Eat Train Prosper

Bryan’s Post-Photoshoot Discourse⎮ ETP #76

July 12, 2022 Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein
Bryan’s Post-Photoshoot Discourse⎮ ETP #76
Eat Train Prosper
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Eat Train Prosper
Bryan’s Post-Photoshoot Discourse⎮ ETP #76
Jul 12, 2022
Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein

Heads up! In the introduction of this episode, we were planning a conversation around dealing with training injuries and setbacks. But as our conversation unfolded there was a lot of great context in the conversation on the backend of Bryan’s recently wrapped up calorie deficit and photoshoot.

Specific periods of nutritional periodization such as dieting to uncommonly low levels of body fat and attempting to game time a physique for a photoshoot provide excellent opportunities to have conversations about the intricacies of approaches and execution.

In next week’s episode, we will release the episode on handling training injuries and setbacks.

Thanks for listening! 

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Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

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IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Show Notes Transcript

Heads up! In the introduction of this episode, we were planning a conversation around dealing with training injuries and setbacks. But as our conversation unfolded there was a lot of great context in the conversation on the backend of Bryan’s recently wrapped up calorie deficit and photoshoot.

Specific periods of nutritional periodization such as dieting to uncommonly low levels of body fat and attempting to game time a physique for a photoshoot provide excellent opportunities to have conversations about the intricacies of approaches and execution.

In next week’s episode, we will release the episode on handling training injuries and setbacks.

Thanks for listening! 

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media  ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker


m what's up guys happy tuesday welcome back to another episode of train prosper today brian is




joining us from vacation in wisconsin and we are going to get into how to deal with some injuries brian had recently has recently i should say injured his foot which




he is going to go into a little bit




more and we




thought it would be a very




timely time to talk about this as we've both experienced considerable juries over our lifting careers we can put it that way and it would be pretty good to talk about because they are somewhat inevitable over enough long enough time horizon before we get into this we'll cover some updates brian why don't you kick us off


yeah so you guys will see if you're watching you tube right now that i'm sitting down and to be completely honest with you the reason i'm sitting is not even because of my foot it's because my low back is probably even worse than my foot right now and i think that it's caused by the foot so um this is going to be one of my main points in our conversation today is kind of watching for compensation injuries that occur from like the primary injury and so since this injury occurred for me which i'll go over here and discuss with you guys if you haven't been following my story but um m since this occurred on tuesday last week basically a few hours after we recorded our prior episode i am i've been hobbling around on one foot basically mix of crutches and wearing a boot and then trying to elevate my my good foot so that it matches the height of the foot with the boot but ultimately hobbling around for a week straight and still putting in between like five and eight thousand steps trying to like get after kids and you know be apparent and all that good stuff um my low back is just completely jacked up and it feels awful i don't i don't really know what to say beyond that it kind of reminds me of the injuries that i used to have during the cross fit days when we would do like too many dead lifts and get like a little q l or an s you're like some sort of low back tweak but i like can't lift my knee up to put my shirts on or much less my shoes on because it pulls on that low back piece and then you should see me it's actually kind of comical trying to put pants or or shorts because i can't bend over to do it and yet i also can't stand on my bad foot to do it so imagine trying to shift your weight from side to side but being unable to actually put your way on one of the sides and so the process of me getting dressed in the morning these days is uh one that you'd probably get a little bit of enjoyment and a couple of cackles out of if you actually were to watch me try




so um so your boys in a bit of shambles right now but um you know let's let's talk about some positive stuff and do you have any quick thoughts on any of that before before i jump into updates here


i do so the thing that's i hate when i always say the thing that's interesting right that's like it's like it just comes out of my mouth i don't even want to say it so i've been like consciously trying to not say




that's nteresting because i really have different thoughts about




it as you were talking about the low back thing i'm sure the listeners remember back in like april i injured my low back i can't but as you were talking i was trying to remember which side it was because of the compensation that happened over the preceding next you know weeks the other side of my low back was given be such problems that i literally sitting here cannot remember which side i had originally injured because i know that both sides have bothered




me you know in




the two months after from the from the compensatory yu know thing of it so it really is interesting




and i mean i perience that which we're going to get into you know a little bit i'm sure i've been in a boot or wasn't a boot at a period as well and yeah i mean the compensatory issues and just the shifts that your body makes to deal with it just opens up like




