Eat Train Prosper

Top 5 Tips for Gaining Muscle | ETP#73

June 21, 2022 Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein
Top 5 Tips for Gaining Muscle | ETP#73
Eat Train Prosper
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Eat Train Prosper
Top 5 Tips for Gaining Muscle | ETP#73
Jun 21, 2022
Aaron Straker | Bryan Boorstein

This week on the podcast we are covering our top 5 important aspects to consider implementing to create the most productive gaining period you possibly can. We go into depth on the reasoning behind each of these top selections and important considerations for each. This episode ranges from gaining based on your training age, how much muscle you are attempting to put on, what changes to your training would be more practical during gaining, and what you should be considering from a nutrition standpoint to make the most out of the months ahead. We also sprinkle into this episode some of our lessons learned the hard way from previous years of doing this incorrectly.

Thanks for listening! ✌️

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

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IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

This week on the podcast we are covering our top 5 important aspects to consider implementing to create the most productive gaining period you possibly can. We go into depth on the reasoning behind each of these top selections and important considerations for each. This episode ranges from gaining based on your training age, how much muscle you are attempting to put on, what changes to your training would be more practical during gaining, and what you should be considering from a nutrition standpoint to make the most out of the months ahead. We also sprinkle into this episode some of our lessons learned the hard way from previous years of doing this incorrectly.

Thanks for listening! ✌️

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media  ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker

Coaching with Aaron ⬇️

Done For You Client Check-In System for Online Coaches ⬇️

Paragon Training Methods Programming ⬇️

Follow Bryan's Evolved Training Systems Programming ⬇️

Find Us on Social Media ⬇️
IG | @Eat.Train.Prosper
IG | @bryanboorstein
IG | @aaron_straker


okay so just the heads up as we get in evan i unfortunately left my microphone at home so you may notice




the microphone quality isn't quite as up to par but hopefully my web camp should be




pretty decent as well just give me some feedback on that once you dig in and let me know here we go what's up guys happy tuesday welcome back to another episode of train prosper today brian and i




are going to dig into a instagram question that came in from our last week's june q n episode that we thought would be a great idea to explode into its own episode and what we have is our top five tips




for a really productive gaining period before we jump into this we're going to get through some up dates brian i have so brian why don't you kick us off


yeah as far as my diet goes i think i thought that i was about to start gaining again but realized that it was actually just mistake and i'm still dieting so so in reality what happened here was we had this great discussion on our last e t p and you suggested that i really like dioletin cut the fats down cut some carbs down the protein a little um and i did that for a few days i even said a new love i hit one eight four point and then it was literally like right around that moment where i think whatever uphoria i was feeling from dieting and you know slowly maneuvering towards the bottom of this body weight range that i discussed could be optimalum things just kind of shifted like really quickly like like almost overnight i started having more food focus i had diet fatigue my sleep wasn't great and this happened like couple days in a row i started having cravings i mentioned on the last one that i had like a bad training session luckily training sessions have been great i'll go into that in a minute but like the the idea of like the juice being worth the squeeze on the diet and like know that mental desire to pursue continuous weight loss i've just lost that like i just don't really want to be dieting any more and so i don't know whether that's because i'm like twelve weeks in whether it's because my body fine lee reached this like point where maybe i'm now at the like below what would be like my optimal body weight range there's like a number of factors that could go into it but one of the things i discussed in the diet is i never had to re feed this whole time i never oscillated more than three hundred calories up or down from where my target was at any given time i baked this big batch of brownie for this social event that i went to with some friends this weekend they were all drinking beers um you know some some chips stuff like that i didn't have any of that i didn't have a beer i didn't have any chips i literally ate like twelve ounces of steak that i brought and i was feeling really good about myself and then the brownies came out and i was like i'm just going to have one like teeny nibble the size of my my finger nail just because i want to know if i made good brownies are not you know and turned out they were fantastic they were like the best brownies i've ever made and before i knew it i had eaten like five hundred plus calories of brownies and and now i'm dealing with the ramifications of that so the scale weights been up a couple pounds and you know my head i know that it's it's five hundred calories of brownies it's you know one seventh of a pound of fat or whatever that is but the scale has all these other considerations that that happens though the scale as been up a couple of pounds it's slowly been working back down so its spiked up two pounds to one eight six and then it was like one it five and a half then one eighty five and then it's one eighty four and a half this morning so it's like slowly working its way back down um i'm now ten days away from my plan to eat up into my photo shoot which means i'm like fourteen or fifteen days away from the actual o shot itself i don't like i said i don't really think that i gained two pounds from five hundred calories of brownies it's just the scale playing catch up at this point and i think with a little bit of aggression and focus i can still get to one eighty two and then eat my way back up it's just you know one of those one of those things that happens and i'm susceptible to that i love sweets i love brownies and i didn't m cheated all the entire diet so here we are you know twelve days away from the end and i had a whole whole whole bunch of brownies and they were amazing but that's that's my diet up date figured out be as transparent possible any thoughts on any of that


yeah it's funny that i mean i'm sorry it's not funny but it is funny that you're like




i did great for twelve weeks then




the right one at the time where i need it the most i like have a have a step of a falter step of i don't want to say commitment but like let's say that's like a will power thing and i've always




said like i have very average at best will power it's like i plan to not need it and that's generally how i set things up right in high satiety food swaps all of that stuff like the whole




