know that there's strong compensatory mechanisms that take place with in our body where it's like oh well if you're not going to produce force like this then we're going to use more of your adductor or your your glue max or glut meet or or whatever it is to help us complish this task so




um so i think that that partially explains it but i found that whole disparity between the leg thing to be quite interesting


that large is interesting for sure like there's going to be disparity




between all of your limbs like i have that my right arm is considerably larger than my left which i have kind of known even though i'm left handed but like both my right bicep and try sep are significantly stronger when i'm doing the lateral stuff but that one was that that size difference was enough where i was like that is interesting for sure


yeah and then on my arms it's it's half of that so my left arm has like one or one and a half pounds more fat and has half a pound less muscle then my right arm but that again kind of fits more at least in line with what i would expect although




considering it's a smaller area of muscle compared to the leg it might actually be the exact same maybe




i'm just super right side dominant




but either way i just think it's interesting and maybe i'll do an experiment




and once my my p r p is in my quad and stuff maybe i'll do like volume on my left arm and left leg for a year just




like one extra set here




and there and then go back and do another tea and see what happens just you know for science of course


i love the




texas like the




like i mean i think if i was in a place where i could get them regularly like i mean i would go every six months pretty much right like peak peak gaining d of diets like they're relatively inexpensive like about like sixty to eighty bucks of pop me know


mine was four o eight for two of them


four hundred and eight dollars


for to pack ye


where did you go didn't i send you a place in boulder


this is the only place in bolder that does them it's at the boulder medical center and you have to sign up through a company called fitness city


fitness city i think that was the one that i sent you






and so it's two seventy nine for one or four o eight for two so i just bought two




yeah i know i know but i mean you can go to denver like i think what




you told me is like you




can pay more and go to boulder here or you can you found a bunch in denver that were like half the price or something




but for the convenient and where my life is right now like i'm not going to drive to denver for a texas scan


i mean and it's a right off let's be honest


exactly exactly i put it as a business expense




cool and then the other final interesting thing about the the dexa is that my bone density was like the most good it was




it was way better than than any thing that i've seen it was




ninety fourth percentile


m yeah


it was a z score of one point four and i have and pounds of bone in my body which is




which is more than either of my friends who both are in the two twenties for body weight




and we all did our excess together so




so yeah i don't know i'm really aped about that do you remember your bone density score


but i could pull it up on my computer once once we're done recording and send it to you but i always




remember mine were really really high but the one thing i do remember is mine was highest




when i was power lifting which of




course makes sense because you're the strongest




and you have the most dense connectile tissue at that point then




but my first exit was the highest bone density but i was also heaviest and that's when i was my strongest


m interesting i mean yeah i couldn't imagine my being much higher but i guess there is ninety fourth percentile there's six percent ile to go


m yeah


um so yeah it was over all like a really cool experience i'm glad i did it and i have this like base line for going forward and uh yeah that's kind of the story on the deck i yeah


yeah they're fun to the listeners out there if you haven't had one i would recommend it as i would shop around though like i swear i've gotten texas in




like four or five different cities now




everyone's been between like sixty five and like eighty ish dollars but then like i have clients where they're like yeah like one had to go to ohio state to get it done and it was like




a super janki report and stuff so i guess it maybe it's going to be better in your like larger cities sort of thing or maybe there's just more competition than that drives price down or however that works in you know economics or whatever


yea for sure




cool wall the last thing i was going to talk about is kind of some more of the conflicting stuff that we see out there between these like experts




in the field but i think




touched on most of that with the chris beardsley stuff and we have milo coming on next week where we can delve a bit more into




some of this but just to kind of tease that a little bit there is a new post from our boy chester soko who we've been talking about interestingly for the last few episodes is as he's very dogmatic on the side of length and overload everything and so he just put out a or one of his super polarizing posts basically saying the internet gurus don't




know anything like every muscle responds to stretch mated hypertrofe including the arms so any instagram guru telling you that the arms don't respond to lengthen musculature i say maybe you should actually go get a real degree or you know something along those lines and it was just like the




biggest call on paul carter and all the stuff he's been putting out so um




so i just find it all very interesting i'm excited to get milo on and have a discussion with one person definitely sits on the




more lengthened overload side of the spectrum but hopefully he can help provide some of the science




behiend some of this and give us some insight


yeah i think it will be really really interesting the one thing i remember from from chester's post is that the studies that were commonly reference didn't actually fully stretch the biceps or the try es in that there's like the active tension portion and








was like




yeah where wasn't considered in that so again speaking kind of over my head in what i can recall accurately but interesting none the less especially where i would say i find it most interesting that like why would some muscle groups respond better at length and then others wouldn't the one thing that i did hear very briefly as i joined




paul carter and chris's um webinar this past




saturday was that some muscles have better leverage in the fully lengthened or stretched position and that is why they would respond better verses others i'm sure there will be more information over the coming hopefully months and not years as to




potential why or why not that may or may not be the case yeah


yep for sure that's all i got for today man well said


cool all right same so next week guys we have m milo wolf awn will be a fascinating conversation that both brian and i are next week

Episode intro/life updates
Bryan turns a 5-week mesocycle into a 9-week mesocycle to enjoy time off, to spend with friends and family
Aaron regrets doing a Crossfit class in Bali but doesn’t skip leg
Bryan explains - the value of the mental need to de-load verse the physical need to de-load
Bryan adapts exercises to successfully band a pendulum
Aaron ends his diet this week and explains this time it was more focused on training than calories
How to achieve the maximum amount of mechanical tension that you can without causing any muscle damage
Chris Beardsley’s book Hypertrophy: Muscle fibre growth caused by mechanical tension, validates Bryan’s bias of taking longer rest periods
Bryan’s first Dexa scan results are in! He weighs in at 193lbs and 14.6% body fat
Why hormones play a huge role in storing body fat in men and women
Bryan explains the disparity and fat and muscle tissue in his left leg