a can of worms






yeah so my right foot s like the primary place of abuse for my body over the years the last like five six years i actually so you you opened by saying we've had our fair share of injuries over the course of r lifting crews and stuff and i would actually say that like for somebody that's trained twenty five years i feel like the amount of injuries i've had have been quite minor and not extremely consistent so my right foot like i was saying has taken the brunt of it over the last few years so just over since two thousand sixteen in two thousand sixteen i was doing rope climbs at san diego athletics and came down from a rope too fast it was coiled on the ground and my right foot kind of hit the side of the rope and twisted over i'm pretty sure i tore some stuff on the top of my foot because it took like four to six weeks for me to be able to walk normal again but of course being a dude i never got it diagnosed or anything and then two years after that i smashed my toe dropped a twenty five pound plate on my toe and completely shattered like every digit in my in my big to um and then on the same foot this is what just happened to me at the photo shoot so third injury in five or six years on the right foot basically the story is i was all ready to go for the photo shoot last tuesday and i did a couple of warm up runs just to kind of get like some glue cos moving through my body and and that sort i always noticed that movement like brisk walking or slow jogging really tends to facilitate that glucose disposal into the maybe that's the wrong word glucose disposal what am i trying to say here


up take


up take that one um so anyways i went out for a short little run noticed that my heel felt a little tight but didn't really think much of it just kind of walked the last four hundred feet and we started the photo shoot did a couple good photos and then the photographer was like hey let's get a couple of running shots and i had completely forgotten that my heel felt tight while i was warming up and we did a running shot he got a couple of decent shots and then he's like al right let's do one more and literally the third step of that second run and my heel went pop pop and i've never anything like that before i've never actually had that i don't want to say it's audible pops because i don't think anyone on the outside would have heard it but it was certainly internal to the point that i felt a legitimate pop pop in my heel and that was maybe a quarter of the way through the photo shoot so i had to essentially just man up and find a way to continue doing the rest of the photo shoot on a hobbled foot and one thing i'm curious about is actually i couldn't really flex my quad fully because i couldn't push through the ground on that foot and the majority of the quad shots that we did came after the injury so i have a bit of trepidation in how those those photos are going to look from the outside especially on my right quad so that will be interesting and then obviously i couldn't really flex anything on the backside either so doing any sort of like back double buys or anything like that i couldn't get any not like i have any fucking ham strings to show anyways because they're all covered and fat but if i did have any ham strings to show you wouldn't have seen them anyways so so over all i think the photo shoot went well all things considered i think we got a couple decent photos a couple that i am kind of not so so hot i actually haven't seen the photos from the final product but just kind of looking through the lens at the shots that he would do in the moment and then one of the things that he and i both pointed out that actually is making kind of a significant difference in the photos is the time of year that we did the photo shoot because the last two years we've done it in september so now we're talking three months after the summer solstice so the sun is in a different spot in the sky this year we did the photo shoot sickly at the summer solstice it was the end of june and the sun was much higher in the sky then i anticipated so it created no a bit less shadowing than we've had in prior years so yeah i don't really know i know a couple of the photos i saw i was kind of disappointed and i showed him the photo from last year on my instagram and i was like hey this is what we did last year and then i was looking at the one from this year and i was just kind of like underwhelmed with it and so it was easy for me to get down on myself and be like oh i had a bad year of like results like i didn't get any muscle like all these thoughts going through my head and then then there's the lighting factor and the fact that i tore my foot like and there's just so many variables here it's really hard to get any any accurate representation of all of that but one of the cool things of the photo shoot is we actually we didn't do photos like this last year but as i was hobbling away from the photo shoot and we were about to wrap up we walked through this tunnel that went underneath a double yellow line road and there was just really cool light coming out the back of the tunnel so as i was walking out the front of the tunnel he snapped like a thousand photos of me and like like doing a push up in the tunnel a clapping push up like kind of just walking around looking at my phone and some of the really cool lighting and shadowing from the tunnel are actually going to create some some pretty savage photos so so i am excited to see those when they come out and then like i said a bit of trepidation on some of the other photos but time will tell we'll see how they look when when that occurs and then i have laundry list of other updates here but do you want to comment on that or do you want to give a couple o year updates here