goals do not need your will power




i mean interesting




interestingly there yeah it's not like the you had five hundred calories of brownie and brownies and put on two pounds of fat that's like very common misconception that people have you have muscle glycogen increase from all of the carbohydrate right which is then going to pull water into the cell i mean so it's a lot more than just like calories in alors out works over a long enough time horizon it




breaks down in very acute settings of like okay aid an extra two hundred calories over the six hour period like you know when you break it down into those small sub sets the calories in calories loses its it's like i don't say accuracy or efficacy but in very acute situations like that so it's like it's got contents it's potentially inflammation from money may be a large increase how much i remember seeing the ingredient was it was there butter in it


yeah i mean it was basically butter sugar and chocolate like those are the main






it could just be like an increase in food that you don't typically eat you can get some like




a low grade in tolerance food and tolerance response to that i mean there is a myriad of issues




or not issues




marie s


i mean i had the most fat that i've had in like any given sitting because brownies like like they're definitely sugar dense but they're they're very fat dense right and then i had also had twelve ounces of steak along with that so like i probably digested something like fifty grams of fat in a matter of like a sitting you know and and fifties usually like my daily amount at




this point so


m hm might just have to




up the steps put the hammer down and sleep are




you have you do you have any like sleep supplementation you're doing or anything like that to help you bridge some of those






never i never do i actually like as we know on this podcast i like to indulge in in medical mariana and and that is just the best thing ever for sleep latency that's what you call it when you go to sleep right




so yeah my sleep latency is never ever ever an issue i fall asleep almost unprompted at nine p m almost nightly and then it's really at that point just a matter of whether i get up to p and how my body heat is at that point when i get up to p as far as weather can get back to sleep easily or not


ye got to understood


you have some diet up date too and then maybe we can jump into some training up dates


yeah let's do it so my kind of diet update is that i am what i call fake re camping which has actually been really really fun so i'm calling it like a fake slash sedorecomp because it's really just muscle that i have already previously like built




that i am really reclaiming of sorts and then while i'm also like slowly leaning out so like my it's been i just submitted my third check in with alex physique development so that means we've been doing this for four




weeks now my weight is only down on average maybe about a pound and a half from like the high one ninety four like the one like the mid one ninety three's but i've been meaning to put the ether like a post and stuff on social media but i mean the change in the check and photos is very very visible so it's




really really cool how like i was coming off a period like i don't wan to call it my worst but like there was travel for essential kind of like a week and a half right getting your set up circadianrhythm off my training prior to that was not great so there's a lot of like variables i guess stacked away from how i normally would be and then it was a really great time to start because i was like i had a good true evaluation like this is when things are all over the place for my schedules and consistent sort of thing and then he it is like four hard honest weeks back on track even though my weight hasn't change like significantly




i have a significant change in representation of that weight which is really really cool


yeah dude that's really legit i mean it was kind of inevitable that once you dialed things back in that that that muscle was going to come back really quickly and that's just a cool testament that lie for anybody that's at any intermediate or advanced stage of training just how what's the word i'm looking for suboptimal you can be and a not lose much but then whatever you do lose how quickly it comes back


that's always one of the fun things is like how quickly things come back and then kind of on a very similar avenue to that we are changing my training starting next week so i have been doing like a neurological phase here so four weeks of that and i have interesting thing is like strength comes back




kind of rather quickly once you find like your movement patterns again especially like some of the compounds but one of the things it also is when those look ramp up quickly like some joints aren't quite prepared for that and i've like within like the last two weeks like my lower back has been like tight




again like my elbow inner elbow pain is back from pulling really heavy type stuff so we're just going to switch out to a metabolic




phase now which is which is going to be interesting let's call it that but one of the things where i'm like




cool i'm excited right because the whole purpose of this was was to learn more but at the same time i'm like damn i'm just hitting my stride and like adding the interesting thing here is like everything is in kilo so it's like okay i'm gonna put you know five k loads on the bar and like that's another eleven pounds you go upon dumb bells are okay i'm going up in five five key load dumb bells that's eleven




pounds it's like my strength is coming back and i'm like damn it's fun because like i'm like just literally loading things like hey well i'm gonna you know last week i hit the whatever like the forty fives for my last set of five this week i'm going to like the forty seven point five actually have a two point five increase on that one but it's like okay we did that now we're changing years and i'm like but i'm just




getting stronger again yeah


yeah well i mean when the goal is hypertrophy then the neurological phase isn't really about maximizing strength necessarily


exactly and that's what he told me in my check was like it's he's like what i would i'm kind of paraphrasing what he said and not that i speak for him but he's like basically just we only want to take a brief enough period away to re sensitized to hypertrophy so we can get back to the goal and i




totally get that


totally and the way that like this strength neurological phases programme as it's not like we've discussed it's not sets up like one to three where you're trying to like essentially be a power lifter here er you're just very gradually slightly lowering rep ranges from what are hypertrophy rep ranges and mostly using similar exercise selection


so like i said everything in mind has been between the fort and eight rep range


right which is






been fun


like that's how i trained with max o t for years




like all through college i trained max o t and literally everything was four to eight reps like everything it was a hybertrepy program it was just a low rap perche program um cool well i have some training updates to m since that one bad day that i mentioned last week on t p where i just had no motivation i think it was the saturday prior i e had a slew of just fantastic training sessions since then the one movement that almost ubiquitously is struggles during deficits for me over the years has been like chest pressing and so i have the fly press movement with the dumb bells that i use and last diet that thing lost two reps across the diet i was doing like five for ten and then by the end of the diet last year it was eighty five for eight and both of those were like a zero r r set type thing um this time i'm putting the fly press second so that i don't have the same emotional connection to it so i do a bunch of cable pressing first and then i do the dumb bell fly press after that so my top set is with seventy fives and i started the diet at ten reps it dropped down to nine n i can't remember if it dropped to eight but it was it's been hovering around nine for most of this diet and then just yesterday i got ten again so so that was pretty cool on like a movement that i never progressed on at all maybe it's brownie power you know those extra calories putting them to good use and then i'm also seeing progress on there's two movements that the lengthened overload stuff that i'm doing on them is progressing so i think some of this could be neurological so i'm not going to say that like i'm sitting here you know gaining muscle making hypertry happen in the end of my dees but but it's pretty cool because here's kind of the way this is playing out so on on leg extension i do a reverse drop set on one of the days and last week when i did this reverse drop set i went up to two hundred and twenty five for the reverse and it's basically just supposed to be partial reps that where the range emotion drops off and that's exactly how went to twenty five it was like eighty per cent range emotion then seventy you know then a sixty and it just kind of slowly dropped off well yesterday or the day before when i was doing like extensions i did the reverse drop set with two thirty five so i did ten it's more than i did last week and it could be argued that i got one or two full range of motion reps before i even began to drop off range of motion so heavier weight and potentially more range emotion there and then i noticed the same thing on my forty five degree hip extension where two weeks ago when i did my hundred pound dumb bells i got one full range of motion rap and then a bunch of partials and then this week i i for sure got at least two full range of motion reps and then the partials thereafter and whenever i'm dropping into these partials i'm noticing more range of motion on the partial uh then i was getting in prior weeks too so like my eighth partial this week had more range of motion than my eighth partial last week type thing and this is you know reviewed on video and stuff like that too so so it's cool that whether this is neurological or whatever this this represents it's just cool that it's unique and new enough that i'm able to make progress on something and actually pursue progress during this period of being in a deficit so so that's all super positive on the training side and i am it's now as we're recording this is june fourteenth and so i'm really approaching kind of the point now where i'm about to hit my de load week so i think what the plan is going to be is when i begin my eat up into the photo shoot which is supposed to start on six twenty four is ten days from now i think i'm going to just go into my de load from that point and take kind of an extended de load that will go into the photo shoot and then finish with our our travels to wisconsin which we're leaving for wisconsin on june thirtieth we're going to drive there and so by the time i get settled in it will be july second something like that and i'll probably start my new training cycle in the beginning of july which will give me from six twenty four to seven two so eight or nine days of kind of de load period of time which i think should actually facilitate a better photo shoot too so in prior years i've always trained as hard as i ever would leading up into the photo shoot but i think this time combining the linear load of the carbs with the decrease in training volume and intensity may facilitate just better glikage and retention overall so um that is the plan going forward for the next two weeks or so and i actually have a bunch of other stuff to talk about i want to save for next episode because it's some discussion around some stuff i've done with cass recent podcast i did with him i also have a follow up to one of the questions we did on our instagram q and a last week so let's save that stuff for for some training content on next episode and if you have any more updates feel free to jump in otherwise we can move into topic of the day here


i just have a couple coaching updates so i have three spots open for my coaching capabilities container that i'm accepting mail coaches only right now focusing on what best and then we'll open up from there i've decided to keep that super super small format for the first cohort so it will be maxed out at five people and then i'll run that first cohort for a couple o months before starting a second one and then i will also have around ten nutrition coaching spots for starting at the end of june so i guess by the time this episode releases if you're listening to this you can reach out and pick me that again males that i work with be prepared to come learn ask a lot of questions we will get labs we will get texas will do a lot of really cool objective stuff and teach you a whole around your body and the pursuit of health and




physique related endeavors at the same time so if any of that is interesting to you please reach out to me




you can send me an email aron at strike or neuter on co dot com you can hit my website straker nutrition code dot com or you can easily pick me on social media as well with that brian you're ready to get into our








plus topics for




tips for for productive gaming season


yeah totally real quick i just realized as you were sitting there promoting your coaching that i should probably promote some of the stuff that i do that's happening so




give me like one minute here


yeah let's do it


i i




always forget to do this man i don't know i don't know i'm just like focused on the topic at hand but




we at paragon are starting new cycles across all our programs on june twentieth so basically when this episode




comes out on the twenty first will be one day into the




new cycles all programs are starting new cycles but




more importantly




and probably relevant is that physique programs hybrid programs are both starting a strength cycle and our strength cycles are probably a little more strengthy and the way that none or alex bush is doing it with you so we do hang out in what would be the one to six rep range and this cycle i'm actually instituting a wave loading protocol for all of our string the work so across six weeks reps are going go six reps in week one four reps in week two two reps in week three so six for two and then the next three weeks it's gonna wave back through and it's going to go five three and and then obviously that one is going to be our max testing period so the key to the cycle is the first three weeks because if you nail the six four two then when you come back through and you go five three one you'll essentially do your five with the four rep weight you'll do your threes with the two rep weight and then when you get to one's you'll basically be primed and ready to go for some one max testings so the way we construct our cycles at paragon is in twenty four week macro cycles so this is our six weeks strength phase which will then be followed by six week metabolic phase and then from there we'll go into a twelve week hypertrefephase so that's kind of the twenty four week structure we use and should be a really cool strength cycle this time around