yeah i will the big thing with the lighting is it is important in the time of the year in that sort of thing especially with like your your noon situatio ans were about mid day where the lighting is like straight top down that's like a very nonoptimal lighting situation and then just for any of the listeners who maybe you're not that well versed in like i can't it's sunlight out or no is it some not sunlight hour what do they call it's like the golden hour is like the hour before




the sun goes down that some of the like the really cool best natural lighting for taking pictures and i mean it really does make a difference so it was a very you know interesting thing to pick up on and i'm sure when some of the photos do come out and stuff um you can share that and then the last thought i had on that is you said is it the right quad i flex fully this year


yeah yeah


so then you can just throw up some comparisons of like this year's




left quad to last year's right quad


yeah you know




it's it's






to one


i wonder i feel like maybe this is an excuse but i was kind of distracted by the foot so i was finding it just difficult to flex in general like like when i would flex my upper body i would i would notice that i would lose connection with my lower body because i was like you know part of my mind was the right side of my brain is focused on this injury on the right side and then i'm focusing on what my upper body is doing and then the left quad just kind of maybe got like left behind type thing so i really have no idea how they're going to turn out it's just kind of up in the air at this point and so maybe i'll have some decent comparisons maybe i won't hopefully at least i can get some like some upper body comparison shots with lighting considerations and all that


yeah i mean i agree it's as something that i've now been been giving more effort than i have in the past is just like trying to be con sistent more consistent with my posing for my checking photos and i mean it's difficult even just doing the same thing like week to week i'm not like practicing it enough but it's like frustrating to try and just re create




the same poses and then like oh wow well i was able to do with my upper body but now you know my lower body i mean there's a lot more that goes into it and if you like in the back of your mind realize like i just have this




foot injury




right happened and i don't know how severe or minor it may be that will want hundred percent impact you know just your ability to stay focused right but the shoot and stuff like that so i mean like




yeah i get it and i really really do


so what's going on with you what do we have updates for striker today


so i'll start with a funny one whenever you travel




and go to some of these newer places there's always these i've talked about this before these times where you just get your ass kicked on things and you're just like dumb foreigner who's like unaware you know




and one of the interesting things here is like bally is generally a very inexpensive place but you can it can be very expensive as well and one of the things like the grocery store is kind of different like you take your your vegetables and fruits and then you go over to this like weighing station and they like weigh him and print out a label thing and like you know sticker it then you go like pay for it when you




go the check out so they like it's just been spinach has just disappeared i don't know if it's like not spinach season or whatever but there's like just straight




up no more spinach so i was like okay with my eggs ramble i started just doing like bell peppers another vegetable i like chop up put in there so i'm buying bell peppers at the grocery store um and the guy who's like weighing it he's like trying to tell me something but it's like english isn't the greatest and then something with me i'm only going to ask someone to repeat themselves twice if i can't get it after that time i'm just going to say like yeah whatever and just like




agree with them and just like move






in smile


yeah nod and smile right so basically did this with




with the pepper as i got like think like six peppers maybe seven like three green three riders thing like that and then i go to pay the ladies like hey like these peppers are like ninety per cent of your grocery bill like do you actually want them and at this point i'm like well i they're ready bagged an like labeled like it's too late to back out now so yeah whatever so then i paid for it and i ended up spending like thirty dollars on fucking six peppers and the guy who was weighing it was trying to be like asshole these are really fucking expensive




peppers do you want them and the thing that's funny is the peppers we're like more than half of the price that i pay to get my food prep for me for the entire week




so like i obviously cook my own breakfast but it's one of those things i was like when you're in the no right so then i just measured the food people i was like hey can you just chop up bell peppers




and not cook them and throw them in with my meal and they're like yeah sure what color do you want right so i just swap that out the vegetable but me going to do myself in the grocery store i'm paying like four times the price then i would have someone else do it for me because they just have different sources and you know obviously they're




not stupid like i am and pay for it so




that was my kind of funny international story where i got my ass kicked paying a lot of money for bell peppers


are they not like inherent to bally are they they having to be shipped in from elsewhere


i literally do not have a clue but




the week before they were not super super expensive and this week they were




i have no idea i don't know if they were like a special type of bell pepper or but yeah so now i just no okay i get my belt bepverse from the food pre place because they have


there you go


you now much better sources but it's like one of those tings like yeah i paid like thirty dollars for