yeah i love that i love how i mean i just love everything you do brian with how you structure things




and stuff that i'm








sending people your way because it's one of those tingstait's like i know it's done right so mike if you if you want this go to brian because i know it's done well so can




always i'll








co sign for you for sure


yeah man well let's jump into the to the episode here so should we start with basically when we broke this down into the five tips as you may expect arens tips were mostly nutrition based and my tips were mostly training based but i think that a lot of my training based ones could just be lumped into his one category called physiological changes that could enhance your training during a gaining phase or something along those lines so we're basically going to put like the four main points that i had about training into the section and just call it like training tips um so we'll start with that and then we'll jump into the four nutrition ones and then aaron and i actually collaborated on one of the nutrition ones too and we both had the exact same uh same answer here




so that one should be fun too but jumping into training i'll just go over quickly the four that i came up with and then we can delve into them a little deeper if we want to but essentially i have volume or effort could be slightly higher you could it has an opportunity to specialize in a muscle group you can take a more aggressive progression approach and you could potentially select more lengthened damaging overload movements so those would be the four do you want to jump in at all and thoughts on any of the four specifically


yeah i mean the first one number one like volume or effort could be slightly higher and one of the reasons and this is going to be something that kind of ties into another one is like you have more food you have more recovery capacities you can push things a little bit and your recovery capacity is increased so you can give it a little more than you normally would otherwise be able to without that onalcovery capacity


yeah exactly and when i wrote this out initially i didn't put and our effort i just wrote volumes slightly higher and then i changed it cause i don't actually think that that's necessarily the right answer it might be for some people like slightly higher volume could could be the approach that works for you but it very much could be that you just want to work with slightly higher efforts and either one of those can facilitate an increase in mechanical tension stimulus so i feel much better kind of providing that option because i think the pendulum has swung a bit in the last year or two regarding volume being the primary driver of hypertrophy thing like that notion is and it ly still out there but i think it's it's kind of swinging to to it being this like balancing ratio scales thing of volume and effort so whether you apt to take that more of like that three to six r i r approach and just hammer volume or you want to do a bit higher effort approach and maybe you know maybe you're somebody that already trains to wrote one r r in most cases well maybe this is an opportunity for you to experiment and add some of those techniques that i use with the length and overload the partial the reverse drop sets one and a half things like that rest pause sets where like for example even in my diet right now like i never push past one set of any of those techniques like i'll do straight sets and then on the final set i'll do one of those but maybe in a gaining phase for me i would con it are adding two sets of those or three sets of those may be going into partial for more sets so there's a number like rest pause sets too like i always do just one rest pause set so like somebody d m m esterday i was like how would you count volume if you're doing four rest pause sets and i'm like wait you mean like you do a buyin set and then you know rest fifteen seconds and another set and then fifteen seconds another set and like all the way down until you've done four those and he was like yeah yeah and i was like god that's really hard to say because you're getting like you know three to five effective reps every time you do it but i don't know if i feel good calling it a full set but that's like an example of an approach that i wouldn't take in a deficit that i think would be something that may be could could help facilitate growth and be able to recover from if you're in a surplus so so that ball it's a volume and effort is kind of up to you on how you want to implement that but you definitely just have more recovery resources and ways that you can use that oh


yeah i don't have anything else to add on that one


and then with specialization the reason i think that that's so relevant here is is thinking back to like last year and we did our abs experiment you remember that we did our abs experiment and i posted about it on instagram and i had a couple of critiques that that i really i like that people provided me this feedback but they were like you know can you really expect your abs to grow by specializing on them or even in that case it was specializing because i wasn't training them and then i went to training them but they're like can you really expect them to grow because you're in a deficit and and that that you know is very relevant because if you're going to specialize on a muscle group man you got to give it some nutrition to be able to support that growth and so from that experience i now will pretty much not someone on any sort of specialization without at least being you know maintenance or maintenance plus so that you can provide the nutritional resources that you need to facilitate that growth so that along the lines of with specialization like yes you're providing at the building blocks and the nutrition so that it can grow but then you also have the recovery available so that you can implement some of number one the volume or the effort on a specific muscle group so you can kind of you have more freedom on the way that you can design your programming and essentially say like hey i want my arms to grow so we're going to use some sort of tactic whether it's like a escalating volume protocol or an increasing effort protocol or a combination of the two and and we're going to put the this food to good use and we're going to grow a body part


yeah i agree there i don't have anything to ad on that one i mean super straightforward on doesn't make




the most sense to specialize when you're




even your muscle building




you know resources are very thin


a more aggressive approach to progression is the third one on training and i think this one's kind of self explanatory it's like if you're in a deficit you may not increase at all or if you do it's probably mostly neurological and you know it's a rep here or rep there when you are giving your body more food and recovery resources you might be able to progress a little faster and i would say that like if you're oscillating on that spectrum of philosophical approach to progressive overload of just kind of like sitting there and waiting for it to happen so that you know you can then be like oh shit look i got stronger let's add some weight versus the more purposeful approach to progressive overload where you kind of you know force the hand and maybe every week you're adding a pound or two pounds two raps or a wrap or whatever it is like like you kind of go into the session with an intention to increase it's really like a mental state maybe it's like either i go into the session to like see what happens or i go into the session to be like you i'm going to handle this ship and i am going to add a wrap er i'm going to add two point five pounds or whatever it is so so maybe your mind set is just such you are going to push for progression instead of waiting for progression to come to you a little bit more


yeah i mean that it's a perfect time for that because of again you you're well fed the recovery capacity is there the extra resources to facilitate the adaptation are there and you can really i mean at least i believe you should be pushing for that during these times






and then the last one on training




is selecting more lengthened overload movements and i think this one at least if you listen to us and follow us s pretty self explanatory to just when you're in that fed state you can just recover from more so you should use more movements that are more effective not to say that there is n't advantage to using short overload movements and that's actually one of the topics that we're saving for next episode with the discussion i had with cass um so so it's not the movements are the short overload movements are bad and like one of the really positives of short overload movements is the way that it can shuttle blood nutrients and glyogitant stuff into the muscles a little bit more effectively and facilitate that and what's at the actual term i'm looking for there




perfect yeah there we go so so so i think that that is a reason to use short overload movements in a in a gaining phase too but it's more just like hey you know if you're going to push the limits on things like ardls and pendulum squats um and select more of these like length and bias movements for other muscle groups then then doing that and adding volume and effort and the things that we discussed above in a gaining phase are just going to be a more prudent move as far as you know making sure that you are recovered and not causing so much damage that you can't actually facilitate growth


yeah i agree completely




on that one i don't have much to add on it


cool well let's jump into the first nutrition category


yeah and i mean this one isn't so much nutrition i guess but what i have here is like you just have to give yourself enough time to actually create a tangible change that's probably not weeks that's definitely not six weeks and it may not even be potentially twelve weeks like the last time i went on a gaining phase it was eight months long and i put on i was like one ninety five i put on about eleven pounds eleven to twelve pounds in that eight months and it was like it was a lot of food at slow obviously at a more advanced training age it's going to be slower but um it's something that will people often try and undershot like i'm goin t go on an eight week gaining faith and then i'm going to cut for six weeks and i'm like you're going to end up exactly where you are right now at the end of those whatever you know fourteen weeks is and it's unless you're like a beginner or something like that people think things will change much faster than they actually do and if you do want to create a tangible change actually improve your physique or when you do deficit and let's say like a year from now give yourself four five six seven eight months or even up to you know a year plus of actually eating for changing put man




significant amount of tissue you think they're brian


yeah i fully agree i actually it makes me think of something else that's kind of related which is you often hear this idea of cementing your gains which more or less might be this concept of you know after you do a gaining phase you don't want to jump right into a defi because their potentially is a delayed effect of hypertrophy that maybe takes two to six weeks to like fully cement what are your thoughts on that i've heard mike tell talk a lot about this and i don't know what if there's scientific basis for it it's just conjecture yeah


i don't to my knowledge there's there's nothing really supporting it nothing that i've seen at least however from from my own theory and conjecture standpoint i do somewhat agree with it because let's say someone has like like i have a client right who has a goal weight of like one seventy five that was a ten pound gaining face if we were to just like okay we hit it let's go into a deficit now like because your food is so high once you know near the end of the scanyphase if you're just still cut that back down to maintenance or whatever you're going no blues at least like one to three some pounds just through because some of it's gonna be like gout content glikaginand




that sort of thing so like with most things on a gaining phase if there is a weight target or something like that i like to overshoot a little bit knowing that when we bring food back to an estimated maintenance it's going to drop down a little bit to the same thing




vice versa let's say someone has a goal of like a hundred and eighty pounds for a fat loss phase i'm going to recommend we push to like one seventy six one seventy seven because i know when we reverse




up we're going to put on two three four five pounds from their sort of thing so




yeah to wrap it up nothing that i know in the research however do agree with some of what mike has you know stated in this


gotcha and then i want to also just pull out one other thing you said there that i relate to to and i think is something others should should take into account is the idea of slow weight gain over a long period of time and so you mentioned i think it was eight months and you gained eleven or twelve pounds and so when you look at my last three years of my nutritional periodization i follow a ver very similar route to that where i diet for three to four months and i gain for eight to nine months and during the period of gaining it's almost always twelve to fifteen pounds over eight to nine months and so you're looking at you know one and a third one and a half pounds maybe up to two each month depending kind of on the month and where i am and the process obviously the first pounds from one eighty two to one ninety are going to come on a lot faster and then the pounds from one ninety to one ninety five are going to come quite a bit slower but but i think that that's important and it extends your runway and that's the most important part when when like in the past i would get really aggressive with my because either i was done with the diet and i was like all the food you know or it was like there's a massive change in life style like i remember in uh in college and post college it would be like okay dieting time and there would be like all of this you know focus on training and eating the right foods but then also a bunch of cardio like i would prioritize going for runs and more bike rides and all of these different things right and then you go into gaining phase and suddenly all of that would stop and it would just be like okay i'm gaining now and i'm like a solitary sedentary the sedentary guy who just like drinks cohol in the weekends and then trains really hard during the week and and and though that wasn't super effective because the scale would just shoot up and then i would want to diet again and it would be this like yo yo ing thing so so taking this more sustainable long term approach of maybe a pound a month or a pound and a half a month or something like that is going to allow you to continue gaining over time and maybe some of that cementing actually happens during the game phase because it's not like you're going eight to twelve weeks and then you're like okay i need to cement it it's like you're going nine months so whatever cementing was happening like probably already happened you know