bell peppers






pretty nuts


on the weekend yeah




um and then i'm in my final week of the metabolic training which




i am happy about because i don't it's not that i don't like it but it feels except for one day one day like hell on earth and the reason for that is it's leg press leg extension seated like curl of like you know metabolic style in complete like in complete rest method on the leg press is hell on earth




absolutely terrible um and it's one of those things there like it's not a shortened over load movement like a leg extension where you're going to fail at the top of the relic




unless you like you know outrageously mis load the like press like you're going a be able to perform the rep it's really




just like how much pain can you push into to continue you know doing those raps so aside from that day it just feels like kind of like easy because you're in this weird place for like wolf increase the weight i'm going to start failing the raps and that you know is sides the whole purpose you want to be able to complete all the rebs across the five sets but with a short rest period you have to reduce load you know but then i don't feel like it's like a very taxing training day i'm in and at agaiment forty minutes which is very very low for me




um and then i don't feel like i just don't feel like i'm putting in like the effort that i normally do so i'm excited for this to kind of be done and get back into like actual hypertrophy training which is ultimately




what what we're here for you know what i mean




so it's just interesting and it's been like i am not i remember this back to when you would




program different things for us at the at the cross of a gem like i am not very you know good an endurance standpoint so like my i will drop off like heavily and hard from trying like repeated bouts at a same weight sort of thing and this is just like a stark you know em nor of how not great i am at it so that's another reason too i suck




at this and i'm




failing quick and i need to drop the weight too


i'm curious if you feel like you'll notice any kind of auxiliary benefits or




anything kind of after after it when you go back to






yeah i am i am interested to see that so i will by the time next week's episode will drop i will be back into hypertrophy then the last small update i have and this one is a cool one specifically because we were talking around like my lower back injury and stuff when i got back to polly when i was here a couple of years ago like messed up like one of my gluts




um like an acute injury thing and i found this guy like a body worker and he was really really good but i mean fuck it is i think it's like




a cultural thing where like you know like let's say in the states like you go to like a massage place like if you are very odd viously in high amounts of pain like they're going to duce the pressure and ask like is that too hard sort of thing like this guy is all about his business




he's like you came to me to fix this injury like we're going to fix this injury just lay there and take it


i need




one of those guys man






no like have you ever been in so much pain where your body just pissing sweat like you're just sweating profusely




it's literally like a like a stress response but damn are these like messages not effective and at yoga the other day i've been going to this hatha slow flow yoga class like on sundays it's like i really really like it we were doing like a twisting you know i'm not going to pretend like i know the names of any of the sucking poses but for the first time i was like able to really reach to ex extension and actually like look at my hand up at the ceiling and i was like holy shit i have all this extra mobility in my likescapscaps in thoracic area from these god awful massages because that's where a lot of it been and it was like in that moment i was like holy all this new like movement i have back which was really really




cool and i'm really excited about it


that's awesome and very cool to be able to see like the tangible representation of all that pain you've gone through yeah


it has been a lot too


yeah well very






that's it that's


i need








of those


my updates


cool well let me just continue jumping down my list




here so just to put a wrap on the photo shoot real quick i ended up doing the photo shoot that morning i woke up at one eighty five point o which is within the same one pound range that i've done at the last two years so i was between one eighty five and one eighty six each year so i'm right there didn't get quite as low as i mentioned in the last episode i got down to one eighty three point two at the lowest so right around the same as prior year and the main difference here will just be the lighting and then the time of year that we did it when the pictures come out um regarding the foot so the internet was convinced that i had torn my posterior tib tendon which is actually kind of like a really fucking big deal if i would have torn that it would have had you know basically required sir jury and potential issues with ankle stability throughout the rest of my life and stuff like that but i went to snaps physical therapy here in bolder area and met with nicole whose best friends with laura she's the kind of coo of our paragon training company and and they diagnosed it really quickly and easily as a partially ruptured planter fascia so that is a much better diagnosis than a posterior tib tendin and basically what they said is that if i would have torn it fully i'd probably have zero pain they're like it would have swollen up and you would have had a bruise and two or three days later you would have basically been back to normal type thing but because it's a partial rupture appa like your body gets a little confused as to what exactly it's supposed to do like do i repair this thing is it like it creates all these confusion in your body and the pain is quite severe so i'm now on day seven and i would say that the pain is is still there like i still can't walk fully on my foot i'm still in the boot all that good stuff so the there was a study there was actually a meta analysis i believe done on people with this exact injury and all the people that were in the study the healing took between three and twenty six which is a large large range with the mean being nine weeks so i'm guessing i'm going to be on the shorter side of that but i definitely think you know four to six weeks before i'm like fully back to normal on the positive side i am able to train for those following my story i did go and do legs yesterday leg curls leg extensions no big deal at all part of me wonders whether my low back situation was aggravated by doing ardl's and this is something that we'll get into later as we go through the injury discussion so i'm not going to touch on that too much here just a thought the back of my mind and then m upper body stuff is obviously no big deal at this point one thing i do want to discuss is my nutrition over the last seven days because i think it's it's somewhat interesting for the