yeah yeah




i totally agree with that that kind of ties into a couple of things that




else we're going to talk about and just for that estimating thing like like shameless self plug here like i sell muscle gain and fat models that do this periodizing and estimating for you based on the evidence be research we have on natural body builders for periods of gaining and fat loss so if you want to go on a gating pane and you don't know how much you should be aiming for per week i have something that you can find on my socials on my website that literally does all that for you and then the thing that i like that you said um here brian is it ties into a little bit of like what we're going to talk about on flexibility so you said like hey i will diet for like three to four months but then




i will spend to nine months like not dieting




and when you're not dieting and eating more we have increased you know let's let's just talk about it right now we'll flop them so the next one we had was like incorporate ting more lifestyle and nutrition flexibility i am a very very big proponent of when we are dieting the outcome of the goal is to get the job done right so many people try fat loss instead of achieving fat loss because they're trying to use the same flexibility that they were at you or of surplus but we're not we have smaller mark and so i'm a big fan of like get in we get what we came for and we get the fuck out but now we have seven eight nine months of increased you know flexibility for social events family dinners all of these things when you're in a calory surplus it is the perfect time to leverage a lot of this flexibility so um one the last thing that i have here before i'll kick it over because this is the topic where




we both have like a similar no is




in a realistic calory surplus scenario you may need to break some of your otherwise healthy eating habits so the most kind of prominent one that i will use here is fruit juices and they generally will still recommend not from concentrate fruit juices but you make it to a period where like you're full right you really don't want more food but if you're gaining is slowing down and in your you know under that rate of gain now we may incorporate some




more calorically dense lower volume food items and really great one here is like an orange juice right




if you're in a calory deficit lowing fifty grams of carbs on orange juice is a terrible idea when you're in a calory surplus and you don't want to sucking eat any more and you still have more food to eat orange juice is a great idea




so i just understanding like the appropriateness of the context what the end goal is and flipping some of those you know healthy eating habit now goes to a you go or go to




can be beneficial for sure


yeah i always kind of giggle when people bring up the like things like liquid calories like you know just guzzle orange juice or grape juice or whatever and abel and i actually discussed this on a podcast we were on a couple weeks ago but we always find it funny because neither of us feel like we would have any problem eating food as long as you know we don't have to necessarily focus on food quality and so when you're when you're talking about just guzzling orange juice you're literally talking about like you know taking down fifty grams of sugar so it doesn't get much lower food quality than just like guzzling sugar um i mean there there there there there certainly are ways you can guzzle sugar and fat together but but like it's just it's just like if i have two hundred three hundred calories instead of guzzling orange juice i'm probably going to have like a bag and cream cheese or something along those lines where i get a similar calory dose but actually get to eat foods that i




enjoy so i just think that's funny and able so this conversation came up because steve hall was talking about it how he can never get past like four thousand calories without supplementing with like you know liquid calories it's a mask gain or like things like orange sets and stuff like that and so we were just joking around what our limit would be an able was like man it would would be like six thousand calories or something like that you know




and that was my awful able accent but




but i don't know man i think there's certainly like a cumulative piece to it too like like over time um four thousand calories gets more difficult over time than five thousand gets more difficult and six thousand gets more difficult so maybe i could eat six thousand for like three days but then the fourth day i would be like i think i'm just going to fast because i'm going to die otherwise type thing




go ahead


and it's also




it's relative to the distribution of the calories there's a lot of people out there who will still say like passed a certain level like more dietary fats like is just not going to fuel your gains nearly as much as extra




carbohydrate wood and that




was kind of more what i was referencing




to like when




i hit the point where i think in my last gaming phase where my carbsereat like five fifty is per day and i was funking over it and like my coach was like let's just we're going no i couldn't do any more oats because i couldn't digest them and he was like let's just i was doing i think like seventy five grams of carbs a day of orange juice because yeah there was just so much in the m of carbohydra




you can all eat so much like rice and oats and cream of rice and bananas and in different fruits and stuff before it it's catch up




or it's just like you just the just digest slow and you're just uncomfortable




for sure


i think this begs the question though of like if you're in a gaining phase and you're giving yourself a cloricseraplus which is like the ultimate catalyst for growth here like psychologically there's an argument that trying to get super specific with sure that maybe specifics the wrong word but trying to get so nuance where you know i'm really working on keeping fats down like i'm in this gaining phase but i'm still going to keep my fats under seventy five or whatever like a reasonable number is and i'm going to take my carbs up to like five fifty i mean like psychologically that takes a lot of work to to manipulate your diet in a manner that allows that to happen because you still have to basically be eating the exact same foods that you eat when you're dieting it doesn't really open you up to the ability to to have a lot of this nutritional freedom if you're still trying to hit five hundred and fifty carbs and seventy five grams of fat a day so like for me i just wonder whether that optimality really you know the opportunity cost of i have to be so focused on this all the time like basically year around now because i have the time where i'm dieting where i have to be super focused on it and then i have my gaining phase where i also need to be super focused on it and psychologically that's that's burdensome for me so i find the three or four months ating period to be the period where i really want to like dial in and focus on that and then i use the eight or nine months of the off season to kind of psychologically separate from the rigidity of diet and give myself that freedom to have more of those foods where the fats can get up to like a hundred or a hundred and twenty and then therefore the carbs can stay at four hundred or something like that and they don't need get all the way up to five fifty to to facilitate that gaining phiz