the viewer here so


let's do it


yeah so tuesday was the day of the photo shoot last week and after the photo shoot i had a big plan of what i was going to eat so ordered two cheese steaks a side of fries then i bought a massive apple pie that had eight servings in it and ended up eating five servings of the eight servings half a tub of vanilla ice cream ate some cinnamon pita chips um ate a couple of pieces of brownies and woke up the next morning so jacked i was so jack i was so vascular and it's wild because you caught it kind of called this you were like you know it's going to be the day after you have like a really big cheat that you're going to wake up looking the best but man how do you do that it's fully like how do you say like hey i have a photo shoot tomorrow let me go eat five thousand calories of fat and carbs and and just pray that i'm going to wake up looking great the next day type thing you know because what i did is i ate four hundred and fifty or five hundred carbs and i kept my fat a little lower on monday because i know that this is the most prudent route to insuring success the next day in the photo shoot um but in retrospect man i weyunderdid it like four hundred and fifty to five hundred carbs was just not enough because it was after that five thousand calory cheat or bing or whatever you want to call it on stronger by science they said they prefer to call these plane hedonic deviations instead of instead of benches or cheat meals and so the difference












one is planned and one is just i can't control myself type thing so mine was a bit of both like i sort of planned it i was like you know i'm buying this apple pie a week advance i'm buying this ice cream a week in advance like all this stuff so so while it was a binge it was also sort of a plan to tonic deviation but yeah i mean like man i don't even know if next year like i would i would do that like knowing what happened this year i don't know that i next year would just be like you know what monday night i'm going to do the five thousand calory bench and i'm going to look great on tuesday like i just don't know if that's like a reasonable thing to assume but i also don't know like how much more do i need to go it's just




it's kind of this ambiguous territory where like i thought that i was doing it right but then you realize the next day that you under did it so how do you kind of




find that delicate and it's like is the best way to do a plane re feed




maybe three or four weeks prior and kind of assess how your body looks a few days later type thing but then at the same time like if i were




go and do a replicated version of this binge that i did i'm now two weeks behind in my diet because i had five thousand calories one day so it's it's very ambiguous and it's hard to tell exactly what the right approach is here what do you think


it's very very hard the only people that i know are really really good at it are people that prep a lot of people for body building shows because this is pretty much the like old time you get to practice this sort of thing i do know being ready early is generally the goal so that you can practice




this most people we'll do it around like seven to ten days out a large acute overfeeding thing one to help alleviate some of like you know cortizal build up and stuff like that heading into like peak week but also as a test to see one how digestion is going to hold up with an acute carbohydrate overfeeding what foods to test on the acute over carbohydrate overfeeding and then see how the body responds to my knowledge it's something that there really isn't that good of research on especially because a lot of people will respond very very differently i've known of like some i mean not first hand accounts i cannot say that i was therefore aware of people having these huge thousand plus carb over feeds and waking up leaner or sorry leaner and lighter the next morning




so i imagine that you're like one eighty five you have a thousand carbs the day before and you wake up at one eighty four point seven or something like that


no it's






from a from a like a notthermogenesist tam what's that word what's




like the word








dynamic standpoint


yeah yeah


like it doesn't make sense so it is like really really interesting in the approach that i take like i have a client who we are in this right now he has a photo shoot in six days we're going to take like four days out a very large overfeeding thing i'm going to you know training is going to come down and we're just going to kind of like that over feeding is going to be like hey i want to try and even maybe a little bit to see how you look




in the evening in the morning and then we're going to kind of not like a linear load but then kind of just try and stay full over a couple of days heading