i agree with that and i think there's definitely like a threshold i think that like one hundred to one hundred and twenty is probably like nearing the top of that threshold but i know people who we be like i can't confidently say enough myself but i do know of people who understand like the biochemistry of certain like pathways much better than i do who we could bring on the podcast to really say like this is why you push carbohydrate as hard as you can and you want to limit fat i do know people where they're like they'll just push fats up to like the two hundreds the two twenties




and at that rate like you're not using it it's not optimal for for replenishment of clycogen and fueling your trading sessions








it's already coming in in the same you know like chemical make up that you stored anatopose tissue you're just going a get fat faster but it's like




where is that threshold you know and i don't




i can't confidently say where




that is


yeah well i know it's like there's certainly experts that i respect on both sides of that spectrum because you know like erick helms is a perfect example of somebody who always takes that like out of middle of the road like it may not move the needle that much approach and it bothers me when he does it with training sometimes where he's like yeah just sit down and stand up you're squatting you know it's cool and so there's like no no nuance there and i'm like but dude like come on you know but like then when when he aligned with the way that i look at things like like every time he talks about the off season and he's like yeah just carbis and fat however you want him is fine you know pproachinat body weight like don't don't over think it too much and so when he says that like he had to totally like i fully aligned with you you know so so his kind of middle of the road approach i guess it just depends if you want to aline with it or not in either case and then




you have someone like steve and dr mike on the other side that are like yes pushed the carbis for all of those reasons that you said


and i mean there's more not to really you know go down the rabbit hole here but there's going to be genetic differences person to person where if fats go above a certain level your liquids are going start to tank or i guess by by the ould be the complete opposite tank they're going to take off your deal




is going to be super higher traglisritis going to be super high




if you were to take that same you know calories and now it




becomes an opportunity cost push those over to carbo hydrate let's you're insolent sensitive in your glucose what's the word i'm looking for your




let's go with insolent sensitivity




is you know sufficient you're not going to get that scene where i don't want to speak in absolute you may not get that same negative impact on lipids by taking that same out of calories and pushing it over to carbohydrate and then vice versa there's going to be people who have insolent sensitivity issues and when their carbs go up past a certain threshold they get like elevated liver ends s and things like that their fasting insolence starts to rise their fasting luco starts to rise there may be other reasons you know why these are the cases but for those people if that's all they if those are the only tools you know disposable disposable to them or available to them at this time it may not be optimal but they should push the fats because one of the things i have




one of my last




tip is like health needs to be should be a priority for you know a lot of these considerations still so it's like




just it's a it's a lot to unfold is basically what what we're getting at


ah no i fully agree man i fully agree i think like ultimately to boil it down for me it's really like a psychological piece of i don't think that this is sustainable for me if i had to be diet brian mind set twelve months a year and so for diet brian mind set to exist for three to four months a year then free living brian has to exist the other eight or nine months a year and that's i kind of i guess the sacrifice that i've decided is okay to make


and and i completely agree with that and everyone is going to have that it's a spectrum right and everyone is going to exist on that spectrum in different tendencies or




ratios i guess are percentage




in either direction


for sure


o i think we kind of hammered that one down so the




fourth one we have is that have here and quotes lean gains are actually the goal right so it often gets bastardized into thinking that like you are going to put on one hundred percent lean body mass and not add any body fat which is not the case for us natural trainings but that doesn't mean that you need to go to g f r or g f h method which get fucking huge and just eat everything and get overly fat because the interesting thing i guess it's not really interesting it's kind of sad is you cannot force feed hypertrophy so if let's say based on your training age your exercise modality or genet in your lifestyle you can put on a maximum of zero point four pounds per month of actual lean body mass and that's not all going to be like actual tensile tissue some of that's going to be interacellular fluid which is technically you know the body mess if you put on half a pound per month and zero point four of that goes to lean body mass that is an incredible




partitioning ratio p ratio if you put on three pounds o wait month and you're only putting on four pounds of lean body mass you are just getting fatter faster


point far


right for thank you brian you're just getting faster you're just getting fatter faster than you really need to so you do not you will put on some body fat that's just the nature of the beast and the more advanced do you get the worst that kind of ratio becomes and you need to put on more body fat to you know facilitate more of those gains but you do not want to necessarily try and force feed your height pertrofee because you are just going to have to deal with that then on the back end and make your diet much harder than it needs to be