into it um because i like i don't know if i've talked about this too much on the case i take a very conservative approach with my coaching um and i just if i can do something over like four or five days as supposed to like one day i just know like the tighter time frame you have the more precise that calculation needs to be and that's really really hard to do well whereas if we have four days to load we can you know over multiple evenings and mornings and just try and hold that look over multiple days as supposed to like you know trying to hit it with a shot gun the night before




sort of thing which is generally any time that i've done that before i've been like happy with those shoots but then like i said two or three days later i'm like what the fuck is so much




better now sort of thing






the confusing part for




me is that like every piece of anecdote and research on this loading procedure is like a carbdominant loading with a low fat but that day that i did the apple pie and the cheese stakes and all that stuff i had over two hundred grams of fat and then also had you know five six seven eight hundred carbs whatever it is i didn't even calculate i just kind of at um and so based on what i know it would be like dude that fat like really screwed up like the assimilation of your carbohydrates and the uptake of the glucose and like all this stuff and yet that's not the way it appeared for me so it's interesting


yeah i do know like generally you don't want fats to be like over two hundred but you can get to a point where your body is like so carbohydrate like dominate basically it's you know fuel preference where you need to add in fats a little bit just to slow the burning




of all that carbohydrate so i do know people who are like you know very very lean and traditionally have been like very low fat for you know multiple multiple weeks heading into you know the show the diet whatever there will be a little bit of targeted fat included just the slow down your body of passing through all that carbo hydrate


hm interesting yeah so just to put a wrap on this food thing i've been eating basically like a donkey for the last seven days the first three days were slightly less than that first day but still completely free it whatever i wanted to the entire time i actually had seven snicker bars one night and and stuff like that so just completely owing caution to the wind and by day four i went to bed at two hundred pounds and woke up at one ninety four so looking at that you know somebody could be like me you've gained like ten pounds in four days and and really in reality that was probably like seven or eight pounds of like water and food volume and all that stuff and then a couple of pounds of fat so um last night monday was the first day that i sort of dialed things back a little and i ate super healthy all day and then just had two snickers bars at night and woke up this morning at one ninety so um so i'm guessing that once i take myself back to maintenance iss i should drop back down into the high one eighties and that will probably be where i settle after a week of eating eating as i did i had a on from somebody on instagram that asked me like you know how do you feel about you worked so hard to get this physique and then now you just gained ten pounds which in reality you know i didn't gain ten pounds but but you know you basically just lost everything you gained type thing and my response back was that i was getting lean for a purpose and i achieved my purpose sort of um but to i just really like psychologically don't do well with reverse diets it it creates this extreme food focus for me that is almost just as narly as the diet itself like i still find myself you know thinking about what foods i'm going to eat how much food i'm going to eat playing a little bit of macrotetris like things like that so for me like i take my three months a year or four months or whatever it is and i die and i get to the goal and then that creates this like space and freedom maybe for me to do not have to reverse out and then i have enough of a general sense of what i should be putting in my body and you know where i operate optimally that for me to get to an absurd amount of body weight even over the next six months like if i were to hit the one the high one nineties two hundred over the next six months i just wouldn't expect it like i just don't think my body s going to do that and um it has this natural regulation pattern where if i overeat for a day or two then i naturally will under eat for a day or two following that and it won't even have to take any discipline it will just be following natural hunger signals so so to answer this person's question i'm not i'm not worried about it and i'd much rather give in to these like plantedonic deviations then to sit there worrying about counting calories after three months of dedicated counting calories type of thing so um so that's my thoughts on that and now it's been seven days of basically doing whatever i want i am now as of starting today going to get back to a maintenance plus gaintaining maingaining type thing and and just kind of let things fall where they do at that point any thoughts on that i have one or two more updates here


i do have thoughts on this and being that we are training in nutrition podcasts i feel like this is one of those conversations i really should put some details on




so with this i think how people approach this is really going to come back to what your goals are right you know or knew that hey i am going into photo shoot target is one eighty five and then i want to settle back in around the high one eight thing and you're like completely on board with that and you have decided that it is not worth reverse diet to stay maybe in the like one eighty five one eight six okay i'm going to overshoot for a few days some inflammation i'm going to like scratch that itch of lower quality food and i know i'll settle back into like the you know maybe one eight eight one eighty nine something like that that's perfectly fine right i definitely don't see any any problem with that beak you know that that is the goal for people that like have like dieted to like for whatever reason their goal is maybe a hundred and eighty pounds or something like that if they are not it all depends on how you look at the the last like maybe six or eight weeks it took you to get those final pounds off if you're going to be like pret upset that like hey i just busted my ass for these last eight weeks to go from like one ninety to one eighty five and in four days i'm going to be back at one ninety like if that bothers you then taking the reverse approach is going to be you know a much more appropriate angle for you but that's going to be very individualized because like you're not tied to a number brian like yeah i know like i want to get to that one at five so that my photo shoe comparisons are like pretty good but you know like you you've talked about this like you boy you feel pretty good around the like low one nineties like




esk type thing and that's like comfortable for your life style for your training it doesn't require a lot management you know of time taken away from the family sort of thing like you know that if you are listening to this and you don't know those things you know i would generally err on the reverse diet side it allows you to remain








but you are still now doing pretty much the exact same thing that you were dieting from an effort standpoint but calories are you know increasing pretty




much week over week as long as it's here is is pretty decent um the last thing i will say there is personally this reverse post the bottom of a diet is my absolute favorite time to be caloric periodization because i mean for me it's just like everything is firing on all cylinders like your super super lean your food is increasing week over week your energy is increasing week over week your sex drive starts like peeking back up again and then you just continue to look better every single week for like you know eight nine ten weeks as food is coming up like to me that's fun is all hell but this is also what i do professionally so i have a much more no kind of strange relationship with food than majority of people probably do






no that's super well said on all of the points that you




made and and it's it's good that you cleared that up to you because the way that i handle this is probably not the way i would coach people at least unless they had similar kind of aspirations and and experience as myself i very much think that most people should take advantage of that reverse period and then it also especially depends on where they're coming from like if for me one eight is really really really lean like it's it's bordering on you know unhealthy lean type type levels but if somebody's coming from twenty five percent body fat and then there down to fifteen percent body fat that's way different than going from sixteen percent to nine percent or something along those lines so








is relative




and specific to the individual


that what




you just said it one hundred percent one hundred percent


i mean that's what i took from what you said to i just kind of put numbers to it so yeah so man this episode is going way longer than than we expected but but basically the one other thing i want to say here is that we had the episode two episodes ago about the psychological verse physiological need to de load and there's the saying that vision is twenty twenty in retrospect or something along those lines i probably




butchered that


hindsight is twenty twenty


there you go hindsight twenty twenty so in my last messocycle that lasted seven microcycles psychologically i probably felt the need to de load at after week five like i probably should have in retrospect but the crazy thing is that i didn't because i knew that i had this photo shot coming up i knew that i had this nine day period where i was going to be taking time off to drive to wisconsin and settle into this vacation etcetera so i pushed myself through the last two weeks and did week six and seven and week six and seven i improved on literally almost every lift i either improved or stayed the same on everything despite being in the last two weeks of my diet despite already having reached this point of this desire to reload psychologically and i just didn't but i kept progressing which which supports my point that that it's more psychological than it is physiological but second i want to point out something i felt during those last two weeks and i didn't really acutely note it in my brain because i think i was powered by this adrenalin and this like intense focus to get to the photo shoot but now in retrospect i remember so many times in the last two weeks where i'd be downstairs playing with bryce and you know we have a little basketball basketball hoop in the basement we're pitching the ball out front and he's hitting like whiffle balls and in normal life i have no problem chasing balls around like if that ball is cross the room i'll run and go get it if the whiffle ball is it into the street i'll go out and go get it but many times in those last two weeks the ball would be hit or the ball would roll across the room and i would just stare at it and be like funk that like i do not have the desire to get up and go get that ball right now and so it could certainly be argued that that might be partially related to the diet and having low energy coming in but think that it's also just as much related to the fact that i was pushing so hard in the gym and kind of past this point of fatigue right so it's just it's just i think the lesson here if i were to to just try to boil it down to something is that we all can be a little bit more aware of where we may or may not be lacking energy in daily life as a result of the things that we're doing to pursue our fitness and so you know just in these last few days despite having a fall up low back and despite having my football messed up i have more general energy to go do stuff it's just unfortunate that i'm broken and i can't actually go do stuff but but i am going to remember this because i don't want to push my training to a point now where i find myself sitting there and like just lacking desire to go walk eight feet to go pick a ball um so i'm going to be more aware of that and i think that i'm going to taylor my training efforts in volume so that i can potentially avoid being that fatigued um in subsequent cycles so i just thought that may be like a lesson for for somebody that may be experiencing something similar as well