yeah i mean a super good example of this is like in college when i gained thirty pounds in freshman ear and i was not doing it healthfully i was eating all the crappy food that there was and i would guess random guests looking back in history that it was probably like half and half fifteen fat fifteen muscle if i even at the amount of calories i was eating then right now not even to mention the quality of food like say i was even doing it clean and i was eating as many calories as i was doing back then i would be gaining almost all that like i think of the thirty pounds that i gained it would be like three to five would be like glycagin and other fluids and then maybe like one pound of muscle and like twenty four pounds of fat and so this kind of just speaks into you know the way that this happens as we become more advanced and so when i the thirty pounds you know i was in my fourth year of training so i was able to really realize a lot of that food into growth whereas now like i would even venture that when i go from one eighty two to one ninety five over my eight or nine months gaining period a i would still say the same that may be three to five pounds or like like a gin and fluid retention and food volume and stuff like that and then maybe there's half a pound of muscle maybe a pound and then the other half pound or so is realized when i diet because maybe i do a better job dieting than i did the last time i dieted right so i do all of this this this oscillating up of nutrition and the coming down and the up and down and all of that for like a total net gain of half a pound to a pound of muscle over the course of a year so in my case it makes zero sense for me to do anything above the bare minimum above maintenance right like it could even be argued that me going from one to one ninety five over nine months is too fast like i'm getting too much fat during that time and i would probably be better off going from like one eighty two to one eighty eight and just kind of hanging out between like one eighty seven and one ninety most of the time because there probably isn't a whole lot of muscle to be gained as the body weight creeps up so anyway that that's my thought on the mat and i think that it very much is individual and depends on where you are in your training journey


yeah it definitely is going to be individualized like i said and like you said with your training age um but there's there's information on it if you go looking which is pretty cool yeah


yep for sure


the last thing that i have here number five is keep your health a priority this is something that like brian was just alluding to with the whole gaming thirty pounds it is thing that i have bastardized really really poorly in the past and really it was a permabulk that i had went on for and like two and a half years minus some time




spent recovering from a ne surgery that really it gave me the the opportunity to really start learning about some of these things so we have quote here from from brandon the cruise who's a friend and and some on hand the blockpodcast before as something he says often is a healthy body is a responsive body so if your diet quality absolutely tanks and you're a bloated inflamed mess don't mistake the importance of optima of an optimallyfunctioning body for your




goal of hypertrophy if you




are super inflamed if you're not digesting




your food if you're having super loose valve movements your super super gas and stuff do not mistake that you think that you will be you know assimilating those nutrients and functioning well with these things going on those are signals from your body saying asshole what's going on can you please




fucking stop it would behove you to listen


a lot of that happens downstream too so like you have one of those




things that you know like you're eating all this food so then the downstream




effect is you know loose bowels and then down stream effect of that is you know your body temperature as you're regulated while you're sleeping so you're constantly up and like your stomach is constantly turning stuff over and then you're going into your workouts and you're you're underslaped you're under focused under recover your body is using all of these resources to try and figure out what's happening in your gut and maybe you're losing some of the mental acuity where you would have energy to support brain function so i think that there is a ton of downstream effects associated with with putting chitty food into your body and i know that i can feel it like fun i had i had brownies and in twelve weeks i hadn't had any like high fat high sugar foods and then boom i have brownies and like literally the next day i woke up and just brain fog and felt off and it's kind of funny how if you do that enough i remember looking back in my youth you know my earlier days that if you eat enough really shifty food and back to back to back to back days then that just becomes your new normal just kind of feel like that's the way it is and you don't realize that there's there's better out there that that you can feel a ton better have more energy more mental focus and stuff like that and then all of that has those cascading down stream effects into like the quality of your training and stuff like that


you really hit the nail on the head there i mean it's really really important the thing you said about that sliding cascade effect there's a call that the diminishing subjective state of well being so you think is normal but it's really just you have subjectively been i guess objectively been sliding in your perception of what normal is has been sliding with that into where you just feel normal when you're bloated in you know inflamed sort of thing so




uh yeah so those are the top five from brian and we got some notable mentions here but i think we kind of ended up covering them in in our correspond from each so the last thing i will have that i feel like maybe we didn't cover is we kind of covered it at the end pay attention to your g i your gas to test and track the quality of free digestion that is something that eventually will kind of put the breaks on your gaining phase because there comes a time where your body can really only digest so much food there's only so much time in the day that sort of thing just now that pay attention you can always pull back a little bit get things moving a little bit better and then slowly tightrate up again








else you want to add on the back end of this one brian


no i think we're good on this i'll just tease the next episode real quick with the three points that i want to discuss at least as part of updates next week if not as part of the topic of the day but we have some discussion around




short overload movements and the utility of them




we have something i've really been intrigued about recently that i mentioned i think on the last episode here which is the idea of grinding reps versus kind of this more stop and release and kind of some insights into that through a discussion with cass and then the guy that asked on our last instagram q and a last week about whether there's a minimum session volume he had a follow up question about how to know when a muscle is recovered and making sure that you're not waiting too long to hit that muscle group again so i think that those three can create some some injury seeing discussion for next week and i'm sure we'll have a couple other things to add to that pot as well


yeah i'm pumped that that some of them got pushed next week because i haven't finished part two of the come at me bro episodes with you




you able cast and dave so give me time to finish that and we can talk about stuff


i like it sounds good


awesome so as always everyone thank you so much for listening to eat train prosper brian and i will talk to you next week i couldn't find this

00:00 Episode introduction/life updates
Physiological changes that could enhance your training during a gaining phase
If you specialize in a muscle group, give it some nutrition to be able to support that growth
A more aggressive approach to progression is more lengthened overload movements
Slow weight gain over a long period of time
If you're in a calory deficit lowing fifty grams of carbs on orange juice is a terrible idea
Incorporate more lifestyle and nutrition flexibility
Keep health a priority! A healthy body is a responsive body. - Brandon DaCruz
Keep metrics on your average rate of gain and month-over-month averages.