no i do really really like that and i actually




was having this conversation with one of my clients today during our r checking everyone's life and this is going to be hugely individually individual individually variable i guess is the terminology i'm looking for where a training pushing training further and pushing the diet get leaner objectively makes your life worse not better




and it's really hard person a person to kind of pin point you know like what a really generalized way we could talk about it would be like a body fat percentage however that's going to differ based on other factors of your life are you married do you have children like these sorts of things it is a sliding scale but everyone is going to have that threshold we're getting leaner makes your life actually worse not better um




past like i haven't seen figures on this brian and it's really really hard to say but it might be maybe this is a discussion for another day but




trying to kind of pin point it and what approximate body fat percentage




would getting leaner not benefit your health right i think he would be a fantastic conversation maybe something we bring someone on for




it something that i think about a lot with you know my clients personally but yeah i think especially having a family and being a dad like that's a situation where it's like a very real thing you're like fun i'm paying with my son and i don't want to go get the ball to throw




it him again because




i'm all dieted out and trained too hard you know what i mean so




i definitely definitely get that i think it's a really interesting thing




to bring up


i wonder how much of it is like if you could assign percentages to like this much of it is from the diet and this much of it is from you were training too hard type thin you know because




there's like a part of me that wonders like so if i was doing two or three sets of most movements by the end of my mess what if i just did one what if it was like a series of progressive warm upsets and then i just had like one top set because we know that like one set is basically seventy to eighty per cent you would get from three sets and that's assuming that you're like some two year trained person in a study i'm guessing i can get a lot more from one set than that college student in the study can get from one set so like what if i saved myself one or two sets and just did one i'm in to die anyway it's not like i'm building muscle maybe i don't need to be pursuing the amount of volume that i was doing you know so um that's something that i'm considering to in future diets to is even taking a lower volume approach than i was because as much as i do tend to err on the side of lower volumes like most of my muscle groups were between eight and twelve sets per week and that's still in that moderate range so i'm guessing if i were to go to like five to seven sets a week that saves me a ton of energy and still could potentially retain me the same amount of muscle throughout the course of the diet so anyway just thoughts for kind of future experiments


yeah i mean i think you really did hit the nail on the head there i mean i would put my money on that that fatigue is more than fifty percent call a deficit mediated as opposed to you know the training




intensity because let's say you know that same training intensity volume is there but now calories are twenty percent higher i'm sure you extend that run




and then the thing that i really really like that you said is specifically like i'm in a calory deficit i know that i'm not going to be building muscle anyway




like how much volume is sufficient to maximaly retain as much lean body mass as i otherwise normally would as volume increases but




as it does increase that fatigue you know increases pretty much exponentially with




more performed






all right




well i








we're an hour in and we just got through all our updates


what do you think about




we just push this injury conversation to the next episode


yeah yeah yeah let me see if i had anything else that i want i moved from updates down to the injury section m yeah i think we can mostly do that one thing i did want to mention is that with my foot the way it was i m i've been unable to walk obviously because when i do walk it




creates this lop sided body thing but what i did find is that i can bike and so that has been what i've been doing and i think that that's just one thing i'll leave you guys with is when you do have injuries i think part of our big conversation next week is going to be around how can we train around this injury and still do something productive so in lieu of being able to get the steps that i generally want to maintain call it mental clarity cognitive function and just general health um biking is a great substitute and so for me that's been a life saver because it allows me to still get out to throw i head phones on to feel the breeze to get some endorphins going and do it in a manner that doesn't caused me further detriment so so that was one thing i originally had in my updates and then i moved it down to our




injury discussion because it was sort of relevant




to that but i think the rest of the stuff can pretty much be saved for next week


cool so yeah unwound a little bit differently than we had expected but a great conversation as always brian and then next week




we will cover set backs injuries and how to make the most of that time that you will need to ass by regardless


yeah and hopefully i'll have a bit more of a thorough optimistic perspective than i made today


i'm sure time has a nice way of doing that as always




guys thank you for listening brian and i will talk to you next week